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97 Cards in this Set

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Cranial Nerve VIII is, purely sensory,, purely motor, or mixed ??
purely sensory
What nerve innervates muscles that powerfully adducts and medialy rotates the arm??
middle subscapular/ thoracodorsal Nerve C5
The area of termination (brain center) for equilibrium and ------------------ is the ------------------
proprioception, cerebellum (nucleus fastigi)
How many muscles does the glossopharyngel nerve supply? and what are their names///
1 stylopharengeus
How does the hypoglossal nerve reach the musculature of the tongue??
Lingual nerve/mandibular division of the Trigeminal.
Anatomically, what type of nerve is associated with cranial nerve VIII?
Primary sensory neurons for hearing are located where??
Spiral ganglion of Corti
The middle ear recieves its smpathetic innervation via-------- nerves from the ------------------- plexus?
Carticotympanic Nerve, internal carotid plexus
Longest cranial nerve in the Body ??
The sensation of hearing is origionally sensed in the scala media by what structure?
Spiral organ of Corti
In what bodman area is hearing memory interpreted?
Primary sensory neurons for equilibrium are located where?
Scarpa's ganglion
The nucleus of ambiguous is the somatic motor nucleus associated with what cranial Nerves???
Where do the right and left vagi split to take two different pathway's?
Posterior pulmonary Plexus
The true cochlear nerve is the central processes from the spiral ganglion of corti that passes down the modiolus thru whar tract??
Tractus Spiralis
Dendrites of primary sensory neurons of hearing, are in budles called ???
Ampullary Nerves
Preganglionic fibers from the nucleus salivatorius inferiorous that synapse with postganglionic neurons in the otic ganglion are carried in what nerve???
lessor petrosal nerve
Cranial nerve VIII enters the vault through what opening ?
Interior accoustic Meatus
Which of the nerves supplies just the saccule?
inferior ampullary nerve.
What ganglion contains both parasympathetic/ sympathetic elements for the abdominopelvic viscera?
Celiac or solar plexus
How many different nucleus of termination are associated with the cochlear nerve ???
6 (pack)
What cranial nerves have a somatosensory function?
What extrapyramidal tract is associated with impulses for antigravity reflexes?
Vestibulospinal tract
Fibers from the otic ganglion are transmitted via what nerve to reach the parotid gland?
auriculotemporal nerve, mandibuolar division of the trigeminal,
fibers of the cochlear nerve may pass directly into what tract to reach the brain?
lateral lemniscus
What are the four intrinsic muslces of the tongue and what is their innervation?
Hyoglossus, genioglossus, styloglossus, and the chondroglossus, muscular nerves of CN XII
What is the principal senosry ganglion of cn X
Nodose ganglion
Where are the primary nucleur cells of general sensation located that supply the mucous membranes of the pharynx?
Petrous ganglion
Fibers that arch over the restiform body to the ipsilateral and contralateral superior olivary nuclei are from where:???
Dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) / tuberculum Accousticum
Fibers from 6 different nuclei of termination of the cochlear nerve travel to what structurs in the pons and metathalmus
medial geniculate bodies and the inferior colliculus
How do the medial geniculate bodies communicate with each other?
commisure of Gudden
In what brodmann areasare loudness, quality and pitch interpreted?
41 and 42``
At the nodose ganglion what two direct connections are made with the vagus?
Hypoglossal nerve and the ventral rami of C1 ,C2 of the cervical plexus.
All preganglionic parasympathetic efferent fibers that synapse in gangliated plexuses in or near the organ they supply are from what ???
Nucleus ALA Cinera
The sensory portion of the gag reflex is tested via what cranial nerve??
The motor portion of the gag reflex is tested via what cranial nerve?
General sensation from the fauces is carried by what cranial nerve and its named branch?
IX and tonsillar nerve
Somatic motor fibers for the voluntary muscles of the palate, pharynx, and larynx distributed through the branches of the vagus are from what cranial nerve?
Bulbar portion of the spinal accessory nerve XI
How many nuclei of termination are associated with the vestibular nerve?
The anterior vagus terminates as what branch?
hepatic branch, supplies meissners and Auerbach plexi,
Posterior is celiac plexus,
What broadmann area is associated wiht gustation?
43 parietal operculum
What cranial nerves are associated with the nucleus ambiguous and travel through the jugular foramen?
What is the principal nerve of termination associated with the vestibular nerve?
Lateral vvestibular = Dieters
medial vestibular = Schwalbe's
Superior vestibular= Bechterew's
The papillae simplicae, fungiforms and vallate, are supplied by what type of fibers and what is the nuceus of terrmination. ?
Special visceral afferent fibers, and the not = tractus soliarius
Impulses from chemoreceptors in the carotid body are carried via what nerve?
Nerve of Hering
What named nerve branch and cranuial nerve supply the posterior auricular and the lining of the external accoustic meatus and canal?
Auricular nerve of Arnold, CN X
What supplies the cricothyroid?
Superior laryngeal nerve of CN XI
The spinal portion of the spinal accessory nerve supplies what muscles ?
SCM and Trapezius
The Auricular nerve of Arnold and recurrent meningeal nerve arise from cells in what ganglion ?
Jugular ganglion
What forms the ala cinera in the floor of the 4th ventricle?
Dorsal motor Nucleus
What nerve supplies the abductor pollicus longus as well as cutaneous supply to the posterior arm?
Radial nerve
The nucleus of origin from cranial nerve XI is located beneath the _____________ in the lower part of the Rhomboid fossa.
Trigonum Hypoglossi
What condition is caused by irritation to the spinal portion of the spinal accessory nerve and what adjustment helps?
Wry neck (torticollis) and toggle recoil
What named nerve branch and cranial nerve supplies the carotid body?
Pharyngeal nerve and cn X
Superior cardia nerves that carry parasympathetic fibers to the myocardium are stimulatory/ inhibitory and cause vasoconstriction/ vasodialationto the coronary arteries
inhibatory and vasoconstricttion
What spinal nerves for the Ansa Hypoglossi ?
What sensory nerves would carry pain from GERD?
Anterior and posterior esophageal nerves
How many branches of teh vagus are given off in the abdomen ?
3 gastric, hepatic , and celiac
The spinal portion of the spinal accessory nerve supplies what muscles?
SCM and Trapezius
Preganglionic viseceral efferent fibers from neuron cell bodies located in the lateral gray column of the spinal cord from levels T1-L2(L3) are located where?
White ramus communicans
What cervical nerves supply the superior and inferior bellies of the omohyoid?
Superior = C1
Inferior = C2 and c3
What broadmann areas are associated with CN XII ?
44 frontal operculum and Broadman area 4 muscles of the tongue and speech
Proprioceptive fibers to the SCM are carried in what cord levels?
What nerve supplies the dura mater of the posterior cranial fossa?
Recurrent mengial nerve of CN XII
The descending cervical nerve is formed by what spinal nerves?
What are the muscles of the suprahyoid group and what cranial nerves supply them?
Mylohoid and Ant. Belly of digastric V
Stylohyoid and post. belly of the digastric VII
Genohyoid XII
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
How many muscles are supplied by the deep lateral branches of the cervical plexus, and what are they ?
4 SCM- C2, Trapezius C3-4, levator scapulaeC3-5 mtr C3-4, middle scaleneC3-8 (longest)
The cervical plexus lies Superficial/Deep to the SCM?
Vasomotor fibers that are trophic for the arteries of the spinal cord are from the cells located where?
Paravertebral ganglia
What cervical nerve exits between C3-4
Fourth cervical nerve
What is the complete innervation of the longus colli muscle?
What nerve penetratees the platysma then has cutaneous supply to the sternal end of the clavicle?
Anterior branch of the Supraclavicular
Name the 3 nerve roots that form the spinal nerve?
Ventral spinal nerve root, dorsal spinal nerve root,
gray rammus comminicans
What anatomical neurons are in the DRG?
Pseudounipolar neurons
Anterior horn of what cord level has the most motor fibers ?
Primary afferent neurons from the DRG synapse with secondary sensory afferent neurons located where?
Posterior gray column of the spinal cord
Gray Rami or White Rami lack a medullary sheath ??
Gray rami
What nerves supply the Flexor digitorum profundus ?
Median and Ulnar nerve
Which nerve passes back into the canal to supply the menengies and ligaments of the spinal cord?
Sinu vertebral nerve
aka recurrent meningeal nerve
What nerve that passes beneath the flexor retinaculum can cause Apes hand of Duchenne if it is interrupted?
Median nerve C5-T1
Cervical plexus comminucates with the superior cervical ganglion via gray rami (3of them) communicans, the middle gray ramus communicans with what cord level?
The musculocutaneous nerve is the terminal branch of what cord ?
lateral cord
When is the communicating phrenic nerve called the accessory phrenic nerve?
When it does not join the phrenic nerve
What nerve of the superficial branches of the cervical plexus communicates with the facial nerve as it passes through teh parotid gland to supply the skin over the mastoid process?
Great auricular nerve, C2-3
What is the largest branch of the cervical plexus? which is longer and why ?
Phrenic nerve (345 keeps the diaphram alive ) Right is deeper in thorax passses thru caval hiatus in the diaphram
Dorsal Primary rami supply ???
I love spinal
back muscles between angles of the rib
What is considered to be the external respiratory nerve of Bell?
Long Thoracic Nerve C5-7
Damage to the supraclavicular part of the brachial plexus can cause what condition ?
Erbs palsy C5
What nerve supplies the skin and fascia over the biceps brachi and teh medial aspect of teh forearm?
medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, C8-T1
What cord level supplies the subclavius muscle?
What nerve passes thru the scapular notch to give an articular branch to the shoulder?
Suprascapular Nerve C5-6
Flexor pollicus brevis is supplied by what nerves?
median and ulnar
What nerve has cutaneous supply to the medial 1 1/2 digits on the palmar aspect of the hand and how many digital cutaneous nerves are there?
Ulnar and 3 digital cutaneous nerves
the pectoralis major nerve is supplied by what cord levels ?
The circumflex nerve has cutaneous supply to what areas?
Skin an dfascia of distal 2/3 of the deltoid, and lateral head of the triceps brachi
The posterior interosseous nerve innervates how many muslcles ?
9, supinator, extensors(7) and abductor pollicus longus