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101 Cards in this Set

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7 steps in research design
1. statement of purpose of research
2. literature review contextualizing issue
3. statement of hypothesis to be tested
4. specification of variables to be employed
5. statement of how each variable is to be operationalized and measured
6 statement of how data are to be organized and collected
7. general discussed on how collected data will be analyzed
persons under study modify their behvior in reaction to research
consistency with which a measuring instrument allows assignemnt of values to cases
people who are being studied in a research project
experimental design
relationship b/w given stimulus event or other variable in some observable behavior is isolated
control group
subjects in a experiment not exposed to independent variable
test effect
any difference in pretest and posttest scores of subject due exlucisvely to reponse of pretest
precision matching
procedure by which experimental and control groups may be made equivalent thru selection of comprable individuals
field experiment
partial application of experimental design in a real world setting
ex post facto experiment
experimental controls are simulated in data analysis
controlled time- series design
uses control groups to assess the impact of an event
permits result of research on a limited set of cases to be extended to the population from which those cases are drawn
representative sample
all major traits of pop. being sampled are present in the same proportion as the pop. itself
systematic random sample
cases are draw from master list by random selection of the first case and application of a selection interval for choosing subsequent cases
cluster sampling/ multistage random area sampling
geopgraphic units or their analogs rather than individuals are selected
stratified sampling
subgroups are selected on basis of one or more shared characteristics and then sampled seperatley
quota sample
cases are selected to fill predesignated distribution of attributes
sample size
small group of cases drawn from and used to represent some larger group
confidence level
indicator of likelihood that sampe is representative stated in terms of the probability that sample statistic is w/in given confidence interval of a pop. parameter
semantic differential
visual scale w/ no numbers used, the surveyer includes numbers at a later date
exit poll
poll taken (as by news media) of voters leaving the voting place that is usually used for predicting the winners
scientific research
method of testing theories and hypotheses by applying certain rules of analysis to the observation and interpretation of reality under strictly delineated circumstances
open- ended questions
allow respondents to answer using their own words
closed- ended questions
force respondents to choose answer from limited # of options
longitudinal surveys
compares attributes or behaviors of given set of cases at different points in time
stable and enduring orientations
mail- in surveys
mailing questionnaires to respondents and asking that they complete & return them
telephone surveys
interviews are conducted over phone
exploratory research
designed to discover factors that should be included in theorizing and research on a subject
statistical comparisions of characteristics of numerial measurement representing cases being studied
based of researcher's informed understanding of events under study, avoids numerical comparisons of cases
people who respond to an interview or questionnare
experimental group
subjects exposed to independent variable
post- test
measurement taken after introduction of experimental event
pre- test
measurement taken before introduction of experimental event
solomon 2 control group
variation of classic experimental design intended to allow researched to identify any test effect present in experiments
procedure for selecting cases for study in which each case in a pop. and each combinations of cases in a given size, has an equal chance of selection
non- experimental design
studies in which there is no research design to provide logical basis for causal inference
time- series design
seeks to establish causal relationships thru analysis across time
internal validity
construct validity that evaluates if measures are accurately evaluation theoretical concepts
set of cases about which one wishes to draw conclusions
random sample
cases are selected from pop. in accordance w/ the principle of randomization
judgemental sample
specific cases are puposely selected
sampling error
differences b/w attributes of a sample and those of the pop. from which the sample's drawn
spurious correlation
2 variables co- bary but only b/c of chance or action of some other variable
aggregate data
pertaining to groups of cases of collectivities
cross- sectional survey
compares data from different cases @ a single pt. in time
in- person surveys
interviewer questions respondent face- to- face
cohort study
based on repeated surveys of a specific group at different pts. in time
descriptive research
concerned w/ measuring some aspect of reality for its own sake rather than developing or testing a theory
explanatory research
uses observations of reality to test hypotheses and help identify or develop an understanding of patterns of behavior in the context of a theory
independent varialbe in an experiment
Solomon 3 control group
variation of classical experimental design intended to allow researchers to identify any influence of maturation on results of experiment
frequency distrubution matching
experimental and control groups can be made equivalent by selection of combinations of subjects w/ comprable aggregate characteristics
quasi- experimental design
data analysis techniques or data- gathering strategies are used to approximate the degree of control associated w/ experimental research
regression toward the mean
natural tendency for extreme values to move toward more typical values over time
external validity
degree to which given study relates to other pops.
small group of cases drawn from and used to represent larger group
most different systems design
strategy for comparative research in which characteristics that differ bw/ units of analysis can be ruled out as explantions for others that are shared
most similar systems design
focuses on units of analysis that are very similar, shared characteristics can be held constant when differences b/w units are examined
degrees of freedom
number of cells in a table or points alone a regressin line that may be entered w/ being determined by prior entries
degree to which members of a given pop. are like each other
confidence interval
indicator of accuracy w/ which a pop. parameter can be predicted from sample stat. stated in terms of range of values above or below sample stat of pop. parameter is likely to fall
any characteristic of a pop, as distinct from a characteristic of a sample
survey research
technique used in study of individual attitudes, behaviors or attributes
contigency question
filtering device used in serveys to ascertain the appropriatness of asking a subsequent question
trend study
analysis based on a comparison of the same general pop. at different times
creation of a measurement device
panel study
employs same group of subjects for a series of observation @ different pts. in time
survey instrument used in mailed or self- administered surveys
pilot study
small scale trial of measures and procudures used to identify in advance any weaknesses in research plan or instrumentation
direct observation
technique used primarily in study of group norms and behaviors
areal group
defined by residence w/ particular geographic area
demographic group
defined by some personal characteristic of its members
statistical indicator calucated from several variables
unit of analysis
smallest component or element about which generalizations are to be made
index construction
combining 2 or more related indicators into a single more comprehensive indicator
additive index
measure created by combinng indicators of different aspects of the same concept
raw data
product of unstandardized or otherwise unprocessed observations
process of combining several indicators of a given concept into a single complex indicator of that concept
likert scale
based on asking repondents to report degree to which they agree or diasgree w/ a series of statements selected to represent a trait
structured observation
direct observation using a prepared schedule or protocol to record data
multiplicative index
single measure constructed from combination of different but related concepts
summative indicator
measure of group characteristics created by combing the individual chracteristics of group members
data transformation
modicaticatio of data to meet requirements of a particular analysis technique
demographic group
group defined by some personal chracteristic of its members
obtrusive research
research employing obtrusive measures
unobtrusive research/ measure
intentionally avoids influence the behavior of research subjects
ecological fallacy
improper use of aggregate data to draw conclusions about the characteristics of individual cases or groups
Galton's problem
task of testing for effects of diffusion in comparative research
presentation of material as efficiently as possible, simplicity in a theory
series of indicators that can be ordered to rank cases according to the degree to which they manifest a concept
Gutman scaling
provides internal criteria for determining the degree to which a set of items exhibit unidimensionally
weighted index
socres on one variable have been standardized by reference to scores on some other variable in order to faciliate valid comparison of index scores for different cases
data archives
collections of results of previous research
4 parts of a survey
1. introduction/ explanation 2. warm- up questions 3. substantive questions 4. demographic/ascriptive questions
cross- section
compares data from different cases @ a single pt. in time
standardized measures
adusted so as to allow valid comparisons among units of different sizes in the analysis of aggregate data
scale score
single measure of how much a subject has of a given attribute measured by a scale
unstructured observation
direct observation using notes but not a prepared schedule or protocol to record data
syntality indicator
measure of some quality or characteristic of a group as a whole