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26 Cards in this Set

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What are the three types of funding policies?




What is annually funded?

O&M, MILPER Appropriations

What is Incrementally funded?

What are the exceptions?


9, 15, and 18 month exception

What is usually fully funded?

What are the exceptions?

-Procurement, MILCON

- Advance Procurement: related to long lead times

- Multiyear Procurement: Economic ordering quantities

What funding policy applies to O&M and MILPER?

-Prepare annual budget request on basis of funding needed to operate and maintain DoD activities and pay personnel for a 12 month budget period
What is unique regarding the Annual Funding Policy - Service Contract Exception (budgeting for "Fiscal Year" period)

-Annual budget is requested on the basis of funding needed to only operation DoD actives and pay personnel for a 12 month period

What does the Annual Funding policy consider?
-Considers service contracts that cross fiscal years. but do not exceed 12 months

How is the Incremental Funding Policy applied?

-It's a budget request on the basis of incremental funding required to cover only those costs expected to be incurred for work during a given fiscal year.

What are some of the rationale to use incremental funding?

-Gov't will obligate funding and pay for the work only performed during a given fiscal year

-contractor will perform the work

- contractor will incur the cost to perform the work and submit the invoices

Identify Incremental Funding Policy Unique Exceptions?

9 - month: Generally for a new start program, where the PMO should only budget for the first 9 months; then, 12 months for subsequent years

15 - month - Service or Defense Agency Comptroller must approve extensions of up to 3 months beyond end of the fiscal year for which funds are requested

18 - month - Circumstances where a R&D requirement can not logically be divided; where it is unfeasible to limit the contract to a short period in the second year, or where planned technical effort is such that no responsible contractor would accept a contract for a "less-than-completion" increment

How is Full Funding Policy applied?

What are the governing concepts?

To cover total estimated cost for a specific quantity of military usable end items deliverable in a 12 month funded delivery period

Total Estimated Cost - to inform OSD, Congress & Public

Usable End Items - No piecemeal procurement of systems allowed

Funded Delivery Period - Time period (12 month maximum) during which contracted items are planned to be delivered, starting with planned delivery of the first item

What are the two separate views of Full Funding Policy?

DODI 5000.02 Requirement - requires that program funding and manpower be included both in the budget and in the out-years of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) sufficient to cover the current and future efforts

DOD Financial Management Regulation Requirement - from the outset of a procurement program, identification of the total estimated cost of that program is required so "Congress and the public can be fully aware of the dimensions and cost when the program is first presented in the budget"

What do you apply Full Funding to?

Programming and budgeting actions

required quantities on a year-to-year basis

quantities that can be delivered during a future 12 month period (as a max period)

Each separate fiscal year as an independent action

Full Funding

What are the exceptions for Advance Procurement?

Lead-time of the item is greater than life of the appropriation

Lead-time of items is greater than other components, parts and material of the same end item

Efforts must be funded in an advance procurement timeframe to maintain a planned production schedule

Full Funding

What are the exceptions for Multiyear Procurement?

Associated with Economic Order Quantity (EOC) of components, parts or material of the end item
What are Advance Procurement for Long Lead-time Items comprised of?

Exception to Full Funding Policy:

Shown in Acquisition Strategy

Approved in Milestone Decisions

Circumstances that justify use:

When necessary to maintain (protect) planned production schedule

Lead-time of component greater than life of the appropriation

Lead-time component significantly longer than remainder of end item

Budgetary Implications:

Minimum amount budgeted = termination liability of total cost of long lead-time items being procured

Budgeted amount generally requested one fiscal year in advance of related end item contract

Budgeted amount is shown as a separate line entry on various budget exhibits

Multiyear Procurement (MYP)

What are the exception policies?

A single contract for a specific quantity of usable end items to be delivered over a period of time greater than one year

After initial MYP approved by Congress, the Service requests - and Congress appropriates - required budget on a "year-by-year" basis to obligate against the contract

What are some advantages and problems with Multiyear Procurement?


Lower costs

Stabilizing contractor plans and work forces

Continuity of production, avoiding annual start-up and phase out costs

Provides incentives for contractors to improve producibility

Reduced administrative burden

Broaden competitive bases - firms not otherwise willing or able to compete for lesser quantities, especially if high startup costs

Potential problems:

Govt liable for a penalty for early cancellation of contract

Can not budget for that cancellation / termination liability

Controversial concept (both in Congress & OSD)

What is viable candidate for a Multiyear Procurement Criteria?

What requires Congressional approval?

Substantial savings compared to annual contract buys

Stable requirement - stable funding - stable design

Realistic estimates of contract cost and savings

Promote national security of the United States

If Multiyear will be $500M or more

Congress makes tradeoff decision:

do advantages outweigh disadvantages of loss of flexibility in future budget years, and committing future Congresses

Notification if cancellation ceiling exceeds $100M, etc.

What is the Cancellation Costs Ceiling for MYP Contracts?

Cancellation costs may cover:

- non-recurring costs

- recurring cost (w/approval of Agency head and USD (C))

Cancellation Ceiling:

- negotiated along with other provisions of the contract

- A decreasing amount each year

- not an additional amount to be budgeted

What are the types of Product Improvements?

What activities are involved?

One that increases performance

One that does not increase performance

Determine how to do the modification

Purchase the Modification Kit to improve the product

Install the Modification kit on the fielded system9

Reprogramming - How does the realignment of authority from a purpose for which appropriated to finance another requirement apply?

* Only funds currently available for obligation can be reprogrammed

Funds identified in the FYDP can be shifted or moved

*A transfer occurs when a reprogramming actions results in movement of budget authority From one appropriation to another

What is included in Reprogramming (Congressional approval)?

* Procurement quantity increase

* Affects item of special Congressional interest

* Exceeds specific $$ thresholds

* Establishes a new program or

* Involves the termination of an approved program

* Usually done by Services as part of an annual omnibus reprogramming submission

What is included in Reprogramming (Internal)?

* Requires approval of USD (C)

* No change in purpose - Docs realignment of funds to a different line item

* May be used to correct mistakes in appropriations

* Does not mean "Internal to a program"

What is included in Reprogramming (Congressional Notification)?

*Requires 30-day notification to Defense Committee

* No action until 30 days after such notification

* Establishes a new program

* Est. new procurement program, including mods costing <$20M for the entire effort

* Est. new development effort costing <$10M for the entire effort

* Initiation of safety modifications of <$20M

* Termination of programs falling below BTR amounts

How many Appropriation Life Cycle's are there and what policy drives it?

Phase 1 - Current amount (1-5 years) - Available for new obligations, increased scope on existing obligations, payments and adjustments

Phase 2 - Expired account (5 years) - Available for payments and adjustments (up and down) to existing obligations - Not available for new obligations or increased scope on existing obligations - FY appropriation, and line item identity remains to enable "changing" original obligation fund cite

Phase 3 - no longer available for payments or obligation adjustments - adjustments and payments are charged to currently available appropriation of same type, up to lesser of 1% of currently available appropriation of unexpected balance of closed appropriation - FY appropriation, and line item identity remains only for accounting tracking purposes