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79 Cards in this Set

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What is government?

Government describes the means by which a society organizes itself and allocates authority in order to accomplish collective goals and provide benefits that the society as a whole needs. Eg. goals like economic prosperity of the nation, securing its national borders, and the safety and well being of its citizens. It provides benefits for citizens commonly education, transportation infrastructure and healthcare.

What does the term Politics mean according to our text?

Politics is the process of gaining and exercising control within a government for the purpose of setting and achieving particular goals especially those related to the division of resources within a nation.

Who is John Locke?

A 17c English philosopher credited for his ideas that all people have natural rights to life, liberty, and property. From his ideas came the concept that people should be free to consent to being governed. Following late 18c idea that people govern themselves through elected representatives not a king. Only reps chosen by the people had the right to make laws to govern them.

Who was Adam Smith?

A Scottish philosopher born 19 years after Locke’s death, who believed all people should be free to acquire property in any way that they wished. People should operate as they wish and keep the proceeds of their work. Competition would ensure prices remain low and faulty products will naturally disappear from the market. His ideas formed the basis of industrial capitalism in his book “Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence.

What book was written the same year as the Declaration of Independence? Who was the author and what major economic system did it spawn?

“The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith, a Scottish Philosopher. His book spawned the basis of Industrial Capitalism.

What form of government and economic system developed together in the United States?

A Republic or representative government and capitalism.

Many Americans tend to think we have a ___________ , a political system in which people govern themselves with capitalism.

Democracy. Democracy and capitalism do not have to go hand in hand. One might argue that a capitalist economic system might be bad for democracy in some respects. Smith theorized capitalism would lead to prosperity for all this is not necessarily the case.

What is socialism?

Socialism is an alternative economic system. In socialist societies the means of generating wealth (factories, large farms, banks) are owned by the government not private individuals. The government accumulated the wealth and redistributes it to citizens primarily in the form of social program that provide such things as free inexpensive healthcare, education, and childcare. It usually owns and controls utilities, transportation, and telecommunications. In many countries the government is an oligarchy.

What is an Oligarchy

Only members of certain political party or ruling elite can participate in government. For example China government is run by members of the Chinese Communist Party.

What is an example of a socialist economic system with a democratic government?


In the US the democratic government works closely with its capitalist economic system. The interconnected of the two affects the way in which goods and services are distributed the market provides many goods and services needed by Americans. Food, clothing and housing are provided in ample supply by private businesses that earn a profit in return. What are these goods known as?

Private Goods

What are Public Goods?

Goods provided by the government without charge are called Public Goods.

What are two examples of Public Goods?

1. National security

2. Public Education

3. Mail service

What are Toll Goods?

Toll Goods are available to many people as long as they can pay for them. Private Schools are an example of Toll Goods.

Cable TV and Turnpikes are other examples

What Public Goods are provides at the federal, state and local level in the US?

1. Stability 2. Security (military police and fire departments) public education, transportation, mail service, food, housing, health care for the poor. These provisions are funded by citizens paying into the general tax base.

Government also performs the important job of protecting common goods. What are common goods?

Goods that all people may use free of charge but that are of limited supply such as Fish and Clean drinking water. Since everyone can use them they must be protected.

Explain the following terms: excludable, non-excludable, rivalrous, non-rivalrous.

Excludable- not everyone has access

Non-excludable -all access usually at no charge

Rivalrous- only one person can use service at any given time

Non-rivalrous - many people can use service at the same time

The access to goods & services distinguish the different types goods and services

What is sustainability?

It is an idea that considers public lands and wildlife that is in limited supply therefore needs regulation to maintain supply for future generations. And prevent extinction do wildlife species like fish

In the United States people elect representatives for what three bodies?

1. City Councils 2. State Legislature 3. Congress

What does the representatives for City Council, State Legislature and Congress do?

These bodies make laws to govern their respective jurisdictions. They also pass measures to raise money through the imposition of taxes on such things as income, property, and sales. Local, states and national governments draft budgets to determine how the revenue taken I will he spent for services.

What does the representatives for City Council, State Legislature and Congress do?

These bodies make laws to govern their respective jurisdictions. They also pass measures to raise money through the imposition of taxes on such things as income, property, and sales. Local, states and national governments draft budgets to determine how the revenue taken I will he spent for services.

On a local level how are funds allotted?

On a local level funds are allotted for education, police, fire departments and maintenance of public parks.

How do State government allocate their money?

State governments allocate for state colleges, universities, maintenance of public parks and bridges and wildlife Managment among others.

How is money allocated on a national level?

On a national level money is allocated for defense, Social Secority, pensions for veterans, maintain ends of federal courts and prisons, along with Managment of national parks.

At each level, representatives elected by the people try to secure funding for what

Things that will benefit those who live in the areas they represent. Once money is allocated, government agencies at each level then receive funds for the purposes mentioned above and use them to provide services to the public.

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What are trade offs

Compromises between those

Who favor supremacy of a central government and those who believe state government should be more powerful. Many trade offs are about Freedom of speech.

What are trade offs

Compromises between those

Who favor supremacy of a central government and those who believe state government should be more powerful. Many trade offs are about Freedom of speech.

What is the First Amendment?

Is the first amendment of the constitution and gives Americans the right to express their opinion. The federal government can not interfere with this right.

What is the fourteenth Amendment?

The fourteenth amendment says state government must protect the first amendment freedom of speech

Trade offs occur in what situations?

Since the framing of the US Constitution, trade offs have been made between federal and state governments. Many are about freedom of speech the first amendment, and bc of 14th amendment state. They also occur asa result of conflict between groups representing the competing interests of citizens.government must protect that right to free speech. Trade offs are especially common in Congress. In addition, we use trade offs for conflicting concerns for the nation as a whole

What is the purpose of voting and other civic engagement?

The purpose of voting and other political civic engagement is to ensure that government serves the people and not the other way around

Governments affects are pervasive how?

Government affects

1. What we eat

2. Where we go to school

3. What kind of education we receive

4. How our taxes are spent

5. What we do in our free time

What is political power?

Influence over institutions, leaders, policies

What is majority rule?

The opinions of the majority of people have more influence with government than those of the miinority

Minority rights

People can not be deprived of certain rights even if an overwhelming number of people think that they should be.

What is a direct democracy?

People participate directly.

1. The special-purpose local-option sales tax or SPLOST is an example of Direct Democracy within a Republic representative democracy.

2. State-wide referendum

3. Voting on Flag design in 2000

4. 1993 HOPE

Georgia is the first state to get what full scholarship program. And also what specific aspect?

HOPE. Those who didn’t vote for it were concerned with gambling but today more (95% most likely) would have voted for it know its benefits far outweigh concerns.

HOPE for Free 4-year-old schooling

What is Mr. Ellinger’s favorite definition of Politics?

Politics are the things that society argues about as a people. And government settles the argument.

What are some of the political arguments we have in politics?

1. What is the proper role of government in society?

2. Who gets what?

3. Whose values will prevail? (Abortion, gay marriage, etc)

What are some of the roles of government?

1. Government settles the political arguments.

2. Government is the playing field, the referee and the decision maker

3. Government decides who wins and loses -which ideas are good.

What are some definitions of politics?

1. (Text) Politics is the process of gaining and exercising control within a government for the purpose of setting and achieving particular goals, especially those associated with the division of resources within a nation.

2. Ellinger’s favorite: the things that society argues about as a people.

3. All of the various outside influences on government.

4. The process by which we decide how resources will be allocated and which policies government will pursue.

Civic engagement is what?

The participation that connects citizens to government. It is a vital ingredient of politics. In the United States, citizens play an important role in influencing what policies are pursued, what values the government chooses to support, what initiatives are granted funding and who gets to make the final decisions.

What forms does political engagement take?

It takes many forms:

1. Reading about politics

2. Listening to news reports

3. Donating money to political candidates

4. Handing out flyers promoting a candidate

5. Joining protest marches

6. Writing letters to their elected representatives.


What is another definition of government?

Government provides:

1. Stability to society (safety of people and protection of national boarders)

2. Free public education

3. Police and fire services

4 mail delivery

5. Regulates common goods public land and fish, water

6, creates structure whereby people get needs and opinions known to public officials

What is the elite theory?

That a set of elite citizens is really in charge of government in the United States.

Pluralist theory is what?

Pluralist theory of government that the power rests with competing interest groups who share influence in government. This theory assumes that citizens who want to get involved do so because of the great number of access point where people and groups can engage the government.

Who is the key supporter of the elite theory?

C Wright Mills is a key supporter of this theory in his book, “The Power of the elite” according to this theory wealthy use their power to make decisions and allocate resources in ways that benefit them. Recent presidents follow elite perspective all graduated all five attended. Ivy League schools. 93 % of House have Bachelors and 99% of the Senate do while fewer than 40 % of US adults even have an associates degree. 80% of senate and House are male,21% of color.

Why is the make up of Congress important?

B/c race, sex, profession, education and socio economic class have an important effect on people’s political interests.

1. How taxes are levied and spent do not affect all citizens equally. A 10% flat tax: $40,000 income means $4000 tax. $1,000000 income means 100,000 tax- leaving the first 36,000 to live on versus 900,000

Currently more than half of congress are millionaires. And more in favor of a flat tax

According to pluralist theory people with shared interests will form groups to make their desires known to politicians. What are some of these?

Special interest Groups like:

1. Environmental advocates

2. Unions

3. Organizations that rep the interests of businesses

Government policy is shaped from bottom up and not top down

Robert Dahl author “who governs” was the first to advance the pluralist theory. And that those politicians seeking “electoral payoff” are attentive to the concerns of politically active citizen and through them become acquainted with the needs of ordinary people. They will attempt to give people what they want in exchange for their votes.

What is “electoral payoff” ?

“electoral payoff” is attentive to the concerns of politically active citizen and through them become acquainted with the needs of ordinary people. They will attempt to give people what they want in exchange for their votes.

Despite the elite and pluralist theories, the reality is government policy is usually the result of what?

Government policy is usually the result of a series of trade off as groups and elites fight with one another for influence, and politicians attempt to balance the demands of competing interests , including the interests of constituents who elected them to office.

Participation in government matters why?

Although people may not get all of what they want they can achieve many goals and improve their lives through civic engagement

What is civic engagement?

Civic engagement can increase the power of ordinary people to influence government action. Even those without money and connections to important people can influence the policies that affect their lives and change the direction of government. Examples slavery is one, the 15th amendment gave African American men the right to vote, the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote, Voting Rights Act of 1965 made exercising the right to vote a reality for African American men and women in the South.

What is social capital?

The collective value of all social networks —

What do activist for women’s rights fight for?

Things like better wages, greater reproductive freedoms, access to credit

Activism can improve people’s lives is less dramatic ways than the end of slavery. What are more subtle ways it can help?

Activism can help make cities clean up vacant lots, destroy or rehabilitate abandoned buildings, build more parks and playgrounds, pass ordinances requiring people to curb their dogs and ban late-night noise.

Representative democracy cannot work effectively without the participation of ——?

Representative democracy cannot work effectively without informed citizens.

What are some simple ways people can become civically engaged?

1. Stay informed about debates and events in the community, state, and nation

2. Reputable news channels NYTimes, National News Shows, PBS and NPR as well as reputable internet sites

3. Another way is to write or email political representatives.

4. Filing a complaint with city council

5. Responding to public opinion polls actively contributing TOA political blog, starting a new blog

6 the most basic way to engage is to vote

What are some simple ways people can become civically engaged?

1. Stay informed about debates and events in the community, state, and nation

2. Reputable news channels NYTimes, National News Shows, PBS and NPR as well as reputable internet sites

3. Another way is to write or email political representatives.

4. Filing a complaint with city council

5. Responding to public opinion polls actively contributing TOA political blog, starting a new blog

6 the most basic way to engage is to vote

City council members, mayors, state legislators, governors, and members of Congress are all chosen how?

City council members, mayors, state legislators, governors, and members of Congress are all chosen by popular vote.

What are some simple ways people can become civically engaged?

1. Stay informed about debates and events in the community, state, and nation

2. Reputable news channels NYTimes, National News Shows, PBS and NPR as well as reputable internet sites

3. Another way is to write or email political representatives.

4. Filing a complaint with city council

5. Responding to public opinion polls actively contributing TOA political blog, starting a new blog

6 the most basic way to engage is to vote

7. Attending public rallies, donating money to a campaign, signing petitions starting petitions and taking part in polls and surveys

8. City council subcommittee, other local organizations, civic organizations always need volunteers sometimes for a short while others much longer.

9. Engage in a wide variety of community based volunteer efforts that fill the gaps - tending to a community garden, cleaning up trash,, building for Habitat for Humanity l, cleaning trash in vacant lot, volunteering to deliver meals to the elderly and tutoring children in after school programs

10. Protests marches and demonstrations civil disobedience (sit ins, sleep in, pray ins) today things like Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street, boycotts, help local communities or take steps to protect the environmentbuycots

City council members, mayors, state legislators, governors, and members of Congress are all chosen how?

City council members, mayors, state legislators, governors, and members of Congress are all chosen by popular vote.

How is the president of the United States chosen?

The president of the United States is not chosen directly by popular vote but by a group known as the Electoral College, the votes of individuals in their home state determine how the Electoral College ultimately votes.

What did the 26th Amendment do?

The 26th Amendment lowered the age to vote from 21 to 17.

This came about as a result of the Vietnam war where it became apparent young men could be drafted for war but couldn’t vote. It was unfair to deny 18 year olds the right to vote for people who had the power to send them to war.

Who is Ritchie Torres?

In 2013, at age 25, Ritchie Torres became the youngest member of New York City Council and the first gay council member to represent the Bronx. Lived in Poverty in Bronx Public Housing and suffered asthmas due to mold though all his mothers pleas to the NYC Housing authority were ignored. Torres decided to become a lawyer and met James Vacca. He worked on Vacca’s campaign and when he won, he made Torress his Ousingndirector. Torres took pictures of poor conditions and collected complaints from Public Housing tresodents. In2013 he ran for City Council and won

Civic engagement is defined how? There is a reciprocal relationship between civic engagement and communities? Explain how?

Civic Engagement is a broad term that describes making informed decisions and taking informed actions that benefit you and your community as a whole. There is a reciprocal relationship between civic engagement and communities. Community organizations like churches, community gardens, even book clubs offer us benefits as individual and serve a greater good like educating, supporting, or creating for groups. Service, Education, advocacy and voting are broad ways to get involved. Linked to higher achievement, resiliency, and purpose.it gives you a social support system. Depts.gpc.edu/engage, Facebook.com/gpcedge, Twitter.com/GPC_EDGE, serve.gov, volunteer match.org, hands in Atlanta.org, idealist.org, democracycommitment.org, rock the vote,has.harvard.edu/saguaro/whatyouvando

Why are younger people less likely to be involved?

Why are younger Americans less likely to become involved in traditional political organizations? One answer may be that as American politics become more partisan in nature, young people turn away. Committed partisanship, which is the tendency to identify with and to support (often blindly) a particular political party, alienates some Americans who feel that elected representatives should vote in support of the nation's best interests instead of voting in the way their party wishes them to. When elected officials ignore all factors other than their party's position on a particular issue, some voters become disheartened while others may become polarized. However, a recent study reveals that it is a distrust of the opposing party and not an ideological commitment to their own party that is at the heart of most partisanship among voters.

More youth identify with ______more than Democrats or republican and are increasingly more concerned about the _____.

More youth identify with Independents more than Democrats or republican and are increasingly more concerned about the issues like same sex marriage and abortion rights.

People whose votes are based on single issues are less likely to vote how?

People whose votes are based on single issues are less likely to vote according to party affiliation

Young voters vote how generally?

1. Claim something like independent versus Democrat or Republican

2. Care about specific issues so don’t vote according to party affiliation

3. They lose interest when issues are relevant to their lives like entitlement for seniors. So in 2016 when Bernie Sanders made college cost even offering free undergraduate tuition at Public Institutions. He received intense support from students across the U.S.

What is meant by political ideology?

Political ideology is established beliefs and ideals that help shape political policy of one of the major parties.

What is meant by people’s latent preferences?

Latent preferences are not deeply held and do not remain the same over time. And unfortunately, public opinion polls, which politicians rely on when forming policy or deciding how to vote on an issue capture only people’s latent preferences.

What are intense preferences?

Intense preferences are based on strong feeling regarding an issue that someone adhere to over time. People with intense preferences become more engaged in politics, donate Rowland money to campaigns or attend rallies. The more money and more educated the more likely people are to have intense preferences.

In summary describe Civic and political engagement?

Civic and political engagement allows politicians to know how the people feel. It also improves people's lives and helps them to build connections with others. Individuals can educate themselves on important issues and events, write to their senator or representative, file a complaint at city hall, attend a political rally, or vote. People can also work in groups to campaign or raise funds for a candidate, volunteer in the community, or protest a social injustice or an unpopular government policy. Although wealthier, older, more highly educated citizens are the most likely to be engaged with their government, especially if they have intense preferences about an issue, younger, less wealthy people can do much to change their communities and their country

What is partisanship?

Strong support or even blind allegiance for a particular political party.



What is social capital?

Connection with others and the willingness to interact and aid them.

What book did C Wright Mills write?

“The Power in the Elite”

Robert Dahl introduced the ______ theory in his book ______ with the author “who governs”

Robert Dahl introduced the Pluralist theory in his book “who governs”