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50 Cards in this Set

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key claim
social and political regime which can be shown to be agreeable to all from the approprately specified and independently defensible positiotn is thereby justified as the preference of every subject. Actions that undermine that regime are irrational.
lexicographic preference
ensuring self preservation first and then going on to other things.
social contractarianism
states that people are primarily self-interested, and that a rational assessment of the best strategy for attaining the maximization of their self-interest will lead them to act morally
extended happiness of lifetime (rather than one moment).
want of more in life more of something.
law of nature
all men that mediate peoace by allowed safe conduct because this commandeth intercession the means.
person to who sentence those far from peace and not mutually in sentence of each other.
civil society
no drunkeness, intemperance-not pertanent here.
foro interno
you believing in something
foro externo
these laws of civil society that take place externally.
people act despite self-preservation to get something.
intrinsic passian
wicked passian (someone naturally has a passian to obtain the money of others.)
induced passian
defensive, but may look wicked.(someone gains the passian to gain money if someone is constantly taking theirs).
social condition of humanity
scarcity, equality, interdependence, and uncertainty.
prisoner's dilemma
you and person will be wanting first move and conflict (both know eachothers desire).
nash equilibrium
the set of moves from which no player has the incentive to deviate unilaterallly. (-2,-2) in prisonners dilemma.
top goal, so prefer to attack if Jane is wicked type.
2 causal mechanism for the state of nature being a state of war
prisonner's dillemma and absecence of neutral judges.
none in state of nature, the right of nature, the iright to do whatever's necessary for sake of self-preservation.
theory of political obligation
helps ensure survival and felicity,
laws of nature
dictates of reason, immediate unconditional preferences and conditional preferences.
unconditional laws of nature
seek peace and follow it to ensure self-preservation, defend self. willingness to contract (get out of state of nature), perform covenants (big promise) only real with real enforcement.
performance of covenant.
conditional laws of nature
cooperation and conditional on expectatoin of cooperation of others.
monster under sea (everyone is afraid of it).
three features of leviathan
absolute power, product of covenant between ourselves (not between rulers). objecting to leviathan is objecting to ouselves.
hobbes says irrational self-interest to obey law and reform covenant
freedom/ liberty
abscence of external impediments to motion, physically stops you from doing what you want-chains (ex).
the right of nature
means that man has control over his own life in any way he chooses.
the law of nature, lex naturalis
means that man should not do anything harmful to himself.
the first fundamental rule of nature.
seek peace and follow it.
second law of nature
by all means we can defend ourselves.
two ways men are freed of covenants
forgiveness and performace
justice of actions
guiltless, injustice=guilt.
injustice of action
man injured and damaged redoundath to another.
justice of actions: commutative
arithmetical, equality of value of things, cortracted for, justice of contractor (exchanging etc.)
justice of actions: distributive
geometrical, equal benefits, men of equal merit, justice of arbitrator.
just value
value one's contented to give.
distributive justice (law of nature.)
natural person
he whose words or actions are considered his own.
man strive to accomodate self to rest.
the essence of commonwealth
one person, of whose acts a great multitude, by mutual covenants one with another, have made themselves everyone the author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all as he shall think expediant for their peace and common defense.
civil laws
those laws governing the peace of the people, as decided by the sovereign.
three kinds of sovereignties
one man sovereign, two man assembly, few men assembly. (monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy).
dominion acquired by war.
corporal liberty
granted when the men taken over are trusted by their vicotrs.
civil law
every subject those rules which the commonwealth hath commanded him, by word, writing, or other sufficient sign of will, to make use of for the distinction of right and wrong; that is to say, of that is contrary and what is not contrary to the rule.
natural law
have been around for eternity (moral virtues).
positive law
made by the people who have sovereign power over others and are ade known to others by some argument of the will of their legislator.
fundamental law
if taken awayy would destroy the commonwealth.