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30 Cards in this Set

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Interest Aggregation
Interests groups coordinate demands in order to work for the good of the party. As a result, some goals are reached.
Nonpartisan systems
No official parties exist, or the law does not permit them, Each candidate runs on his/her own merits, No formal party alignments within the legislature.
Dominant Party systems
Opposition parties are allowed, but there is little chance of them gaining any real power. Social, economic, political circumstances, and public opinion as reasons for other parties’ failures.
Removal of president. a formal document charging a public official with misconduct in office.
Parliamentary system
System of government where the executive branch is dependent on the direct or indirect support of Parliament.
Motion of No-Confidence (Censure)
a motion put before parliament (usually by the opposition) in hopes of defeating or embarrassing the opposition
most heads of government are commanders of the country’s military.
A plan to improve society (ideas about how things “ought to be!”
Classic Conservatism
Society should be guided by tradition! Change should be gradual!
The bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat, who produce more than they are paid for. sell their labor to the bourgeoisie in order to produce the goods.
Marx’s predicted utopia after socialism. A perfect, classless society without police, money, private property or government.
Authoritarian form of government, anti-materialist sentiments, State control over all aspects of life, Conflict between races and age.
dont support traditional diplomacy or international law. Will act unilaterally to adhere to principles.Freedom/Democracy for other nations means peace and security for us.Foreign policy too aggressive.
Individuals should be free to do whatever they want with their person or property. As long as they do not infringe on same liberties of others.
A religious ideology that advocates literal interpretation of the Qur’an. Believes world’s problems stem from secularism.Rejects innovation and other anti-Islamic traditions.conflicts with west.
Administrative Law
Deals with the decision-making of administrative units of government that are part of a state regulatory scheme. International trade, environment, manufacturing, broadcasting, transportation, immigration. FTC, FAA, FDA.
Judicial Review
U.S. courts must ensure that laws do not violate the constitution. The authority of a court to review the official actions of other branches of government.
Balance of Power
combined capabilities of a state (not just military power). earns power through electoral campaigns. need balance to overpower the president incase he is wrong.
Offensive Realism
a state’s ultimate goal is to achieve a hegemonic position.
state will build up its security and economic apparatuses as the basic tenets of realism prescribe.
Liberal Internationalism
A law-governed international society without a world government. Contact between peoples of the world will facilitate more peaceful IR. Democratic Peace Theory.
Describe the core elements of Realist theory (the Three ‘S’s’).
Survival: the primary objective and supreme national interest of all states, Statism: the STATE is the central and dominant actor in international relations, Self-help: a state can only rely on itself for survival, protection, security.
Describe the Neo-Neo Debate
Explain the Liberal Paradox and provide at least one example
Its when Your rights end where they begin to infringe upon someone else’s. Also tension between liberal individual rights and its welfaristic values. example is when you have to decide to so something that someone else wants to do and someone else does'nt you analyze and meet in the middle.
Discuss the main concepts of the political ideology of Classic Liberalism
A blend of both political liberalism and economic liberalism. against government interference with trade. Rejected Divine Right of Kings, established religion, and hereditary status. Influenced American and French Revolutions.Immanuel Kant, Adam Smith
Which political system, presidential or parliamentary, is credited with being more flexible and/or responsive to the public? Why?
Parliamentary systems are more flexible since the prime minister, and the ruling coalition at large, may be removed at any time by parliamentary vote and elections may also be called at any time.
Describe the political ideology of Feminism and explain the why feminism should be culturally specific
Concerned with the social, political and economic inequalities between men and women. Men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Believe that GENDER should not determine a person’s social identity. Advocate reproductive rights, equal pay, maternity leave, against discrimination and sexual harassment. cultural specific because certain societies like Islam it is hard for feminist.
Should we view Nationalism as a stabilizing force, a destabilizing force, both or neither? Explain why and give examples.
Stabilizing because its the major unifying factor for a nation, Helped to lead the world away from colonization, and its the factor behind most modern drives for independence.
Explain Marx’s ideas concerning Socialism. Did Marx clearly outline what a Socialist society would look like?
Stage between Capitalism and Communism. Property and distribution of wealth are subject to state control. State or collective ownership of modes of production. yes it would look like a productive society without class distinctions. classless society without police, money, private property or government.
What is the Supreme Court and why/how does it have such a big impact upon politics in the United States?
Highest court in the U.S. for judicial review. Rulings cannot be changed. Its the court of last resort. Ensures that statutory law and administrative usage does not violate the Constitution. judge nominated by president must be approved by senate. impact on poitics because it could change laws such brown vs. edu which in turn change how society lives.
Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni Eight.
10NOV95 Ken+8 other Ogani was murdered in the name of shell. hanged today for speaking out against the environmental damage to the Niger Delta caused by Shell Oil through its 37 years of drilling in the region. they were just looking for clean air land and water. shell had 17 mths to show concern of Ken's incarceration and trial. They chose to maintain their relationship with military dictatorship to secure oil profits rather than condemn, the brutal and unjust arrest.