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18 Cards in this Set

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Wasn’t part of president Washington’s cabinet

Education department


Excise tax

A tax on the production or sale of a product

Sale of

Cause of whiskey rebellion

Farmers refused to pay taxes on whiskey


President Washington ordered the army to end the whiskey rebellion because

He saw the rebellion as a threat to the new governments authority

What advice did president Washington Give to Americans in his farewell address?

Do not let political party loyalty divide the nation

Did not occur in President Washington administration

Political parties were eliminated

What did Alexander Hamilton believe was important for the United States to become a great nation

A strong economy

According to Alexander Hamilton, how would a national bank serve the country’s interests

It would provide loans to business people

Why did most Federalist favor good relations with Great Britain

They depended on their business

Why did most republicans support the French Revolution

They believed democracy was worth the fight

Wasn’t a major issue dividing the federalist and republican party

How large and powerful the federal Government should be

Republicans believed that the US economy should be based on


One way Republicans the alien and sedition acts

As an attack on the right of free speech

Based on the states’ doctrine of the Constitution, what does each state have the authority to do

Nullify federal law

Led to the addition of the twelfth amendment to the constitution

The election of 1800

Why did Jefferson call the election of 1800 a peaceful revolution

Serious differences were resolved without violence

Why did President Jefferson include the wordswe are all Republicans, we are all federalists” And his address? What isn’t caused him to include these words

Jefferson hoped to unite the nation by pointing out what people of both parties have in common, including the the election of 1800

Jefferson said,But every difference of opinion is not A difference of principle.” Which of the following Is a principal with which most Americans agreed

that the United States is an independent, free nation