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54 Cards in this Set

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What are the steps in which decision making occurs?
1. Identify a problem, accurately recognize and diagnose a problem.
2. Specify Goal
3. Identify all the possible courses of action or strategies.
4. specify utility values in terms of their importance.
5. Identify all consequences-utility
6. Choose the solution to the problem.
What does Lindblom say about the root method?
-Lindblom says that no one follows the root method, they either achieve rationality or not.
"All sorts of hurdles to achieve decision making"
What does Lindblom say the root method focuses on?
It focuses on the symptoms and not the root problems. They rarely find any consensus or agreement on what the problem is
What are the cons of Decision Making?
-It takes resources
-We only look at some courses of action
-It prohibits the learning of all consequences, we don't know all the consequences, just assumptions.
Incremental method is also known as the what?
Branch Method
What are sunk costs?
All values that have been invested that are inevitable.
Because the time period is present, you will never be focused on what?
long term goals
Implications of Incrementalism as a prescriptive model
No real long term goals, just alleviating the symptoms.
The flow chart was part of which model?
Mixed-Scanning Model
The test of Incrementalism is
the strategy, not the dollar value.
The dollar value may be different but....
The basic strategy is the same.
Fundamental Changes result in
A drastic change in strategy.
Mixed Scanners are dominated by the what?
The Present, even though Etzioni says we try to coordinate the two.
Budgeting is ______ to politics
Central to politics(the essence of making decisions) Budget represents a process of allocating resources. In its simplest budgeting is a war of counting and keeping track of finances.
Discretionary Budgeting
The part of the budget that both the president/congress have the ability to make a decision on what they're going to spend.
Mandatory Budgeting
Annually the president/congress don't have the ability to make a decision
Ex: Medicare, Medicaid.
A law of congress must be changed to change this.
The Executive Budget Process, Pertaining to the Federal government
Federal- puts the president in charge of preparation and confirmation.
The concern of Financial corruption is handled through what
accountability for expenditures, accountability through control
Administrative integration
don't spend money frivolously
Spending that is contradictory is...
Why does the Local Government succeed in so much when it comes to budgeting?
-Budget was small and process wasn't complicated.
-No Comprehensive Budget
The president now has a role in budgeting, this is caused because of what?
The Civil War
What are the three general patters of Governmental Behavior
1. Growth of the role of the federal government's authority in Economy
2.Change in the federal governments role, expand federal govt behavior. Planning + Budgeting
3. Change in the role of the office of the Presidency.
Describe the Growth of the role of the Federal Government's authority in the Economy
respect to regulating and monitoring the economy. Federal govt became a much more active player. Federal govt had to protect the growth of the national government.

Ex: Interstate Commerce Commission
Describe the Change in the federal governments role, expand federal govt behavior. Planning + Budgeting
Monetary policy= setting of interest Rates

Fiscal Policy= governments attempt to a good economy by spending money.
Describe the change in the role of the office of the presidency
Congress holds the power of the purse.

Presidency Growth of power.
Budget Act of 1921
1. Created and mandated the federal budget process that we have today...executive process.
2. GAO- general accountability office-> created for congress to be its accountant.
3.B.O.B. -O.M.B. (1971) Richard Nixon changed to manage the budget.
council of economic advisers- important role in budget preparation, assumptions, and potential economic activity.
Congressional Budget office- created in 1974 essentially as a part of a congressional representation of the budget process.
What did the C.B.O. do to Congress?
Congress felt at a disadvantage, congress had power of the purse but not the capacity.
Comprehensive Operating Budget
Fiscal and Financial resources (regular recurring expenditures)
Capital Budget
Major one time only expenditures

Ex: Bridge to Nowhere
Object of Expenditure Technique (line/item budgeting)
Developed as a specific response to the reform pressure of control and accountability. Meant to deliver on control and accountability by focusing on lines and items.
Line item budget focuses attention on what?
Line Item Budgeting asks which question?
What will I need to do to run the agency next year?
Line/Item budget makes you what kind of decision maker?
Incremental Decision Maker
Line/Item doesn't provide a lot of what?
Management Utility, no real return, sometimes required
The Control and Accountability of money requires which kind of budgeting?
Line/Item budgeting
Unit Cost Measures allows us to do what?
allows us to evaluate efficiency with what was done in the past
Performance Budget Focuses more on what?
how agency reforms, Reformation in terms of efficiency.
Pure Performance Budget: ( 3 Factors)
1. Workload Indicators
2. Cost Data
3. Unit Cost Measure

In practice Real Performance Budgeting will also have
Line/Item Breakdown
By looking at efficiency we are able to manage....
Public Budgeting Emphasizes what?
Line/Item budgeting emphasizes what?
control and accountability.
Public budgeting asks what?
How can i be more efficient?
Incremental budgeter
Line/Item- what you spend on inputs next year, adjusts on the margin, becoming an incremental decision maker.
Performance budgeting uses what scanning model?
Mixed/scanning budgeting, adjusting doesn't always get the cost that you want. Focus on inputs/outputs and interested in management and efficiency
Performance Budgeting does not deliver to the managers the ability to what?
check outcomes which dignify consequences and the ability to plan for the future. This is supposed to give knowledge to the consumer.
Planning Programming Budgetary System
designed to address the limitations of program budgeting.
Program Budgeting emphasizes what?
plan for achievement of goals

focuses attention on inputs, outputs, alternatives..etc.
Program Budgeting asks what question?
What is my goal?
Alternative course of action?
a whole set of systematic questions
Program Budgeting promises what?
Comprehensive Decision Making
Characteristics of Program Budgeting
1.Program classification
2.Detail Narrative
3.Multi-year time frame
4.Quantitive analysis alternative
5.Zero base assumption that just because we spent money on it last year, doesn't mean that we will spend money on it next year.