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45 Cards in this Set

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what are the three major forces that shape public opinion?
media, government, private groups
Because the population has increased, what has this created?
strain on public services
Sees the government as preserving tradition and the existing social order
people expect the governmernt to intervene, promoting public welfare and advancing the public good
Emphasize private initiative with minimum government interference
Texas is a blend of what two political cultures?
Individualistic and Traditionalistic
Texas economy has slowly emerged from a _____ dominant economy to a _____ and ____ economy
Agriculture, business, technology
Is the Texas constitution longer than the US constitution?
What do the Texas and US constitutions both provide?
Bicameral legislature and separation of powers
What constitution do we operate under?
Constitution of 1876
We have ____ different constitutions in Texas
In what way was The Grange influential in the formation of the constitution?
favored debt relief for farmers
What are the Deadwood Amendments?
amendments that were outdated, unenforced, and removed
Lt Governor and Speaker Powers
Presides over the senate, assign bills to committees, influences the scheduling of bills for debate, rule on points of order
Lt Governor and Speaker Powers CONT...
Recognize members for debate, interpret rules, appoint committee members, possesses tie-breaking vote in the Senate
When are elections held?
November of even number years
Characteristics of Republicans
Status quo, traditional values, stiffer penalties for criminals, free market
Characteristics of Democrats
Change, supportive of civil rights, regulation
Characteristics of Libertarians
Hands-off philosophy, opposes social programs, taxation, and intervention in world affairs
What is a PAC (political action committee) or 527?
collect money, give money to campaigns
How does a bill become a law in Texas?
1. Introduction and referral 2. committee action 3. floor action 4. conference committee 5. Governor (repeat 1-3 if not done in opposing chamber)
Interest group
Have agenda planned, arent concerned with electing officials, push agenda and issues
Implied Powers
powers given to congress, stated in the constitution
John Marshall
Supreme court justice who gave opinion on Marbury v. Madison
Marbury v. Madison dealt with what?
judicial review
Judicial Review
determine the constitutionality of a law
Judicial Activists
agree that judicial review is necessary in a democracy
Did not believe Marbury v. Madison was constitutional. Believe judges should stick to the law and not interpret it
Loving v Virginia
struck down laws banning interracial marriage cases. 14th amend.
Brown v Board of Education
segregation in schools 14th amend.
Hustler v Falwell
Publisher rights, satirical comments 1st amend.
Texas v Johnson
flag burning case 1st amend.
Morse v Frederick
Bong Hits For Jesus 1st amend.
What court circuit are we?
5th along with Louisiana and Mississippi
Federal communications committee. Censor television, talk shows, radio. NOT print or satellite radio
Labor Organization
National Grange
Farmers Organization
White Primaries
African Americans could not vote in the primaries
Qualifications used for voting
Indirect lobbying
commercials, newspapers, trying to get ideas passed through people
Direct Lobbying
Meetings with Senators, Lt governor, etc
Iron Triangle
Alliance of interest groups pushing for a common interest
Anti Site Bite
Bush and the locked door, Clinton falling asleep at the MLK celebration
Do most bills make it to become laws?
NO. Half dont even make it to the rules committee.
Who calls a special session?
The Governor