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107 Cards in this Set

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changes indicate there is a respiratory problem.
indicates there is a change in the metabolic system like with kidneys
pH levels
acidosis<7.35->7.45 alkalosis
Respiratory (pCO2) levels
high > 45 acidosis
low < 35 alkalosis
Metabolic (HCO3) Levels
low < 22 acidosis
high > 26 alkalosis
Respiratory Acidosis s/s
shallow breathing
drowsy, dizzy
muscle weakness
Respiratory Acidosis Causes
COPD, PNU, atelectasis
Respiratory Alkalosis s/s
deep rapid breathing
numbness or tingling
light headed
nausea, vomiting
Respiratory Alkalosis causes
Hyperventilation due to anxiety or fear, PE, mechanical ventilation
Metabolic Acidosis s/s
muscle twitching
warm, flush skin
deep gasping
Metabolic Acidosis Causes
Diabetic Keto Acidosis
sever diarrhea
renal failure
Metabolic Alkalosis s/s
restlessness followed by lethargy
dizzy, irritable
compensatory hypoventilation
Metabolic Alkalosis causes
sever vomiting
excess GI suctioning
Heart Sounds
valve opening and closing;
first heart sounds is s1
second sound is s2
normal sounds are whooshing sounds
Clubbing fingernails
it is a sign there is something wrong with your body. It results from low oxygen levels in your blood and could be a sign of lung disease.
patho of CHF
Preload is the pressure
Afterload is what is left in the heart that it didn't get rid of.
s/s of CHF
Increased HR
loss of appetite
edema in legs, feet and ankles
sudden weight gain
What is the difference between TB and CHF
Surgery, medication, medical devices (pace makers) and lifestyle changes
r/c of CHF
increased risk for elderly and obese
Classes of CHF
Class 1- the heart is weakened but no physical limitations
Class 2- no heavy overload of the heart, such as extreme exercis or heavy lifting
class 3- some limitation of everyday activities, climbing stairs or long walks
class 4- total limitation bed rest with no physical activities
Patho of COPD
airflow limited, exhange happens in alveoli. Aveoli sacks lose elastisticy cant go in and out(expand) Its like a balloon.
s/s of COPD
SOB, wheezing, barrel chest, chronic chest, production of mucus/sputum, fatigue
What color is sputum?
CLEAR/WHITE=normal, but could indicate asthma, viral infection, or pulmonary edema
BLACK=black lung, chronic bronchitis
BROWN/RUSTY=TB, smoker's lung
YELLOW=acute bronchitis, acute pneumonia, asthma
Stage 1 of COPD
Lung function of 80% of normal or higher
Stage 2 of COPD
Chronic cough with lot of mucos
shortness of breath
Lung function of 50-79%
Stage 3 of COPD
Weight loss, SOB
repeated and sometimes severe COPD flare-ups
Lung fuctions 30-49%
Stage 4 of COPD
Blue skin color, especially in lips, fingers, and toes
Fluid buildup in the legs and feet
Feeling of fullness and tightness in the belly
Confusion which can happen when there is too much CO2 and not enough oxygen in the blood
Life-threatening COPD flare-ups
Tx of COPD
no cure. Treatment and lifestyle changes can help the pt feel better, stay more active and slow the progress of the disease. Quiting smokin is the most important step to take in treating COPD.

Medications, Diet and screening
Risks of COPD
Exposure to tobacco smoke, occupational exposure, age, genetics
Complications of COPD
Resp. Infections, High blood pressure, heart problems,depression
Patient teaching of COPD
Get vaccinated against flu and pneumonia
Avoid temperature extremes as severe cold and hot humid air
Eat healthy to stay strong and boost the immune system.
Not too much 02
Drink lots of water
O2 in COPD
Start with arm exercises and start slowly.
Can't be on 15 liters of o2
Dont give too much o2 stay in low 90's
Patho of TB
an acid-fast bacillus that usually affects the lungs. It is highly contagious and is transmitted by airborne droplets. Associated with HIV and Aids
S/S of TB
Latent TB means the person has a TB infection and the bacteria is inactive state. is not contagious.
Active TB makes a person sick and can be spread to others.
Signs of TB in the lungs
fatigue, weight loss, lethargy, low-grade fever, night sweats, chills.
Cough that produces purulent sputum develops slowly and becomes more frequent
chest pain
coughing up blood
Ways to tell you have TB
Sputum test
Tx of TB
Medications (INH, RIF, PZA, EMB)
starts with 4 drugs for 8 weeks
Why people dont wanna continue taking TB medications?
the side effects (reddish orange body fluids, sweat, saliva and urine) compliance with the medications, gov pays for it.
Risks for TB
People with weakened immune system; AIDS, chemo, advanced age, malnutrition

People that live or travel to the following countries:
africa, india, china, mexico
High population areas

others: Health care workers, shelters, nursing homes
Complications of TB
the disease enters the blood and starts affecting the Bones, brain, liver, kidneys,heart
Pursed-Lip breathing
Inhale through nose exhale through mouth

easiest way to control SOB, causes relaxation, improves ventilation, keeps the airway open longer
Altitude and Respiratory Function
Pressure only changes with altitude
Run better at a lower elevation

Make sure and drink plenty of water, take it easy, less tobacco, alcohol and salty foods
Corticosteroids what it is?
Antiasthmatics, anti-inflammatories
tx for asthma
Corticosteroids desired effects
decreased frequency and severity of asthma attacks
corticosteroids s/e
headache, dysphonia, hoarseness, agitation, depression, dizziness, gatiuge,dry mouth
corticosteroids pt teaching
advise pt to take as directed.
use bronchodilator first and allow 5 mins to elapse before corticosteroid
Corticosteroids (inhalation) generic names
Qvar, pulmicort, aerobid, flovent, asmanex
Solu-Medrol Class
Intermediate-acting corticosteroids

anti-inflammatories steroidal, ummunosuppressants.

solu-medrol desired effects
Suppresses inflammation
solu-medrol s/e
depression, euphoria, hypertension, nausea, acne, lower wound healing, muscle wasting, osteoporosis
solu-medrol pt teaching
Stopping the medication suddenly may result in adrenal insufficiency (anorexia, nausea, weakness, fatigue, dyspnea, hypotension, hypoglycemia)

Glucocorticoids cause immunosuppression and may mask symptoms of infection

Review side effects with patient. Instruct patient to inform health care professional promptly if severe abdominal pain or tarry stools occur. Patient should also report unusual swelling, weight gain, tiredness, bone pain, bruising, nonhealing sores, visual disturbances, or behavior changes
Ndx for black lung disease
industry evaluation, coal, not reversable
Pulmonary function tests
determinnes the cause of breathing proglems, lung disease, to evaluate a ptient's lung function before a major surger, monitor progression of a lung disease and determine the effectiveness of pulmonary medications.
Isoniazid generic names/class
INH, Antituberculars
Isoniazid desired effects (antituberculars)
Resolution of s/s of tuberculosis, negative sputum cx
prevention of activation of tb in persons known to have exposed.
isoniazid s/e (antituberculars)
seizures, visual disturbances, drug-induced hepatitis, nausea vomiting, rashes, fever PEURPHIAL NEURITIS
isoniazid pt teaching (antituberculars)
continue therapy even if symptoms go away

Advise patient to notify health care professional promptly if signs and symptoms of hepatitis (yellow eyes and skin, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dark urine, unusual tiredness, or weakness) or peripheral neuritis (numbness, tingling, paresthesia) occur. Pyridoxine may be used concurrently to prevent neuropathy. Any changes in visual acuity, eye pain, or blurred vision should also be reported immediately

avoid alcohol, swiss or cheshire cheeses, fish, and tyramine containing foods.
isoniazid drug to drug interactions (antituberculars)
BCG vaccine may not be effective during therapy because other countries make people get it which makes them positive for TB.
Rifampin class
Rifampin s/e (antituberculars)
ataxia, confusion, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, weakness,red discoloration of tears,abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, drug-induced hepatitis, red discoloration of saliva
Rifampin pt teaching (antiTB)
Advise patient to notify health care professional promptly if signs and symptoms of hepatitis (yellow eyes and skin, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, unusual tiredness, weakness) or of thrombocytopenia (unusual bleeding or bruising) occur

Inform patient that saliva, sputum, sweat, tears, urine, and feces may become red-orange to red-brown and that soft contact lenses may become permanently discolored

Advise patient that this medication has teratogenic properties and may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Counsel patient to use a nonhormonal form of contraception throughout therapy
Pyrazinamide class/ d/e

Used in combination with other agents in the treatment of active tuberculosis
pyrazinamide s/e (antiTB)
HEPATOTOXICITY, anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,acne, itching, photosensitivity, skin rash, use caution in gout, diabetes
pyrazinamide pt teaching (antiTB)
Inform diabetic patients that pyrazinamide may interfere with urine ketone measurements

Advise patients to notify health care professional if no improvement is noticed after 2–3 wk of therapy or if fever, anorexia, malaise, nausea, vomiting, darkened urine, yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes, pain, or swelling of the joints occurs

Advise patients to use sunscreen and protective clothing to prevent photosensitivity reactions
Ethambutol class d/e

inhibits the growth of mycobacteria
Ethambutol s/e (antiTB)
confusion, dizziness, hallucinations, headache, malaise,optic neuritis, abdominal pain, joint pain, fever
ethambutol pt teaching (antiTB)
Instruct patient to notify health care professional if no improvement is seen in 2–3 wk. Health care professional should also be notified if unexpected weight gain or decreased urine output occurs
EF r/t CHF
measures blood out of heart
LVEF- blood is being pumped out the of the left ventricle
RVEF Pumped out of the right side

Too low could mean heart failure, previous heart attack, problem with heart valves, uncontrolled high bp

tests for EF
ECG, MRI, CT, nuclear medicine scan
It records the electrical activity that results when the heart muscle cells in the atria and bentricles contract

P=atrial contraction
QRS= Ventricular contraction
T=ventricles are recharging
shows heart size: weakened or damaged heart valves, high blood presasure or other diseases causing the chambers to enlarge

pumping strength; EF and CO

damage to the heart muscle: can determine if all parts of the heart wall are normally working

valve problems: shows how heart valves move as your heart beats and can determine blood flow and blood leakage

Heart defects: monitor unborn baby's heart
Types of echos
transesophageal: flexible tube down your throat into the esophagus
stress: during physical activity
Digoxin class/names
antiarrhythmics, inotropics;
lanoxicaps, lanoxin
digoxin s/e (antiarrhythmics)
fatigue, headache, weakness, yellow or green vision,bradycardia, AV block, SA block, thrombocytopenia
digoxin pt teaching (antiarrhythmics)
Teach patient to take pulse and to contact health care professional before taking medication if pulse rate is &lt;60>100

Review signs and symptoms of digitalis toxicity with patient and family. Advise patient to notify health care professional immediately if these or symptoms of CHF occur. Inform patient that these symptoms may be mistaken for those of colds or flu

Caution patient to avoid concurrent use of other Rx, OTC, and herbal products without consulting health care professional. Advise patient to avoid taking antacids or antidiarrheals within 2 hr of digoxin
Sputum Cx
tells what pathogens, cancer cells or hypersensitivity cells are in the respiratory tract.

white:viral infection
yellow/green: sign of infection
black: caused by coal,smoke
rust:blood, tb, pneumonia
pink: pulmonary edema

foul smelling sputum means bacterial infections

morning is the best to obtain sputum cx's
Theophylline class/name
Bronchodilators, Xanthines
Theo-Dur d/e

» CNS stimulation

» Positive inotropic and chronotropic effects

» Diuresis

» Gastric acid secretion
Theo-Dur s/e (bronchodilators)
SEIZURES, anxiety, headache, insomnia, irritability,ARRHYTHMIAS, tachycardia, angina, palpitations
the lungs are like a balloon. if the lungs over inflate on inspiration and cont completely deflate on expiration.
RBC 4.7-9.1 million
Hgb 17-18 grams
HcT 42-52%
WBC 4500-11,000
platelets 150-400,000
They carry o2.
Decrease is excessive loss of cells, impaired bone marrow production of the blood cells

increase in smoking, carbon monoxide, long term lung disease, kidney disease, certain forms of heart diseases
what should a patient not take before having a theo-dur lab draw?
What happens to the muscles when given Theo-Dur
the smooth muscles open up
what med do you give to decrease the side effects for INH
Vitamin b6 for peurphial neuritis
When you give a PPD injection what reaction should you see?
Bubble or a wheel
How does SIADH fit with COPD
r/t water retention
Demeclocycline class/ d/e
Tetracycline antibiotic

inhibitis baterial protein synthesis in bacteria. inhibits the action of antidiuretic hormone SIADH.
Demeclocycline s/e (tetracycline antibiotic)
photosensitivity, rash, anorexia, nausea
Demeclocycline pt teaching (tetracycline antibiotic)
Birth control less effective, causes yellowing or graying of the teeth and can affect a child's growth.
Fluid restriction amount
depends on medical condition, fluid retention, patients output and on the the pts weight change. If intake is too low then BUN and cr will be elevated. call dr if more then 3lbs in 3 days
Emphysema vs bronchitis
emphysema occurs in the alveolis
bronchitis occurs in the airways of the bronch tubes.
Lung sounds
Wheezing: high pitch whistling sounds occurs when bronchs are narrowed in lower part of the trachea

crackles:rattling, bubbling or crackling when both lungs because air pushes open closed alveoli.

rhonchi:resembles snoring, occurs in the upper bronchial or lower part of trachea. blockage in the airway due to secretions or excess wetness.
provides air passage to help you breath
used to help a patient breath, preparation for major surgery and severe trauma
excessive rbc production.
caused by decreased water intake, diarrhea, vomiting,
symptoms are weakness, fatigue,headache, blood cloting
tx: removing blood, asa, exercise
Streptomycin class d/e

resolution of the signs and symptoms of infections
streptomycin s/e (anti-infectives)
ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, muscle paralysis
streptomcyin pt teaching (anti-infectives)
reports signs of hypersensitivity, tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss, rash
advise pt to drink plenty of fluids
give im administration into well-developed muscle. alternated sites
diet with TB
consumes all 5 food groups and enough calories to fight infection
Diet with COPD
eat healing protein such as increased iron with protein.

take lots of Vitamins A,C, and D

Eat 5,6 small meals a day
COPD weight
The are usually less than body weight since lack of oxygen cause fatigue and makes it difficult to have energy to make meals
determining metabolic or respiratory acidosis or alkalosis
less 7.35----range----7.45 greater

greater 45-------------------35 less

less 22-------------------26 greater
Beta-Adrenergic Agonists (Asthma) Names
Albuterol (veentolin) formoterol (foradil)epinephrine, metaproterenol (Alupent), Salmeterol (serevent).
Beta d/e (Albuterol)
Relaxation of airway smooth muscle with subsequent bronchodilation
Beta s/e (Albuterol)
chest pain, palpitations
nervousness, restlessness, tremor
Beta pt teaching (Albuterol)
Instruct patient to prime unit with 4 sprays before using and to discard cannister after 200 sprays. Actuators should not be changed among products

Inform patient that albuterol may cause an unusual or bad taste

Advise patients to use albuterol first if using other inhalation medications and allow 5 min to elapse before administering other inhalant medications unless otherwise directed

» Advise patient to rinse mouth with water after each inhalation dose to minimize dry mouth
Corticosteroids endings
-End in ONE