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39 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
info fr: environment
info from body organs/vessels
info from joint, muscle
Mechanical force stimulus
chemical change
# of neurons b/t periphery and CNS - for sensory
receptor to spinal cord - 1 neuron
# of neurons b/t periphery and CNS - for motor
spinal cord to muscle - 1 neuron
# of neurons b/t periphery and CNS - for ANS
CNS to organ - 2 neurons
# of neurons b/t periphery and CNS - for special senses
Varies number of neurons
Structure of receptor - free nerve ending
pain, Merkel = touch
Structure of receptor -Encapsulated nerve ending
touch, pressure, stretch receptor = proprioceptor
spinal nerve has ramus which have mixed sensory and motor? True or False
Back - Per. nerves- trunk
dorsal rami C1-S5
branches of ventral rami T6-T12
branches of ventral rami T1-T12
nerve plexus
a group of spinal nerves
Cervical plexus
C1-c4; sensory to skin of neck and occiput, motor to ant. neck mm; lesser occipital n, greater auricular n, transverse cervical n., phrenic n
c5-t1; branch into peripheral n. to UE, musculocutaneous n, median n, ulnar n, radial n, axillary n.
L1-L4; to L/S anterior thigh, LE
L4-s4, to LE and perineum
phrenic n
C3,4, 5 and diaphram. C3 damage cause breathing problem.
musculocutaneous n.
motor: arm flexor
sensory: lat. forearm
median n
motor: wrist & hand flexor; sensory: lat. hand
ulnar n.
motor: wrist and hand flexor
sensory: medial hand
radial n.
motor: post. mm; sensory: post. UE
axillary n.
motor: deltoid; sensory: shoulder
Lumbar plexus
L1-L4; to ant thigh, abdominal wall and psoas mm. Peripheral nerves are: femoral, obturator, lat. femoral cutaneous n.
femoral n
motor: ant thigh mm; sensory: medial thigh
obturator n.
motor: adductor mm.; sensory: medial thigh
lat. femoral cutaneous n.
sensory: lateral thigh.
sacral plexus
L4-S4 = lumbosacral plexus, to post. thigh, lower leg, perineum; peripheral nerves are: sciatic n, (tibial n, common fibular n) and gluteal n.
sciatic n
post. thigh, entire leg/foot
tibial n
post leg, plantar area
common fibular n
lat. leg
gluteal n.
motor to gluteal mm.
only sensation on skin innervated by spinal nerve (sensory)
Hilton's law
joints innervated by same nerves that innervate the mm moving that joint.
What is plexus? Name all the plexuses
Plexus is a group of spinal n. in ventral rami, Plexuses are: Cervical, Brachialis, Lumbar and Sacral.