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40 Cards in this Set

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Agency Problem: What is the idea?
Allow ruling elites a way out. Political clemency and/or an economic stake.
Agency problem: What are 2 examples where this has been done successfully?
Yemeni president ali abdullah saleh
In the transition in South Africa
Agency Problem: What are 2 examples where not following the recommendations have resulted in collapse?
Uganda and Idi Amin. Anarchy in Somalia.
Agency Problem: What is the thesis of the argument?
You need to marry the old regimes need for physical and economic security with the new regimes demand for political control.
Agency Problem: What author can be drawn on and what is that authors thesis?
Robert Bates: If the private economy is left in the hands of the former ruling elites, then there is more likely to be a sustained transition to democracy.
Agency Problem: Where would this apply and how?
To Syria and Assad. It would create a group that would include representatives of the Syrian government, the opposition, the p5, and regional actors (turkey and iran) to help establish a broader based government leading to elections.
Agency: When are autocrats likely to negotiate?
Autocrats are more likely to negotiate if they have some channel for success, influence, security and mobility.
Agency: What are the 5 preconditions.
1) Level of economic development
2) A Market economy
3) Large Middle class
4) Set of shared values
5) A specific international context
The Duo: What author do you draw upon for Economic Crisis? and What is his thesis?
Dan Brancati: If a democratically governed state experiences economic downturns, then that state is more likely to generate pro democracy protests.
The Duo: What happens to prior democratic achivements during economic crisis?
Prior democratic achivements are better sustained at higher levels of economic development. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true, with development fostering performance legitimacy in authoritarian regimes.
The Duo: What is the role of expectations in an economic crisis?
Rising expectations increase the gap between what people believe government should deliver and what it can deliver.
Who is Dan Brancati and what is his thesis?
If a non-democratically governed state expereinces and economic downtrun than that state is more likely to result in democratic protests.
What examples does Dan Brancati present?
The examples of the UAE and Quatar. There peoples dissatisfaction with their standard of living was half that of other nations in 2011, despite being geographically in the middle of the Arab Spring movement.
The Duo: On which author do you rely for the Popular Mobilization question? And what is the authors thesis?
Charles Tilly: Contestation between authorities and their subject peoples is a regular and defining feature of democratization.
The Duo: On what concept do you base the popular mobilization answer on? What is it?
Social Movements: an organized effort by a significant number of people to change a major aspect of society.
The Duo: What 3 kinds of claims do social movements make?
Identity claims
Standing Claims
Program Claims
The Duo: What is the cycle of popular Mobilization
1) Cycle of mobilization
2) Repression
3) State-citizen negotation
The Duo: What results from popular mobilization?
Mutually binding consultation agreements.
Democratzation Definition: Who do we use and what do they say?
Charles Tilly: A regime is democratic to the degree that political relations between state and its citizens feature broad, equal, protected and mutually binding consultation.
Demo Definition: What are the 4 axes of democratization?
1) Broad Participation
2) Categorical Equality
3) Protection against arbitrary actions
4) Mutually Binding consultation
What kind of definition is Charles Tilly?
It is a process definition
What are 4 reasons why definitions are important?
1) Cross Purposes
2) Misinterpretation of data
3) Faulty conclusions
4) Ambiguity anathema
What are 2 alternative definitions of democratization?
Dahl: Contestation and Inclusivness
Zakaria: Democratization and liberalism
Whose definition of culture is the best? Why?
Pratt: "the practice of making meaning in which actors make the world in which they live intelligble"
What does culture explain?
It best explains why framing is so crucial in social movements?
What are the 3 broad aspects of culture?
Culture is shared understanding and representations
Culture is not monolithic
Culture is the practice of making meaning, in which actors make the world in which they live intelligble
What are the 5 sub aspects of culture:
Culture is in our heads
It is manifested in social relationships
It is a historic reservoir
It is a resource
Relatively stable but can change
Which reading do you find compelling?
Robert Bates: The Economic Bases of Democracy
What are the 5 arguments of Bates The Economic Bases?
1) Abundant land in Afirca means no negotation
2) State ust negotate with factor holders for revenue
3) Mobile factors are easier to hide and move
4) Oil and mins can be caputrued directyl
5) No taxation without representation
What is your empirical propositioN?
If a non-democratically governed state experiences and economic crisis, then that state is more likely to generate pro-democracy protests.
What is the first piece of evidence for your propositioN?
Inflation was 9% in countries with protests in 2011
Inflation was 3 percent in countries with no protests
What is the second piece of evidence for your proposition?
53% were disatsfied in protests
41% were dissatisfied in no protest
What is the third piece of evidence for your proposition?
In Qatar and UAE, ppl's dissatisfaction with standard of living was half that where pro-democracy protests occur.
For your EMP: What do governments do?
They exist at their most basic level to protect the property rights of the citizenry. These rights ward against violence itself, foreign coercion, and damage to personal property - chief of which is the property of personhood. If somebody can't eat, or must reduce consumption, this represents a harm perpetuated against ones self. Government is supposed to secure citizens from this harm, this results in a crisis of legitimacy. Non-democracies have been proven intolerable, so democracy looks viable.
New Government: WHat is the overrarching goal?
To create instituions that allow for opposition or competition between a government and its opponents.
In the new government quiestion, whose approach do we first apply?
Lipjhart's consociationalism
What theory do we apply to the new state?
Consociational theory: It maintains that power sharing is a necessary (although not sufficent) condition for democracy in deeply divided economies
What are the 4 characterists of consociationalism?
1) Grand Coalitions
2) Mutual veto powers
3) Respect for proportionality
4) Segmental autonomy
In the new state question, who is the second theorist?
Linz's Perils of Presidentialism
What are Linz's perils of presidentialism?
If voters arent centrist, elections result in polarization
impeachment is too slow
Presidential is zero sum
Difference in rewards engenders extreme competition
Executive is too insulated