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69 Cards in this Set

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Muscle properties
Carries out movement -bones and tissue (contracts)
Consumption of ATP into work - movement of a load (chemical energy into mechanical energy)
Structure dictates how muscles function
Movement due to muscle
heart pressure generation
intestinal movement and mixing
40% of body tissues is muscle, generates a ton of heat (energy not used for motion is used for heat)
Contractions (shortening, causing muscle tension) -
fibers shorten, generate force and pull on bones, pressure
respond to stimlus, CNS(skeletal muscle), hormones, physical (smooth muscles from hormones and physical)
stretch past original length
Recoil after stretch (strenthened rubber band)
Skeletal (basic)
Voluntary (you decide to make it contract)
Smooth (basic)
Widely distributed, involuntary
Cardiac (basic)
Only in heart, involuntary
Skeletal Histology
Red(mioglobin - containing heem(has iron) coloring it red and carrying oxygen, striated
muscle fibers (striations)-run from one end of the muscle to the other
Connective tissue
Blood supply
prefix refering to muscle
In series
has a repeating pattern all across (the fibers)
Muscle Fibers
made up of myocytes (fusion of myocytes)
Set at birth (no new fibers)
Lengthens during growth
Diameter changes with use (like appositional growth in bone)
Individual fibers
10-80 microns in diameter
up to 25 cm in length
repeating internal pattern = sarcomere
Cell membrane - wraps around smaller internal fibers
smaller fibers within a fiber
Transverse tubule
wraps itself around fibrils (carries stimulations) cuts through fibrils
Sarcoplasmic reticulus, longitudinal tubules of...
endoplasmic reticulum, but in bone and is a calcium depository
Z band
darkests area, boarders of Sarcomere
External lamina
next to sarcolemma (next to myocyte)
next layer
fasciculi - covering several fibers
covers sever fasciculi - fascia
Continuous with connective tissue to bone
hold muscle intact
acts as a unit
Motor neurons
neurons that excite skeletal muscle
neuromuscular junction
junction they make with muscle fibers
a motor neurons
cell bodies - ventral horn of the spinal cord (axon comes out of spinal cord to muscle) - innervate (make a synaps with) single muscle fibers NMJ(ask Shea)
Motor unit
a motor neuron and innervated muscle fibers
contract synchronously (at the same time)
size of motor unit ~ with muscle function
Ascetile Choline Ach
the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction NMJ
action potential duration
5 millisec to send signal (mylinated for speed)
muscle tension
20 millisec to contract
Muscle fiber(site of contraction)
thick filiment
thin filiment
Z line attached with actin
I band
the largest protien in the human body, attaching myosin (H band)
Sarcomere (description)
Sarcomere (function)
T tubules - invagination of the sarcolemma, in contact with extracellular space
terminal cisternae - region of SR clostest to t tubule, calcium release
Myosin (detail)
480000 mw
6 different...
ATPase - can consume atp
protein, reference point, length of thin filiment, organization and elasticity
..in thin filiment, covers 7 actin molecules
.. in thin filiment
T- binds tropomyosin
I-blocks mysin and actin binding
C-binds calcium
Sliding filament model
Crossibridges between thick and thin
move filaments past one another
energy requireing
Myosin head(ratching) and actin filament
moves 10nm for each ATP
releases and re-attaches
Happens because of thermodynamics - each time it moves it moves toward an energetically stable state
Cyclic steps
look at slide 30
required to reset the myosin head
rigor mortis
stopping of the cycle
see slide 31
Contracture and rigor mortis
insufficientcy of ATP, cannot relax, strnuous activity
Excitation-contraction coupling
action potential- Ach release, binds to NMJ
open channels, na enters, graded potential-action potential of myocyte membrane
depolarize transverse tubules - deep into muscle
As release from SR from terminal systerne
Calcium increase (what it does)
Ap opens Ca channel - ryanodine receptor (RYR) channel
spans between t tubule....
Ap- conformational change in DHPR(changes shape) as the electrical depolarization passes through T tubule
Altered DHPR interacts with RYR and opens Ca channel
SERCA - sarcoplasmic reticulu...
Why calcium
ca binds to troponin, moves, allow crossbridges by changing troponin shape
calcium gets tropomyocin out of the way to allow crossbridge formation
Ach removed by acetyl...
More crossbridges formed, due to more calcium)
more tension
tropomyocin (analogy)
breaks on a bike
Muscle twitch
single action potential traveling down a motor neuron
a single motor unit
lag or latent period; followed by contraction, then relaxation
Single motor unit
sub-threshold - no AP - no twitch
threshold - AP - one twitch
Supra-threshold - AP - one twitch
Whole muscle
frequency of action potentials ~ recruitment(activating motor units)
Tetanus- recruitment of all motor units
Treppe- contractive force is increased after maximal stimulus (athletes) (dumps calcium into SR, so you have some when you start the actual race/game)
Slow twitch fibers
40 - 90 msec to develop maximal tension
lower frequency of simulus induces tetany (in legs)
fast twitch fibers
7.5 msec
higher frequency of stimulus induce tetany (in hands)
Concentric contraction
muscle shortens, force is less than maximal, normal actions
Eccentric contraction
activation when lengthening, dropping a heavy load, greatest tension
Isotonic contraction
activation, load, shortening, normal action
isometric contraction
activation, no shortening
passive stretch
lengthened during passive stretch
to maintain flexibility around joints
muscle tone
contrant contraction at low level