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45 Cards in this Set

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What is Political Socialization?
The way we develop our political attitudes from mentors and teachers.
What is the most powerful socializing agent?
What are Attitudes?
An individual's propensity to perceive or act toward a certain object in a particular way.
What causes kids to have views?
Parents and Environment.
What are the layers of Political Socialization?
What is Selective Exposure?
Picking and choosing the media they agree with.
What other influences can affect Political Socialization?
Religion, ethnicity, race.
How readily do adults' opinions change?
Slowly and stubbornly.
What does attentive public mean?
citizens who follow public affairs carefully.
What percent of US public are part time citizens?
40 percent.
What is socialism?
An economic system based on public ownership of the means of production and exchange.
What is public opinion?
The distribution of individual preferences for a given issue.
What are the 3 factors of polling?
What is manifest opinion?
A widely held view.
What is the attentive public?
People who understand and follow politics.
What is Public opinion?
DDistribution of indivudal preferences on issues.
What is an open-ended question?
A reply that permits people to answer in their own words.
What is intensity?
The degree to which people feel strongly about opinions.
What is Latency?
When people hold opinions but do not fully express them.
What is Salience?
Issues most people believe are important.
Black people vote in what kinds of rates?
Lower than white people.
What is a general election?
How we elect officeholders.
What is a primary election?
How we determine party nominees
Canidates must ___ their loyal supporters.
What is a canvass?
conducting interviews on the phone to find out what issues matter.
What is prospective issue voting?
Voting based on what promises are made.
What is retrospective issue voting?
Voting on how people have acted before.
What does Howard Zinn think?
Democracy can be measured by comparison to ideal standards.
Who believes democracy should be measured by comparison to ideal standards?
Howard Zinn
What does Sidney Hook believe?
Democracy can not be ideal, we just do the best we can. We should compare ourselves to the past.
Who believes the democracy can not be ideal, and should be measured by comparison to the past?
Sidney Hook
What does Charles A. Beard believe?
The founding fathers were all just trying to safeguard their own economic interests.
Who believes the founding fathers were just trying to guard their own economic interests?
Charles A Beard
Who wrote "An Economic Interpretation to the Constitution of the United States"?
Charles A. Beard
What did Robert E. Brown claim?
The Charles A. Beard was selective in his information and that the founding fathers' goals were NOT just self-interested economics.
Which author opposes unfunded mandates?
Lamar Alexander
Which author supports unfunded mandates?
George Miller.
What does George Miller believe?
Unfunded mandates are necessary.
Who believes that gay marriage should be a matter of states rights?
J. Harvie Wilikson III
Who believes that gay marriage should be a matter of federal rights?
Adam J. White
What does Frank Newport believe?
Polls are useful and that groups of people are more informed than individuals.
What does Robert Weissberg believe?
Leaders should not follow opinion polls, and polls are useless.
Who believes polls are useless?
Robeort Weissburger.
What does Wetheimer believe?
30 second ads are pointless. Some alternatives would be banning political ads on tv, and Congress should require candidates to appear on their commercials.
Who defends Thirty-Second Campaign Ads?
Setphen Bates and Edwin Diamond.