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51 Cards in this Set

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The third stage of the demographic cycle is represented by:
a)declining birth rate; low death rate
b)high birth rate; declining death rate
c)high birth rate; high death rate
d)low birth rate; high death rate
On a worldwide basis, what was the total fertility rate in 2007?
a) 1.6
b) 2.0
c) 2.7
d) 3.7
During industrialisation, rapid increase in Europe's population were alleviated by:
a) emigration to North America and Australia
b) high unemployment
c) increasing use of contraceptives
d) very high death rates
The consequences of zero population growth does not include:
a) a growing labour force
b) increasing old age dependency ratio
c) increasing proportion of older citizens
d) higher pension and social service costs
A country with a crude birth rate of 44 and a crude death rate of 11 would have a natural increase of:
a) 3.3%
b) 33%
c) 33
d) 5.5%
What term refers to the number of economic dependents each 100 people in the productive years must support?
a) arithmetic density
b) carrying capacity
c) population pyramid
d) dependency ratio
The demographic transition model was developed to explain the population history of:
a) the World
b) Western Europe
c) Asia
d) the United States
On a worldwide basis, population grows when:
a) births exceed deaths
b) births exceed migration
c) deaths exceed births
d) migration exceeds births
Overpopulation is equated with areas:
a) in the first stage of the demographic cycle with high fertility rates
b) of high birth rates
c) of imbalanced fertility rates and dependency ratios
d) with a continuing imbalance between the numbers of people and the carrying capacity of the land
What total fertility rate is required to just replace the world's existing population:
a) 1.0
b) 1.1
c) 2.0
d) 2.1
About what proportion of people on earth live south of the equator:
a) 10 percent
b) 20 percent
c) 25 percent
d) 40 percent
A population pyramid with a very wide base narrowing slightly as the age cohorts progress indicates:
a) decline
b) rapid growth
c) slow growth
d) stability
Oman, with a crude birth rate of 36 and a crude death rate of 4, would be in which stage of the demographic cycle:
a) stage 1
b) stage 2
c) stage 3
d) stage 4
Currently, the world's population stands at approximately:
a) 6.6 billion
b) 1 billion
c) 6.7 billion
d) 7.4 billion
Presently, the highest rates of natural increase in population are found in which region of the world:
a) Africa
b) Asia
c) Europe
d) South America
Europe as a whole, including Russia, is experiencing:
a) rapid population growth
b) moderate population growth
c) slow population growth
d) negative population growth
More developed countries differ from less developed countries because they have:
a) higher rates of natural increase
b) higher rates of physiological density
c) shorter doubling times
d) lower birth rates
Which of the following is not considered one of the four great clusters of population:
a) northeastern U.S/southeastern Canada
b) South Asia
c) South America
d) Europe
The majority of the world's population growth is occurring in nations now considered:
a) highly urbanised
b) highly industrialised
c) more developed
d) less developed
Reductions in death rates globally can be attributed to:
a) decreases in the birth rate
b) the use of anti-biotics, vaccinations and pesticides
c) immigration
d) the discovery of isolated rural areas of developed countries
The demographic equation is represented by the sum of:
a) natural change and birth rates
b) natural change and dependency ratios
c) net migration and dependency ratios
d) net migration and natural change
Birth and death rates are described as "crude" because:
a) it relates to the changes without any regard to the age and sex composition of the population
b) the total number of births and deaths can never be calculated accurately
c) the infant mortality rate is separate from the birth and death calculations
d) there is no world-wide standard of what constitutes a birth or death
One quarter to one third of global mortality is due to:
a) war
b) malnutrition
c) infectious and parasitic diseases
d) cancer
Which statement is true with regard to how the earth's population is distributed:
a) two-thirds of the earth's population live in the tropical latitudes
b) nearly fifty percent live within 200km of the ocean
c) ninety percent live on 5% of the land
d) fifty percent reside above 200m elevation
Population projections are:
a) the same as predictions
b) based on assumptions for the future applied to current data
c) more exact for developed countries than developing
d) used only for countries which have an annual census
Which country launched the "one couple, one child" policy in 1979?
a) India
b) Japan
c) China
d) Russia
The idea that unchecked population increases geometrically while food production increases arithmetically is associated with which theory?
a) Malthusian
b) Neo-Malthusian
c) Cornucopian
d) Green Revolution
Which of the following is not a reason for declining birth rates?
a) increasing educational levels of women
b) deferred marriage ages
c) increased cost of rearing multiple children
d) emigration of males seeking jobs in other countries
Which is the single greatest health disparity between developed and developing countries?
a) infant mortality rates
b) maternal mortality rates
c) HIV/AIDS death rates
d) total fertility rates
If a country has a natural increase rate of 2.0%, how long will it take to double its population?
a) 2 Years
b) 22 Years
c) 35 Years
d) 70 Years
The world's population growth rate since the industrial revolution is graphically illustrated as a:
a) S-curve
b) L-Curve
c) V-Curve
d) J-Curve
By 2007, the global urban population had reached:
a) 750 million
b) 1 billion
c) 3.3 billion
d) 5.1 billion
In many societies, the number of births will continue to grow even as fertility rates decline due to:
a) demographic momentum
b) the homeostatic plateau
c) doubling time
d) overpopulation
Which of the following explains why there are significantly more males than females in some regions of the world, including south and west Asia:
a) Poverty
b) More females migrate to other countries than males
c) Males are hardier and more resistant to disease than females
d) There is a cultural preference for males that has meant neglect and death for females
Total fertility rates refer to:
a) the average number of children that would be born to each women at the current year's rate for women that age
b) the number of births per 1000 population
c) the level of fertility at which each successive generation of women produces exactly enough children to ensure the same number of women survive to have offspring themselves
d) the level of fertility at which populations replace themselves
A country with a population of 5 million and with 50,000 births per year has a crude birth rate of:
a) 10 per 1000
b) 25 per 1000
c) 50 per 1000
d) 100 per 1000
The region of the world that has been hardest hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic is:
a) South Asia
b) Eastern Europe
c) Sub-Saharan Africa
d) Central America
Which of the following characteristics of a population is not evident from a population pyramid:
a) age structure
b) sex structure
c) race structure
d) dependency ratio
Population growth is associated with which stages of the demographic transition model?
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 3 and 4
d) 4 and 5
The largest population cluster found on Earth, with 25% of the world's total population is found where?
a) South Asia
b) East Asia
c) Europe
d) United States
Which of the following terms denotes permanently inhabited areas of the earth's surface?
a) dominion
b) ambit
c) topography
d) ecumene
Total population divided by arable land, which provides an expression of population pressure exerted on agricultural land, gives:
a) crude density
b) arithmetic density
c) physiological density
d) agricultural density
The number of people an area can support on a sustained basis, given the prevailing technology is known as the:
a) carrying capacity
b) comparative density
c) projected population
d) homeostatic plateau
Worldwide, the fertility rate has dropped from 5.0 in the early 1950s to a 2007 rate of:
a) 4.1
b) 3.6
c) 2.7
d) 1.2
Reflected in the world's aging population is the fact that people aged 60 and over will outnumber children under the age of 15 by the year:
a) 2015
b) 2050
c) 2100
d) 2150
Epidemiological Transition Theory
Suggests society goes through 3 mortality stages in its transition to a modern pattern:
1) age of pestilence and famine
2) age of receding pandemics
3) age of degenerative and human-made disease
Crude Death Rate
# of deaths/Total population x1000
Rate of Natural Increase
Crude Birth Rate - Crude Death Rate
Rate of Increase
Crude Birth Rate - Crude Death Rate + Net Migration Rate
Doubling Time Equation
70/ % population growth rate
Net Migration
Immigrants - Emigrants/Population x1000