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113 Cards in this Set

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a metaphor in which a part is used in place of a whole
"head of cattle"
use of single characteristic to define a more complex thing
plato-- "truth is spiritual" reality must be sought after in shadows of imperfect world, believe that quest in life is to retreive lost innocence, must imagine truth
"truth is physical" world is ordered, structured, everything we know can be achieved through reason, assume everything is truthful
hymn to intellectual beauty
percy bysshe shelly, within the spirit lies truth, emphasizes imagination, compares reality to shadows
an essay on man
alexander pope, life is structured and outlined, nature contains ultimate order, god creator of all order and reason, all aspects of life even with evil are essentially right
song of myself
walt whitman, romanticism published in "leaves of grass" dislikes education, nature is a sign of democracy,
when i heard the learn'd astronomer
walt whitman, romanticism, couldn't stand the boring order of lecture, wanted to be in touch with reality so went underneath stars
a song for st. cecilia's day
john dryden, rationalism, music is mathematical, ordered, god made music, therefore its good, harmony when we come together as one
implied comparison, without using like or as
stated comparision using like or as
"his eyes were green like a fresh pickled toad"
william blake, angry with city, conveys emotions with imagery, repetition, diction
"songs of innocence"
william blake, mostly written to children/spoken through children, use lambs as symbol of innocence, carefree as children
"introduction," "the shephard," "the ecchoing green," "the lamb"
"holy thursday" (innocence)
parallel poems, refers to acension day in st. pauls cathedral in london, kids coming in, references to baptism, holy spirit, diction= use of innocent, redbluegreen, white as snow
"holy thursday" (experience)
uses irony, wondering if the sight of children is holy, eternal winter imagery
"the chimney sweeper"
blake, parallel poems, innocence= tone of acceptance, encouraged by dream where angel unlocks coffin// experience= child responds, doesn't understand whats happening, adults lose innocence and become ignorant
"the little vagabond"
blake, speaker= child who drifted away, church and ale house have same qualities= drink, music, fellowship/ give church warmth & ale= pray all day [[indictment against church]]
"the divine image"
blake, mercy, pity, peace, love= virtues of book, lots of imagery, gets preachy at end= weakness
"the human abstract"
blake, abstract means "total history" loss of innocence creates good, allusion to adam and eve, final line- brain cross cut looks like tree
"a poison tree"
growing wrath for enemy= watered, sunned (imagery), lets enemy meet own downfall
a long narrative poem, about serious subject
poetry written in voice of character assumed by poet
poem with song like qualities
basic unit of pronunciation
scanning line of poetry to determine its meter
natural pause in speaking
repetition of speech sounds in nearby words (usually consonants)
combination of two or three stressed/unstressed syllables
unstressed, stressed
stressed, unstressed
two unstressed, stressed
stressed, two unstressed
two successive stressed syllables
two successive unstressed syllables
line with one foot
line with two feet
line with three feet
line with four feet
line with five meet, most popular
base rhythm
line with six feet
line with seven feet
iambic hexameter, provides resonant termination to stanza of shorter lines
line with eight feet
caesura occurs naturally at end of line
sentence carries over into next line
syllabic meter
measures number of syllables
first paeon
stressed, three unstressed
quantitive meter
measures feet according to duration of speech
concurrence, in two+ lines of last stressed vowel and all sounds after
end rhymes
occur at end of line
internal rhyme
rhyme occurs inside word
repetition of vowel sounds
repeition of consonant sounds
word sounds like what it means
feminine rhyme
two syllables of rhyme
masculine rhyme
one syllable of rhyme
perfect rhyme
rhyme sound is exact
poetic license
violation of rules of versification
eye rhymes
word looks like it should rhyme, but jk lol it doesn't
off rhyme/slant rhyme
changes vowel sound or ending consonant
vowel rhyme
only vowel sounds rhyme
stressed vowel is different but has similar sounding consonants on each side
blank verse
unrhymed iambic pentameter
dramatic monologue
single speaker addresses audience in specific situation at critical moment
verse paragraph
two lines
heroic couplet
used in epic poems, act alone
three lines, usually linked with single rhyme
terza rima
second line each stanza rhymes with first and third of next
most common, four lines
ballad stanza
type quatrain, abcb
rhyme royal
seven line iambic pentameter ababbcc
ottava rima
eight line stanza, abababcc
don juan
spenserian stanza
nine lines, first eight iambic pentameter, last alexandrine
fourteen lines of iambic pentameter
italian sonnet
octave (abba, abba) sestet (cde, cde)
english sonnet
three quatrains (abab, cdcd, efef) couplet (gg)
spenserian sonnet
three quatrains (abab, bcbc, cdcd) couplet (ee)
six lines
change in direction of narrative or argument
five tercets (aba) quatrain (abaa) other crazy flipping rhyming shit
five line stanza, nonsense verse
formal lament for dead
long lyric poems of elevated style and crazy structure
pindaric ode
three part structure
horatian ode
uses repeated stanza form
closed forms
sonnet, villanelle, sestina
prose poems
cross between prose and poetry
free verse
no use of traditional rhyme/meter
the rime of the ancient mariner
coleridge, composed of allegory, "the story of every soul", ballad, albatross= loss of innocence, connection between albatross and conscience, blessing of snakes is romantic concept praying=freedom, in search of reality
the rape of the lock
alexander pope, problems solved rationalistically, belinda portrays sweet, attractive qualities, she is like everyone, flirt, meant to fall in love can't be flirt forever, beauty and charm less important than merit (clarissa= sees clearly)
form of satire in which petty characters and trivial events are amde ridiculous by being incongruously presented in all the pomp and ceremony of epic characterization, narration and style
tintern abbey
william wordsworth, romantic lyric poem, nature is wild/untamed, nature doesn't change=able to trust, three stages of life, lose things but gain more
effects of nature
2)makes gentler people
3) see into life of things
ode intimations of immortality
william wordsworth, pantheism, when growing up taught to forget pleasant things, always questioning
ode to duty
william wordsworth, epigraph from seneca, always putting things off, attitude towards work should be to serve others, define ourselves with work
dejection: an ode
coleridge, creates life of romantic who sees life with dejection & sadness, always in pursuit of perfection
felix randal
(gerard hopkins) italian sonnet about janitor that died, sharing grief, never thought of bad things in future- we should, sestet is core
adam's curse
(william butler yeats) paragraph stanzas, organized around overheard conversation between poet & 2 women, poets work harder than everyone but no credit, women labor to be pretty
sailing to byzantium
(william yeats) byzantium is ideal place of beauty truth goodness which we seek, ottava rima
(robert frost) romanticism of climbing to heaven, always want to get back down from death
the stolen child
(william yeats) chorus ties together, told from perspective of nature in chorus, organized around description of place where child goes to escape sadness
boy at the window
(richard wilbur) boy looking at snowman, vice versa, boy filled with fear for snowman, snowman feels sorry for boy filled with warmth and love, reflect on what it is to be human, paradoxical warm/cold/ speaker: observer
spring and fall
(gerard hopkins) addressed to margaret, child, emotional about falling leaves, will cry for different things when older, always sufferning for self
a storm in april
(richard wilbur) quatrains, organized around end of winter to beginning of spring, metaphor of snow/salt in infertile carthage, white imagery, death is not end
to an athlete dying young
(a.e. housman) commemorates death of athlete carry on shoulders in victory and in death, will not see the painful things of living athletes
next to of course god america i
(ee cummings) sonnet mix of english/italian, speaker= political figure, pieces of patriotic songs
for kr on her sixtieth birthday
(richard wilbur) quatrains, repetition of "blow out candles..." hesitiation of growing older, will not leave in dark, references to blake, plato
ars poetica
(archibald macleish) metaphors about what poetry is/ is not, is suggestive
the lake isle of innisfree
(william yeats) place yearn for peace, romantic notion
the cool web
(robert graves) kids say things honestly, web=language, death brings truth
don juan
(lord byron) satirizes everything (romantic writers, spanish) against church, education, government, marriage, mom didn't have education but seems like she did, doesn't want don juan seeing indecent stuff