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48 Cards in this Set

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What are limited information rationality models of voting?
cognitve misers and
What are cognitive heuristics and how do they relate to voting decisions?
mental short cuts we take
What is party identification?
how people vote with short cuts
Is it a short-term of long term factor with regard to voting decisions?
short term
Where does the public stand in terms of party identification?
What conditions must be met for issue voting.
voters must be infomed on issue
canidaes must take opposing stands
voters must be able to positon themselves on issue
Are “issues” a long-term or a short-term factor in voting decisions?
What are the two dimensions of candidate image?
character and competence
Which dimension is more importantcharacter or competence?
Is image a short-term or long-term factor with regards to voting decisions?
party record short or long term
Who are the four key part participants in the ongoing political conversation?
Interest groups
Whose voice is most important in the political conversation?
Public has the most important voice because they control what is going on and who they elect of politicians. Does not control the conversation because they are like sleeping giants, which means that they are like “sleeping giants”
What is public opinion?
Public’s Voice, the public thinks about things such as polls, letters, phone calls, and meetings.
Who serves as the central conduit form in the ongoing political conversation?
What is the dominate media form in the ongoing political conversation?
What politician has the loudest voice in the ongoing political conversation?
How do corporate interest relate to democratic health?
For example private sector organizations have a right- and obligation to speak out when their voices can foster understanding of complex business and economic issues and when they can prevent unwise regulation.
What benefit is gained by becoming an organized interest group?
- bigger voice
- advertise
- raise money
- more powerful
Effective public opinion
Opinion that reaches decision-makers as they try both to discern public opinion and decide how to react to it; public opinion that affects policy
What does chapter 2 mean when it speaks of the “professionalization” of the ongoing political conversation.
It means that political conversation between politicians rely on well crafted messages, and to get those well crafted messages they rely on many professionals
Is the “professionalization” a good thing or a bad thing for our democracy?
It is both good and bad. Good because it provides many career opportunities for individuals but bad because it can link effective participation with money.
What are the three standards for assessing democratic health?
-popular control-citizens involvement
-political equality-equal voice for everyone
-healthy public sphere- people coming together to discuss issues and form their own informed opinion
How healthy is our democracy when it comes to political participation and know how political participation relates to the standards for assessing democratic health.
It is pretty healthy and is one of the strongest in the world.
What is political ideology
A set of fundamental beliefs or principles about politics and gov.
What is the main ideological continuum used to classify the American electorate
Liberalism and conservatism, stability and change
What is the key value distinction between those who maintain orthodox values and those who maintain progressive values?
Orthodox value systems are grounded in authority ex. God, Bible, parents
Progressive value systems come from internal source and the individual idea
Culture wars
Written by James hunter
What are the key differences between modernists and postmodernists?
Modernist need clear defined rules of authority
Postmodernist lives in security, whatever makes them happy kind of thinking
People are shifting to postmodern
In America, how does the distinction between modernism and postmodernism relate to age?
The younger you are the more postmodern you seem to be
Where do most americans stand on the continuum?
What are the key differences between conservatives and liberals
Liberals change/progress, big gov., small defense, progressive values, democrats, conservatives believe in stability and order, small govt., big defense, traditional values, republicans
What are the 4 ideological segments of the electorate and how do those segments relate to success in political campaigns?
Postmodern voter, conservative base, liberal base, conservative spenders
The idea that there is purple shades not just red or blue
says there are red/blue stats because it is better for the media
What are the 3 components of political sophistication? (know what each concept means) make in 3 cards
Political salience- involves an individual’s interest, concern and attentive toward politics
Political knowledge- an individual’s familiarity with major political issues and accurate knowledge of prominent political figures and events
Political conceptualization- the structure of political thought
Political salience
involves an individual’s interest, concern and attentive toward politics
Political knowledge
an individual’s familiarity with major political issues and accurate knowledge of prominent political figures and events
Political conceptualization
the structure of political thought
What are the 3 groups make up the political sophistication continuum?
Apoliticals, mass public, and political sophisticates
Political sophisticates
the group of individuals residing at the top of the political continuum small group think about politics like professionals
Mass public
attentive to politics and mildly cynical about the behavior of politicians
don’t pay attention at all to politics
How does political participation relate to political sophistication
The more that people but in to politics the more they are likely to participate in public matter
How does the media use relate to political sophistication
Individuals who consume more news also posses high levels of political knowledge
How does socioeconomic status relate to political sophistication
Individuals who consume more news also posses high levels of political knowledge
How does education relate to political sophistication
Those who have accumulated a good eal of education are more likely to think about politics in supplicated ways
How does gender relate to political sophistication
Men report higher levels of interest in politics then women
Men tend to earn higher scores on test examing how much one knows about politics
How do persuasive strategies differ across the various sophistication groups
For political sophisticates they offer low cost stargies blogs, e-mail etc. since they are easier to reach
For the mass public you spend a little more putting your messages on popular places that they may see it
For apoliticals you don’t attempt to target them