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49 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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5 functions of the government
-establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty
4 types of government
monarchy (kings and queens), totalitarianism (gov controls ecocnomy), oligarchy (where you stand in society determines if you can participate or not), democracy ( power to the people)
popular sovreignty
majority has the right to rule themselves based on natural law
government exists to enable the individual to reach his/her highest ability
civil society
allowed to work together and organize a society
popular consent
government must draw their powers from the consent of the governed
majority rule
central premise of direct democracy in which only policies that coollectively garner the support of a majority of voters will be made into law
political ideology
a set or system of beliefs that shapes the thinking of individual and how they view the world
Virgina Plan
2 house system, 3 branch gov., bigger states favored
Hew Jersy Plan
revise Art. of C., one house leg., create Supreme Court
legislative branch
pass federal laws
executive branch
enforce federal laws
Judicial branch
interpret federal laws
favored strong national government and supported the Constitution
favored state gov. and opposed the Constitution
house of representative requirements (3)
2 year terms, 25 years old, 7 years as us citizen
first 10 ammendments
bill of rights
first bill
freedom of religion, speech, and press
second bill
right to bear arms
thrid bill
prevents soldiers coming into a house at a time of peace
fourth bill
prevents unreasonable search
sixth bill
speedy trial
seventh bill
right to a trial by jury in civil sessions
eighth bill
protect against unusually high bail or punishment i.e. torture
tenth bill
not in Constitution- state power
13-15 ammendments
civil war
Great compromise
2 houses- 1 based on population, 1 based on equality (each state has 2 rep)
Article 1
legislative branch- powers, bicameral, House and Senate qualifications, terms, methods of selection, apportionment, enumerated powers, Necessary and Proper clause, 3/5 compromise
Article 2
executive branch- 4 year term, electoral college, qualifications, replace president, natural born U.S. citizen, powers and duties- commander in chief, make treaties with Senate consent, appointment power, state of the union, "take care" clause
article 3
Judicial branch- supreme court, settle disputes b/w states or national gov. and states
article 4
full faith and credit clause
article 5
constitutional change
article 6
supremacy clause, national government responsible for all Revelutionary War debts
article 7
ratification of the constitution
last thing written in the Constitution
letters of marque and reprisal
an official warrant or commission from a government authorizing the designated agent to search, seize, or destroy specified assets or personnel belonging to a foreign party which has committed some offense under the laws of nations against the assets or citizens of the issuing nation
15th amendment
right to vote for newly freed slaves
16th amendment
income tax
17th amendment
fill vacancies in the Senate
18th amendment
Prohibition act, first time a "sunset" date was set
19th amendment
women's sufferage and right to vote
20th amendment
lame duck, fill the vacancy in the executive office
21st amendment
repeal of prohibition
22nd amendment
term limits in the executive office
23rd amendment
presidential electors for D.C.
24th amendment
anti-poll tax
25th amendment
presidential disability
26th amendment
18 year olds can vote
27th amendment
can't give pay raise and take it in the same session