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55 Cards in this Set

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Most important source of political information
where does your party identification come from?
mostly from parents and upbringing
Political Socialization
the transmission of political opinions, beliefs, and values
the interrelated beliefs about government
The accuracy of public oppinon surveys depends on?
proper random sample
cross tabulation
relates results with background of respondent
Single memeber legislative district
winner takes all, and only one candidate per district

results in a dominant two party system of government
you win with less than a majority but received the most votes

key to retaining a dominant two party system
dispensing political favors
realigning election
An election or set of elections in which the electorate responds strongly to an extraordinarily prowerful issue that has disrupted the established political order. A realignment has a lasting impact on public policy, popular support for the parties, and the composition of the party coalitions.

ex: 1994 elections
Open v. Closed primary
open primary: you can cote for all candidates

closed primary: you must register for a party
manipulation of a legislative district's boundaries to benifit a candidate or party
News sources
in order of improtance
TV, newspaper, radio, internet
super tuesday
regional presidential primary
electoral college favors...
candidates winning big states
is religion important?
a majority of voters believe it is
Political Action Committees (PAC)
their goal is to provide money and get access and influence in public policy

mostly corporate
Political Party
wants to put people in office

supply organization and ideological base
groupthink and zone of indifference
consensus of majority can stifle minority views which may be correct

people dont question policies carefully
Buckly v. Valeo
overturned limits on what individuals could give or candidates spend on campaigns
rule by inertia
vocal minority can prevail over the majority by active participation and action
We all have..
Selective exposure, perception, and retention with perception equal to reality
praimary elections
serve as a filter to limit one candidate for each party
initiatives or referenda measures on the ballot
voter inconsistencies
voters split ticket and are inconsistent, wanting more services but less taxes
why is politics like product marketing?
campaigns use same methodology
Jefferson quote
"if a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was or will be."
Lincoln quote
"government is of the people, by the people, and for the people"

3/4 of people did not know this
Walter lipman
noted that democracy depends on informed public opinion
warned leaders that ignoring people's demands increases risk of assasination

data shows this is still true today
Brown act

The open meeting law
a major influence on how members in the legislature vote
why is trust the coin of the realm?
the public generally does not trust the government
Who are Democrats?
usually urban minorities, blue-collar workers, and intellectuals

due to positive correlation between welfare recipients, labor unions, and liberal tendencies of academics and universities
Who are republicans?
those who tend to favor corporate freedom, less government, and less taxes and regulation
proportional representation
allows more than one representative per district
successful political influence is generally acheived by...
sharing power, building coalitions, and delegating responsibility
What influences voters
issue orented, rely on name recognition, party identification, slate mailers, and endorsements
which voters turn out in greatest numbers?
homeowners and seniors
who make the best lobbiests?
often former legislators
voters are more....than....
candidate style centered than party or issue centered
Reapportionment V. Redistricting
Reapportionment: Ensures the same numer of people in each legislative district (but not for senate). must take place every 10 years based on census

results in redistricting

Redistricting: Redrawing of election district boundaries to establish districts with the same number of people per district
a business with reports on timely, dramatic, and compelling events

"if it bleeds, it leads."

can play a valuable watchdog role
can be interpretative and editorialized, which at the excess can turn healthy skepticism into corrosive cynicism and loss of candidates and voter participation and trust in government
Hard money v. Soft money
Hard money: direct contributions to candidates

Soft money: contributions to political parties...no real limits
Removing the president
requires majority of the house (impeach), and 2/3 of senate (convict)

thus out of office only
President's major power
power of persuasion
whitehouse staff
expertise vital

knowledge divided into departments: congress, lobbying, legal, and news media
U.S. v. Nixon
cant obstruct justice, hand over evidence, executive privilege not a defence

same with Clinton v. Powers and Clinton v. Luensky
how many electoral college votes needed to be elected president?
270 out of 538
Passage of Brady bill on handguns represents:
strong party governement apprach to making public policy
Presidential influence is greatest in...
froreign policy, not domestic policy
Unilateral power
in making war, treaties, and nutrality
Men and women agree most on..
the use of the death penalty for murder, yet most voters want to be referred to as moderates
Unit rule
grants all state's electoral votes to the candidate who receives most of the popular votes