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113 Cards in this Set

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why can fasting be bad for small patients pre-anesthesia?
anesthesia: venous access for the:
- ferret
- mouse
- emergency
- ferret: cephalic
- mouse: tail
- emergency: intraosseous
what size ET tube will screw into a catheter hub?
size 2
what ET tube size and type is used for:
- ferret
- rabbit
- guinea pig
- rat
- mouse
- ferret: 2 - 2.5 ET
- rabbit 2 - 3.5 ET or size 1 LMA
- GP: 8 fr urinary catheter
- rat: 14ga IV catheter
- mouse 1.22-1.27 mm (specialty) or a 20-22ga IV catheter
what are ways caused by the veterinarian that can cause a pocket pet to become too hot or too cold during anesthesia/Sx? (3)
- wet (scrub): cold
- cautery contact (hot)
- active warming
how are ECG leads connected in the pocket pet?
needle leads or home-made gentle leads; the big alligator clips can cause necrosis; careful with alcohol/lube because it can make them wet and cold
what is the best way to count respirations in the pocket pet during anesthesia?
when do you feed a pocket pet after anesthesia?
how long do you fast a ferret before anesthesia?
4 hours
what is unique about the ferret pre-op blood work?
high PCV
what are three anesthesia protocols for the ferret?
1. ketamine + dex
2. Telazol (+ ket, xylazine)
3. propofol with pre/meds
if you anesthetize a ferret with ket + dex, how do they differ from other animals during recovery?
they will be recumbent for hours; need to reverse the dex
do ferrets have laryngospasm?
`what are 3 opioids and 3 NSAIDs used in ferret analgesia?
1. buprenorphine
2. butorphanol
3. morphine

1. carprofen
2. meloxicam
3. flunixin
what lab data to you need from the rabbit pre-op?
PCV, TP, electrolytes and/or chem
rabbits are fasted before surgery. What must you do to make sure of this?
check their cheek pouches
what is a significant risk of rabbit surgery that must be disclosed to the owners?
subclinical Pasteurellosis
what are three good ways to see if you have successfully done a blind intubation on a rabbit?
tube fogging, breath sounds, ± rabbit whistle
comment on anticholinergic use in rabbits
they have atropinase. Use glycopyrrolate
comment on barbiturate use in rabbits?
causes peritonitis
what is the most common CLASS of injectable used to induce rabbits?
dissociatives (+ α2, benzos, or ace)
what anesthetic agent poses a risk for severe respiratory depression in rabbits?
why do you want to use the lowest possible dose of injectables in rabbits?
if they cause myositis, they will self-mutilate
how long do you fast a rodent before anesthesia?
you don't
what are the most frequent routes to give (non-gaseous) anesthetic agents to rodents?
what is a four step process to anesthetize a rodent?
1. premed
2. induction chamber
3. transfer to face mask
4. ± intubate
what are six injectable anesthetic combos for rodents?
1. fentanyl + dex
2. fentanyl + diazepam
3. Telazol + xylazine
4. ket + diazepam
5. ket + xylazine
6. ket + dex
what is a great way to allow rodents to self-medicate for analgesia after surgery?
buprenorphine jello shots
what is one opioid and 4 NSAIDs used in rodent analgesia?
- buprenorphine
1. carprofen
2. meloxicam
3. flunixin
4. aspirin
what is used for initial restraint, but not anesthesia, of dangerous reptiles?
cold narcosis (poikilothermic)
what is the most common injectable for reptiles and amphibians?
what are three ways to monitor reptile/amphibian anesthesia?
1. tongue withdrawal
2. righting reflex
3. doppler
male intact ferret
male neutered ferret
female intact ferret
female neutered ferret
group of ferrets
ferret dental formula
I3/3 C1/1 P 3/3 M 1/2
can ferrets vomit?
what is special about the ferret adrenal glands?
the right one is adhered to the caudal vena cava
what is the ferret's diet?
strict carnivore
what pet store products can you feed ferrets?
1. commercial ferret food
2. cat growth formulation
why don't you feed ferrets dog food?
too many CHOs; will cause bloat
why don't you feed ferrets plant products?
1. urolithiasis
2. bloat
at which ambient temp will ferrets get heat stroke?
> 32 °C (89.6 °F)
what are the core vaccines for ferrets?
rabies and distemper
what are five good prophylactics for ferrets when they have their routine vet visits?
1. fecal
2. heartworm preventative (test)
3. dental
4. blood glucose
5. ±adrenal u/s
which type of distemper vaccine do you use on ferrets and why?
vector, recombinant, or inactivated. MLV will kill them.
what don't you want to use when handling ferrets?
what are 3 good, 2 horrific, and 1 sub-optimal places to collect blood from a ferret?
- good: jugular, cranial vena cava, cephalic
- horrific: retro-orbital, cardiac puncture
- nail clip
what is the most common disease of ferrets?
what are the four most common types for ferret neoplasias?
1. pancreatic islet cell (insulinoma)
2. adrenocortical
3. lymphoma
4. mast cell
what is the age range of ferret neoplasia?
2 wk. - 15 years
which ferrets are overrepresented for neoplasia?
why do you test for blood glucose on a routine vet visit for the ferret?
make sure there is not an insulinoma
what test DON'T you do for a suspected insulinoma in the ferret?
insulin challenge test
what are diseases that cause vulvar swelling in the ferret?
1. Adrenocortical tumor
2. Hyper-estrogenic anemia
what are some clinical signs of adrenocortical tumors in the ferret?
- progressive alopecia
- vulvar swelling
- male sexual behavior
- pruritis
- stranguria (males)
- wasting
comment on urinary catheterization of the male ferret
the os penis is J-shaped, so the urethra does not open at the tip
how do you determine the prognosis of a neoplasia in the ferret
what are the two distinct clinical manifestations of lymphoma in the ferret (and the key lab finding of each)?
1. young acute (lymphocytosis)
2. old chronic (lymphopenia)
comment on mast cell tumors in the ferret
usually benign; excise; good prognosis
what are three causes of hyper-estrogenic anemia in the ferret?
1. persistent estrus
2. remnant ovarian tissue (from OHE)
3. adrenal gland disease
what is the prognosis for hyper-estrogenic anemia in ferrets?
poor. 30-40% mortality
what is a key clinical sign of hyper-estrogenic anemia in the ferret?
vulvar swelling
comment on treating canine distemper in the ferret
treatment unwarranted and usually unsuccessful
what is onychectomy?
comment on declawing the ferret
- not recommended
- don't use nail trimmer technique
- if you have to do it, remove P3
when do you spay a jill ferret?
6-8 months
what is important about closing an incision in the ferret?
use buried, subQ sutures or they will chew it
when is pancreatic surgery performed in the ferret?
most commonly for insulinomas
how do you surgically excise adrenal glands in the ferret?
- left: remove
- right: debulk because of its attachment to the vena cava
comment on rabbit deciduous teeth
- 1st incisors shed at birth
- 2nd incisors and premolars present at birth and shed in 1 month
rabbit dental formula
I2/1 C0/0 P3/2 M3/3
what are the 2nd incisors called in the rabbit?
peg teeth
which set of incisors grow fastest in the rabbit?
what percentage of rabbits will develop dental disease in their lifetime?
what are some clinical signs of dental disease in rabbits?
- drooling
- picky eaters
- facial swelling
- eye discharge
- eye bulging
- "smaller poops"
- not eating
what is the fancy term for an overbite?
what is important in treating a tooth root abscess in the rabbit?
aggressive surgical debridement
what are five common secondary infections to dental disease in the rabbit?
1. tooth root abscess
2. ulcers
3. rhinitis
4. dacryocystitis (lacrimal sac cystitis)
5. pneumonia
what are the best antibiotics for secondary infections in rabbits with dental disease?
chloramphenicol > penicillin > tetracycline > metronidazole + Cipro > TMS
how do you properly trim rabbit incisors?
dental machine; don't use clippers
how do rabbits breathe?
obligate nasal breathers
what is the most important aspect of tooth extraction in the rabbit?
remove the entire tooth; don't leave fragments
what is a complication with opioids in the rabbit post-op (according to the dentistry lecture)?
what are the best pain meds to use post-op in the rabbit (according to the dental lecture)?
how do you feed a rabbit after a dental surgery?
- 3-5 days
if a rabbit has dental problems, how often should they have their teeth trimmed?
every 4-12 weeks
what type of cassettes are best for small animal radiography?
slow exposure
what is a good position to get a lateral rad of an animal that is awake?
horizontal beam
comment on how many roots the upper premolars of the ferret has?
upper premolar 1 and 2 have 2 roots; upper premolar 3 has 3 roots
radiographically, what is the first indicator of a dental problem?
disappearance of the lamina dura (space between the tooth and gum)
what is the ferret vertebral formula?
C7, T15, L5, S3, Cd18
what lung lobes does the ferret have?
Left cranial
Left caudal
Right cranial
Right middle
Right caudal
four common pulmonary diseases of the ferret as seen radiographically?
1. pneumonia (megaesophagus, fungal)
2. bronchitis
3. HWD
4. neoplasia
what are three common cranial mediastinal masses in the ferret?
1. lymph node
2. thymus
3. granuloma
what is the most common type of heart disease in the ferret?
what are three radiographic signs of cardiomegaly in the ferret?
-Increased sternal contact
-Increased length/width
-Dorsal displacement of trachea
what are four radiographic signs of heart failure in the ferret?
-Pulmonary venous congestion
-Pulmonary edema
-Pleural effusion
what is the normal range for the modified vertebral heart score in the ferret?
3.75 - 4.1 vertebrae
what are three common abnormalities in the ferret abdomen, found radiographically?
- Splenomegaly
- Mechanical ileus
- Adrenomegaly
comment on splenomegaly in the ferret
may be normal or abnormal; could be splenitis or LSA; need to aspirate or biopsy to determine
hepatosplenomegaly in the ferret is indicative of what?
infiltrative process, commonly LSA
if you can't see a gastric foreign body in the radiograph of the ferret, what are two common radiographic signs?
- ileus
- dilated stacked loops of intestine
what is a common sequela to adrenal tumors in the male ferret?
secondary prostatomegaly
rad of the ferret shows a soft tissue opacity craniomedial to the left kidney. What are you thinking?
1. I don't want to be studying for this exam
2. adrenal mass
what is a common musculoskeletal injury of the rabbit?
spinal trauma
what aggressive bone diseases occur in the rabbit tarsus?
septic arthritis and osteomyelitis
nodular interstitial lung disease in the rabbit is most likely what?
metastatic neoplasia; commonly occurs from the uterus of the female rabbit. Note that uterine carcinomas are rare in the male rabbit
tubular-shaped soft tissue opacity between the bladder and colon in the rabbit is probably what?
uterine enlargement - carcinoma
how do you distinguish hairballs from ingesta in the rabbit radiographically?
- hairball is often surrounded by air
- may need to insufflate air into the stomach and a hairball will be a solid structure
why might a rabbit have a very radio-opaque bladder?
they make lots of calcium carbonate in their urine. This is normal