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34 Cards in this Set

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Begon, Townsend and harpers definition of ecology (2006)

the scientific study of the distributions abundance and relations of organisms and their interactions with the environment

what are the main effects on population size

In: immigration, birth

Out: emigration, death

what are the influences on these rates (abiotic and biotic)

abiotic: meteorological conditions, seasonal temperature fluctuations, terrain

biotic: interaction with conspecifics and heterospecifics

what are individuals?

individual of a species pass through different life history stages showing variation in condition within each stage

details on modular organisms

genets - gentic individuals

modules - shoots/polyps

sometimes better to count modules

what is a population

group of individuals of a species

may be discrete units, may be dispersed and studied at density level

counts impractical, estimates based on extrapolation

name 4 methods of counting organisms per unit area


capture recapture

removal methods

abundance indices

problems with measuring birth and death rates

birth - may not occur when and where can be counted

death- remains short lived in environment

- capture recapture can estimate but confounded with emigration rate

two primary factors that vary with age

fecundity, mortality

terms for reproduction in life history

semelparous - single reproduction period

iteroparous - multiple episodes of reproduction

2 types of life table

cohort: follows individudals through time

static: cross section of population

explain a simple annual cohort life table

seasonal changes drive annual synchrony

every individudal breeds then dies

discrete generations

What defines the reproductive value (RV)

life history can be viewed by contribution to fitness

measures of fitness combine suvivorship and fecundity schedules

example of reproductive cost (RRV)

Pseudotsuga menziesii - the higher the number the cones (reproductive) the lower the growth of the annual ring

investment in offspring - trade offs between number and what 3 fitness for individuals

size vs number

survivorship vs number

developmental rate vs number

4 life history variables





What are possible high cost of reproduction scenarios

intense competition amongst established individuals, high reproduction affects RRV very negativley

small individuals vulnerable to mortality - outgrowing predation risk

Possible low cost of reproduction scenario

mortality homogenous

benign habitat

high mortality rates on large individuals (size selective predation

offspring size sensitivty scenarios

size sensitive - reproductive value rises significantly with size, small number of large offspring expected (e.g size increases in guppie offspring when predation focusses on smaller individuals

size insensitive scenario - reproductive value not strongly associated with size

What does habitat cost of reproduction affect?

reproductive allocation

age at maturity

semelparity / iteroparity

age at maturity?

maturity delayed in high cost of reproduction habitats

trade off between juvenile survival and reproductive value at maturity

r - K Selection (MacArthur and Wilson) Describe K habitat with high CR, offspring size sensitive

stable environment

crowded, maximal population

intense adult competition

high juvenile mortality

characteristics of K habitat organisms (5 points)


deferred reproduction

low reproductive allocation

few, large offspring

most short lived

r habitat description with low CR, offspring size insensitive

unpredictable environment

periods of indiscriminate mortality

mortality highly variable

mortality independent of density and individual condition

characteristics of r habitat organisms:

smaller size

earlier maturity

high reproductive allocation

many smaller offspring

survivorship depends on environment

how can r - K be an over-simplification

adult and offspring habitats may not be linked

r - K characteristics may arise from other pressures (e.g size specific predation)

Begon, Townsend and Harpers definition of competition

competition is an interaction between individuals, brought about by shared requirment for a resource, and leading to a reduction in the survivorship, growth and/or reproduction of at least some of the competing individuals

intraspecifc competition in cave beetles

beetle fecundity is correlated with cricket fecundity, beetles eat cricket eggs and reduce cricket density

higher density of beetles reduced the foraging and consumption of eggs in experiment

asymmetrical competition?

one individual may exert a much stronger effect on another individual

strong competitors may contribute disproportionately to the next generation, weak may not contribute at all

density dependence in intraspecific competition

higher densities effect competition

reduces birth rates and increases death rates with increasing density

but other factors produce density dependent effects

defining density

abstract concept that may be defined in different ways

per unit area

in or on habitat patches (e.g parasites on hosts), resource weighted density

problem defining density for sessile, modular organsisms, only compete with neighbours

how does intraspecific competition regulate population size?

as density increases so does competition. the mortality rate rises, and the birth rate lowers reaching a point where maximum density occurs (K). past this point the population reduces in size thefore density falls.

Definition for the carrying capacity (K)

the population size that can be maintained by environmental resources without a tendency for increase or decrease

in practice unpredictable environmental fluctuations lead to variation in k, so density dependent processes acting on birth and death rates tend to maintain population size within a range of values

where is K not relevant?

strongly overcompensating populations : there may be cycles or chaotic variation in population size