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21 Cards in this Set

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What was Washington's foreigh policy?
He believed in being a Beacon of Democracy. He was a unilateralist who thought we should worry about ourselves for 20 years before we begin to get involved overseas. Thought Europe had too many problems as it was. He was a realist. Looked out for the national interest. Thought people drew gov't's into war.
What was Wilson's foreign policy?
Wilson thought america should be a Crusader of Democracy. He was a multilateralist. Who believed in using organizations. Wanted to help spread the thought of democracy throughout the world. Thought we should fight for morality. He was an idealist. Believed that wars were fought to bring peace.
Atlantic Charter?
Was a modernized version of Wilson's 14 points. Mentioned most of Wilson's points but had no mention of an international insitution.
What is the Democratic Peace Thesis?
Democracies do not go to war with each other.
What is a Grand Strategy?
What areas of the world and causes are worth fighting and dying for?
Three Schools of Grand Strategies
Neo-Isolationist-Worry about yourself
Internationalist-Be involved in the world, whether to help human rights, to be super power, or to promote western ideals.
Realist-Get involved when we have a hand in it, and its in our best interest.
Elements of 2 major perspectives of Internal Relations Theory?
Realism- Washington--Independent states, Balance of Power, National Interests, Zero-Sum Competition ( whats mine is mine and not yours)
Idealism- Wilson--International everything, Collective secuirty, democratization
Levels of Analysis.
Systemic Level- Global actors and patterns of interaction
State Level- intrastate transactions
Individual Level-Leaders and individual citizens
Components of Power.
Hard capabilites- military, land, natural resources, population, economy
Soft capabilites- education, quality of leadership, national coheason, intelligence
Revisionism v. Traditionalism
Blames US v. Blame USSR
Early Us & USSR relations.
1. Russo-Japanesse War--US helps Russia but supported Great Britian who supported Japan.
2. Russian Revolution--US supports Mensheviks and not the Bolsviks.
3. Begining of WWII FDR recognizes Soviets as a Nation.
Soviet Image v. U.S. Image
America failed to recognizes Russia, Doesn't help Russia, keeps Russia in the dark, delay on Lend-Lease, later the cancellation of it, and dropping the bomb to keep Russia out.
Soviet unwillingness in East-Central, anti-american propaganda, and failure to withdrawl in occupied territories.
Main points of Mr. X article.
Begining of Containment.
1. Soviets are patient in getting what they want.
2. They are sensitive to contrary force.
3. There is no quick fix.
4. Be patient, firm containment is required.
5. Allow Soviets to save face.
6. Soviet society has eternal contradictions which will bring about its own end.
With Stalin as the leader, the Cold War was unavoidable.
4 Lessons to learn from Sept. 11th by Stephen Walt.
Sept 11th was not Pearl Harbor but the Vicory over France by Nazi's showing that it was serious.
1. US foreign policy is not free.
2. The U.S. is less popular than we think in the world.
3. Failed states are a national security problem.
4. U.S can NOT go it alone.
Difference between Stalin and Roosevelt's idea of international secutiry.
Land for Stalin
Spreading Democracy for FDR
Truman Doctrine->Defined and events surrounding it.
Marks the begining of the Cold war. Official foreign policy towards communism and it mobalized the US people.
The Soviet behavior with:
1. Division of Germany
2. In Iran-did no leave
3. Iron Curtain Speech and Mr. X article
4. East-Central Europe
5. Greece->early signs of domino effect.
Marshall Plan-> What was it? Role of Soviets in it and arguments for and against that.
Provided economic and administrative aid to western Europe. Debate on wheter or not to offer it to Russia. They new Russia would never accept but the problem was Congress was already giving money to Truman Doctrine and the Soviet Corruption.
U.S. Pacific Foregn Policy
A. China
A. During WWII US supports nationalists but towards the end we support the Communist but do not see them as a threat but know to not get involved in China. Mao Tse-tung would rather work with Stalin. Seno-Soviet Pact gives friendship and a military Deal. While the US tries a Wedge Policy between Russia and China
U.S. Pacific Foregn Policy
B. Korea
B. Spit along the 38th North- Kim Il Sung, South- Syngman Rhea, both wanted to unite Korea but Soviets did not want it united. National Security Council calls for massive military spending. Secretary of State Dean Atchenson gives speach to set up defensive plan but does not mention Taiwan or South Korea. Stalin gives green light for invansion (Thought US was tied up in Europe, Communist were winning in Asia, and why would they help here if they didn't help in China?) With UN approval US moves in but goes to far by crossing the YALU river and With air support from Stalin China moves in.
Name all 6 World Images and Discuss each.
1)Three Block Neomercantilist Image-> Geoeconomics replaces geopolitics.
1- Japan block
2-Germany EU Block
3- US Block
Doesn't account for cultural dominance, rise of China, oceans are not barriers, politics play a part, and cross block trade.

2) Reinvigorated Balance of Power Model
US, China, Russia, & Europe (maybe Japan and Muslims)
U.S. is #1 but for how long?

3) The Clash of Civilizations-> Culture will dominate. West, Confusian, Japanesse, Islamic, etc. Could result in the West Vs. The Rest

4) Unipolar Dominance-> One super power for along time. However sooner or later a multipolarity will arise.

5) Zones of Peace-Zones of Turnmoil
Peace-Industralist North
Turnmoil-Developing Global South
Conflip will be in not between South

6) Global Village
Rise of international regimes and multinational corporations
Three Spectrums of American Foreign Policy.
Neo-Isolationist vs Internationalist-Stay out or get involved in
Uni-Lateralist vs Multilateralist- Go it alone or get allies like UN, NATO
Idealism vs. Realism - Wilson vs Washington