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118 Cards in this Set

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_______ is the theory trying to explain the North-South gap in terms of historical colonization of the North and South.
About _____ people live in poverty in the world and are concentrated in Africa.
1 billion
The average income per person in ____ is $3,500 and $2,500 in _____.
South Asia, Africa
Every six seconds, a child in the world dies from _______. (5 mil./yr).
The 2000 UN adoption setting targets for basic needs that are to be achieved by 2015 were the_______.
Millenium Development Goals
Basic needs include:
Food, water, shelter
If the Global South continues to blame _______ for the lack of basic needs, extreme poverty fuels revention, terrorism, and anti-Western sentiments.
The ablility to read and write a simple sentence by UNESCO is defined as ______.
The UNICEF inexpensive methods to save millions of children are (4):
1. Growth Monitoring
2. Oral hydration
3. Immunization of measles, polio, TB, tetanus, Whooping Cough, Diphtherion
4. Promotion of Breast Feeding
Since ____, the Global South has made significant gains.
___% of the worlds people live in the Global South while having ___% of the world's doctors and nurses.
75%, 30%
1/ __ people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water.
1/__ people worldwide live in sustandard housing or are homeless altogether.
An underwater earthquake in 2004 affected the countries of:
Indonesia, Sri lanka, Thailand, and others
The lack of needed foods including protein and vitamins is defined as ________.
The lack of calories is defined as ________.
Hunger doesn't kill people by ______ but weakens the immune system to other infectious diseases.
_____ million people (1/8) are chronically undernourished.
820 Million
25% of the world's children are underweight; half of which live in the countries of:
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
The process of growing own food is called _______.
Substinance Farming
______ has disrupted substinance farming.
The Global South shifted from substinance farming to ______ .
Commercial Agriculture
Agriculture goods produced for export to world markets providing little nutrition to local peasants are called ______.
Cash Crops
The moving from rural areas to cities is called _______.
Capital Accumulation os concentrated in _____.
Rebellions arise from frustrated ______ rather than poverty.
The breakup of land holdings and redistributions to poor peasants for use in substinance farming is defined as ______.
Land Reform
Of all the malnourished children, ___% are female.
Twice as many women are ____ than men.
The movement of people from poorer to richer states is defined as ______ and is the greatest political issue affecting N-S relations.
People fleeing to seek refuge from war, nat. disaster, or political persecution are defined as _____.
_______ obligate countries to accept refugees who arrive at their borders.
International Norms
700,000 people annually are sex and labor slaves as 20,000 to US by the process of ______.
In a ____ view, liberal economics are used where the stress of overall efficiency in maximizing growth.
In a _____view, the distribution of wealth is determined by its creation and sees N-S relations as a zero-sum game.
The creation of standing wealth is called _______.
Capital Accumulation
The use of capital to produce more capital is called _______.
Economic surplus
The North consumes 10x more ______ per person as the South.
commercial energy
A set of goods used in producing other goods is called _____.
Valued goods not used to produce other goods or services are called ______.
Consumption goods
Investment competes with _______.
_______ is a system of private ownership of capital relying on market forces toward the workers who produce the wealth.
______ favors government plannin to manage economy rather than to rely on market forces.
_______ is a branch of Socialism including some communism and other approaches influential in developing countries where capital is scarse and labor conditions are wretched.
In regards to economy, state ownership is _____.
not efficient
The manufacturing regions of the world-system are refered to as the _____.
core or center
The global system of regional class divisions relying on the global level of analysis is refered to as the ______.
world-system or capitalist world economy
The regions of extractions in the world-system are refered to as the ______.
The most important class struggle today is between the _____ and _____ of the world-system.
Core and periphery
The _____ uses power from wealth to concentrate surplus from the ______.
Core, periphery
The _______ is the area in which manufacturing occurs while some capital concentrates but not to the extent of advanced areas of the core. (Eastern Europe and Russia).
The shift of exported-oriented manufacturing from the industrialized countries to Asia reflects _______. (also West's imports of energy)
Basing economic growth on resource exports is refered to as a ______.
Resource Curse
Imperialism is structured on both the _____ and _____ principle.
Identity, dominance
The _____ colonizations of the Global South is central to those countries' national identity, foreign policy, and its place in the world.
A wave of Imperialism revolts happened in the ______.
Liberation from ______ did not prove to transform underlying economic realities for poor countries.
Colonial control
The continuation of colonial exploitation without formal political control is called ______.
The lack of accumulation of capital in the Global South where dependency of accumulation of capital cannot sustain itself internally is the idea of the ________ theory.
When foreign capital is invested in third world countries to extract particular raw material in a particular place, it is called an ________.
Enclave economy
Enclave economies, nationally controlled production, penetration of national economics by MNCs are all types of _______.
To create local markets, capital must be concentrated enough to create a _______.
middle class
eglitarian ideals embrace the idea of a more_______.
equal dist. of power
N-S relations show how different it has become to separate ______ from _______.
Political economy, national security
The combined process of capital accumulation, rising per capita incomes, increasing skills of the population, adoption of new technological styles, and other related social and econ. changes are all part of _______.
Economic Development
One simple measure of economic development is the _______ which is the amount of activity economically per person.
per capita GDP
NIC stands for ______ and are poor states achieving self-sustaining capital accumulation.
Newly Industrialized Countries
The "Four Tigers/ Dragons" include the states of______.
South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore
The most successful NICs are named the ______.
Four Tigers/Dragons
South Korea has a competitive ____ automobile industry.
Taiwan focuses on the _______ and ______ industry.
electronics and computer
Singapore's economy is largely based on _____.
Foreign investments able to run on capitalistic principles are called _______.
Free-economic zones
Economic growth from 1992-1994 in China was __% per year.
China joined the WTO in ____ and was a major opening in the Chinese economy.
China's success comes from the shift from _______ toward private ownership.
central planning
India has a factured _____ government.
India's economy is largely in the _____ and _______ sectors.
Service and Information (software/telephone)
India's labor force is ______ and speaks _____.
well-educated, English
The most successful development strategies were pursued by _____.
The five highest growing countries in the Global South are :
India, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and the Democratic Congo
Malaysia's economy fouces on ______.
The Global South states try to use _____ as the basis of capital accumulation.
international trade
Development of local industries to produce items that a country has been importing to create a track surplus and is against the principle of comparative advantage is called _______.
import substitution
The strategy used by NICs to develop industries that can compete in specific world economic markets is called _______.
Export-led growth
To invest in manufacturing, countries must ______ what surplus their economies produce.
Wealth must be concentrated in a _____ class that has income to buy manufactured goods.
Concentration of _____ can hurt the people of the country.
One problem in capital accumulation is ______.
Using small loans for poor people (especially women), to support economic self-sufficiency is called ______.
microcredit or microlending
______ is the opposite of the trickle-down effect by injecting capital at the bottom of the economic hierarchy.
The fastest growing states have been ________ not democracies.
Capital flows from the _____ to the ______ spurring growth through foreign investment, debt, and foreign aid.
Industrialized West to Global South
investment by foreigners in capital goods, usually by MNCs is called ______.
foreign investment
Companies owned by foreign MNCs and local firms (or the host government) is called a _____.
Joint venture
When the host states facilitates rather than impedes the MNCs business, it is called ______.
Regulatory Environment
The act of losing skilled workers to other countries is called the ______.
Brain Drain
A constant drain on surplus generated by investment of money is called a ____.
Debt Service
If foreign investment loss is the problem of the _____ while debt is the problem of the ______.
MNC, borrowing state
The reworking of loan terms of payment is called ________.
Debt renegotiation
The Global South owes more than $ ______ in foreign debt.
2 Trillion
The agreement to loan IMF funds when certain government policies are adopted is called the ________.
IMF Conditonality agreement
The implementation of IMF conditionality terms is called ________.
Structural Adjustment
The IMF formula for stability is ______ from one state to the next.
The U.S. would not qualify for IMF assistance because of its _____.
government defecits
In general the ____ trading regime works against poor countries relative to industrialized ones.
A ______ makes it harder for poor states to protect infant industries in order to build self-sufficient capital accumulation.
free-trade regime
The ______ was formed to make the shift of trade favor commodities relative to manufactured goods.
New International Economic Order (NIEO)
______ can be a form of power in which the donor seeks to influence the recipient.
Foreign Assistance
The ___ gives the lowest percentage of GNP at 0.27%
United States
Grants, technological cooperation, credits, loans, loan guarantees, and military assistance are all types of _______ aid.
_______ is the least efficient and form of bilateral aid and is most prone to impede economic development.
Military assistance
The main agency dispspensing U.S. foreign economic assistance assistance (not military) is called the _______.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
The _________ increased U.S. aid only to countries in education and sound fiscal management.
2004 Millenium Challenge Account
Overall, the flow of assistance is through the UN coordinated by the the _________.
UN development Program
The provision of short-term relief to people affected by famine, drought, natural disasters, and war in form of food, water, shelter and coordinated by the UN office of the Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO) is explained by the ________.
Disaster Relief Model
Providing ongoing development assistance in form of projects administered by agencies in the North to the South to help meet basic need is called the _______.
Missionary Model
Relying on local communities to determine needs of their own people and carry out developmental projects on their own while being provided funding giving global South Empowerment is expressed in the _______.
Oxfam Model