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32 Cards in this Set

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Process by which groups of people make collective decisions


If politics is the method to decide who gets to run the machine, then the __________ is the machine


The joining of two forces by two or more parties during a conflict of interest with other parties


The capacity to achieve what you want


The ability to persuade others to do your will, to convince them to want to do what you want them to do


The deliberate subjection of one will to another through fear of harm or threats of harm, when applied, compliance is not voluntary


Form of power in which people obey commands because they simply respect the source of the commands

Natural Authority v Public Authority

Types of Authority

-Human tendencies to follow and imitate as well as to lead and initiate, our instinctive ability to create order

-Deliberately created by human agreement


When we emphasize the right to command; the feeling of respect for authority that exists in those who obey; makes authority possible

Traditional Authority v Legal Authority

Types of Authority

-Dominion based on inherited positions, monarchs for example

-Dominion based on law, "rule of law, not of men", democracy for example

Charismatic Authority

Based on projection and perception of extraordinary personal qualities


A single authority above all other authorities/polity

Parliamentary Sovereignty

The legislative body has absolute sovereignty, and is supreme over all other government institutions, including executive or judicial bodies

Popular Sovereignty

Supreme authority resided in the people themselves through; direct democratic fashion

The State

When a sovereign power effectively rules over a population residing within the boundaries of a fixed territory


Membership in the state

Naturalization v Jus Soli v Jus Sanguinis

-An adult gaining citizenship

-Right of Soil, being born in a country grants citizenship

-Right of Blood, only children of citizens acquire citizenship at birth; due to this, some states do not allow citizenship at all even if being born in the state and living there your whole life (Japan, Germany)


Modern, legal, participatory (empasize unity; association of citizens) state

Ethnic Nations v Civic Nations

-National identity depends primarily on objective factors such as language, race, or religion

-Identity that depends primarily on acceptance of the political order

Substate Nations v Indigenous/Aboriginal peoples v Immigrants

Types of Ethnic Groups

-Could have become sovereign nations had history turned out differently, Francophones of Canada

-Once subordinated to colonial political system, now use vocabulary to claim national status as mean of obtaining greater political power

-Voluntarily, with the exception of refugees


Two or more nations coexist under a single government


-Personal freedom; absence of coercion

-Limited government; the state is an instrument that serves a particular function, not in general charge of society

-Equality of right; all must abide by the same laws, state enforces with impartiality

-Consent of government; government emanates from the people

Classical Liberalism v Reform Liberalism

-Accepts the four principles in a literal and straight forward way

-Using the state to modify the market system without abolishing it altogether, a larger role for the state in providing equality of opportunity; less personal freedom and more equality of opportunity

Welfare State

Using income tax as a means of redistribution; unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, and other social insurance programs

Proportional Taxes v Progressive Taxes

-The rate of taxes is the same for everyone, the more goods and services you pay for, the more taxes you pay for as well

-The rate of taxes rises with increase in income


Ideology based around the belief of keeping society as it is

Greater restraint on individual behaviour

Society is not a collection of pleasure-seeking individuals

Value is placed on family, religion, and marriage

Social Conservatives v Libertarians

Types of Conservatives


-Believe it is better to leave people alone and let the make their own mistakes as long as they do not inflict direct harm upon others

Elements of Socialism

-Planning; take conscious control of economic affairs, supplying human needs and not the making of profits

-Common Ownership

-Equality of Result



Feeling of loyalty to one's nation

Liberal Democracy

A system of government in which the people rule themselves, either directly or indirectly (i.e. through chosen officials), but in either case can be subject to constitutional restraints on the power of the majority

Plurality v Qualified Majority

-Winning candidate only needs more votes than the other(s)

-Winning candidate needs a certain fraction of citizens to vote and of those votes to have a certain majority

Direct Democracy v Representative Democracy

-People are the government

-People elect officials for the government and therefore run it indirectly