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83 Cards in this Set

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avt ass w/ proc of gov and power relations that go beyond state instituions
developing world
post colonial states that a a a la c me that are poor less eco adv and less modern than the dev world
autonomy of the political
the extent of politcs as a lvl of social life that is defined by economics or social influences of society or how it can vise versa effect those two
third wave of democratization
samuel p hunntington term for democra in the 20th cent
inc global integr social rel becomin delinked from ter gro and become more centered on intl bases
state collapse
when a func state ceases to ex
set of changs in cult soc an eco by urbanication indu and sec
political developement
1960s proc of pol chnge ass w/ incr equality political system cap and differentiaiton of polit role and structu
dependency theory
theory that states the weak position of dev coun in the captitalist system explains why they cant improve / their state
globalization theory
inc the speed of comm and eco inte that goes past nation bound and incor all part of the world
rational choice theory
deductive appr that argues from premise that a perosn behavs rationally based on objs they choose
modernization revisionism
the remake of mod that tried to change its simplistic ideas of trad modernity and interrelationship
patron-client relationships
connects parton and clientism
politcally movitated use of favors inorder to keep support among groups
exchange of spefic services resoources btw ind for votes btw unequals
coll of set norms rule proc or formally esbl org or informal rules and regu in culture
politics of order
the critic of pol dev theory that focuses on the need for strong fov and pol ord
post constructuralist
also known as post modernist a broad phil app that questions foundations of rational enlightenment thinking
third wave of democracy
samuel p hunntington term for democra in the 20th cent
democracy promotion
alot of apporaches and democratic assistence to help a state become democratic
tactic used to attack a innocent civ pop to inspire fear for a political goal
collasped states
when a functioning state ceases to exsist
non gov org
org that dont working in state but in civ soc but somtimes funded by state
good governance
by the wb which means sound mang of pub aff which demo gov
ref to edward saids theory of western dominance of the eat and how the images of the oreient helped define the west as its the opp
clash of civilizations
sam p hunntinton predition that after thje wc intl contr would have cult char chris vs musc west vs eat
post colonial states
state that came about when europ colonizations broke up
post structuralist
also known as post modernist questions the rational enlightement thinking
politcal phil that gives priority to indv freedom
path dependence
where you come from and choices made/not made influence your outcome final destination
scramble for africa
the nickname that was given to the 19th century colonization and movement of colonizing country to africa and its exspansion
it was the afrikaans word for to be seperate. it explained the political rule/ way of life in south africa in 1948-1989
indirect rule
dev by britian where native cheifs exercised limited authority
jean bayart said that african leaders because of intl crisis and prd forces always make leaders serch on the outisde for its developemnt rather than on the inside
primary goal for rulers is the extration of resources and wealth to benifit the rulers
rule of law
that all ppl regardless of status in/of gov no one is above the law
developemental state
proposed by adrian leftwich that a state enjoys embedded autonomy power gov, and capipble gov to bring this dev state
gatekeeper state
frederick cooper used to desc in africa a form of a state that tries to control a terrority that is in intersection with the outside world coll and distrb things it brought
system of social stratification char by hereidt status and social berrried by customs or law
liberal imperialism
the thought that powerful adv west countries should interventin even by force to spread good gov and liberal dem values
fraser 1997 having fruits of ones labour app for the ben of others
import substituting industrialization
isi econ stra of protec the growth of man by making barrirs to impr
neo liberal
new liberal theory that stressed dependency on the market for resources rather than states with the globalization economy intergration
washington consensus
jonhn williamson in 1989 for liberalizing economic and fincai for la if it wanted to get out of its finical rut which was broaden to be the principles of the imf bretton woods and wb
comparitive advantage
economic theory that states should produce things that they have a releative cost adv in compared to other countries
newly industrializing countries
countries that exp dramatic industrialization after 1945 eastern tigers dev countries
new protectionism
measures countries use to proctect their home markets for home prod by non tarrifs like quotas
proxy wars
conflicts carried our on behalf of the great powers in dev areas of the cold war
powerful regional figures possesing coercive power inside a country
structural adjustments programmes
often helps developing nations become states. helps economic policy and management to be angled toward the washington concenus
used by the imf attach of policy or other cond to offers of fin orther ass with possibl of sanctions for non compl
ontological equality
assmpt that all ppl are created equal
equality of outcome
app to make all ppl equal no matter their org differences
bc of captilasm acc to dependceny theroy a lack of dev
unequal exchange
that intl trade btw dev and undev where the former exploit the latter and gets more bene
hindu caste system
ancient and complex but evolving system of social strat ppl status det. at birth
gini coefficient
a commonly useed meas of inequl of house income/ consumption that higher the fig the higher the ineq
economic marginalization
being stuck in poorly paid work or undeseriable work
fraser 1997 being denied adequate standard of living
extents of freedom
in sens term the cap or the freedom to achiev whatever functioniongs an ind happens to value
social movements
informal groups that come together bc of a certain issue to influence public policy or get a response may or maynot use violence
national identities
politcal emphasizng autonomy and unity of a nation as a actual or potntial pol unit
ethnic identities
socially constructed ident that ppl self consciously use to serperate themselves sometimes politizized
nation building
building a sense of national belonging and unity
war on terror
in resp of 9-11 west and allies attempt to fight agiasnt terrorism globally
ethnopolitical identities
ethinic identities that have been politicitized or made politcally relevant
ethnic morphology
refers to the form and struct of groups
civic nationalism
involving unity among cit of an autonomous state
ethnonational identities
defining the nation in ehtince terms unity through merging of ethinc and national identities and demanding autonomy for ethnic nations
multi-ethnic national identities
defining the nation in terms of several cult iden w/in cit poli int and overarching of national indenty of an autonomous state
deliberate extermination of a social group in part or in whole on the grounds of culture ethnicity or race
the extermination of politcal enemies
political act w/in religious demenions
political islam
a political movement that has been evolving over a period of time and used religious views of islam fundementalism
global religous revivial
the gradual decrease of religion on public affiars
christian democracy
the applying of christian princ to electoral politics
liberation theology
it was a mix of christ theo and poli act in pov and soc justic and human rights in 1960s in la
religion fundamentalism
termed for all religous groups who believe that their gov should go back to their faith for gov and resit sec throu politcal means
islamic law that is implemented in states with large muslim pop it is a religious law that is seperate from reg legal laws
islamic term for consultation btw ppl and the ruler
evangelical christianity
conserv protest religion strsses evangelism and person exp of conv
state of church relations
the interactions in a country btw state and the leading religious org