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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the reform proposals to the Constitution?

1. Recognition of indigenous people

- remove s.25 (races disqualified from voting)

- replace 25 with a provision that the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 can't be suspended

- alter s.51 (xxvi) to state that laws can only be made for races if it is to benefit them

2. Recognition of local govt

- add a provision stating existence and right of the people to elect them

What are two contemporary legal and political issues?

1. Williams No.2 (2013)

- challenged s.81 that govt. Can't fund program with Budget money

-Scriptute Union QLD

2. Marriage Equality 2013 in the ACT

-ACT enacted act but was challengef by CW

-HC upheld that under s.51 (xxi) and s.109 that govt already legislated with Marriage Act 1961

- marriages deemed void

What is a formal method of constitutional change?

Referendums outlined in s128

Passed E.g.: 1928 State Debts and 1967 Rights to Legislate for Aboriginals

- both had bipartisan and state support

Referenda need a double majority of voters and states to vote yes

Failed e.g.: 1999 Republic

- no govt support

What are barriers to referendums passing?

1. Lack of state support

2. Lack of public understanding of question /benefits

3. Suspicion of govt

4. Lack of govt or bipartisan support

Which financial powers have shifted the balance of power?

-s.51 (ii) taxation and Uniform Tax Case

-s.51 (xxxvii)referral of powers

-s.90 customs, excise, and bounties as an exclusive power

-s.92 free trade

-s.94 surplus distribution

-s.96 grants

-Loans Council regulates State loans

How have the referral of powers changed the balance of power?

-referring s.51 (ii) made CW financially stronger

Has caused VFI

How have cooperative and coercive federalism methods been used to shift the balance of powers?

-COAG used as intergovernmental forum at an attempt at cooperative; often become coercive in tense areas like state funding

- Abbott 2015 COAG examples:

>support for NT to be a state

>support for continuation of govt VAW campaign

>agreement on direction of Australia's Counter Terrorism Strategy

Describe the important cases for each era of high court interpretation:

Intentionalist: railway servants 1906

Literalist: Engineer's case 1920 - overruledthat govt could make laws on worker's rights

Neutral: uniform tax case 1952 and airlines case 1945

Activist: Tasmanian dams case 1983 and mabo 1992

Second neutral: wakim case 1999 -cross vesting jurisdiction

Name 2 industrial relations cases:

1. Work choices 2006

- allowed CW to legislate on workplace matters

2. Concrete pipes 1971

- gave CW power to legislate on intra state activities

- reversed Huddart Parker decision

Describe 2 human rights cases:

1. Williams No.2 2012

- school chaplains

- based on s.81 and s.116

2. Wakim Case 1999

- cross vesting jurisdiction under s.75 and 76 by state's companies

Describe 2 financial cases:

1. Uniform Tax Case 1952 and 1957

2. Hammond 1997: CW challenged VIC for levying taxes on cigarettes and alcohol

- HC found it was an excise under s.90 and an exclusive power

Describe 2 external affairs cases:

1. Koowarta (1982)

- s.51xxvii says CW controls external affairs

- QLD racism case - Racial Discrimination Act 1975

2. Tasmanian Dams (1983)

- international treaties on World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983