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24 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of a project?
"Temporary. Creates a unique product, service or result"
What is Operational Work?
Ongoing work to support the business and systems of the ogranizations
What is the definition of a program?
"A group of interrelated projects, managed in a coordinated way"
What is the definition of a portfolio?
"A group of programs, individua projects, and related operational work to achieve a specific business goal"
What is organization project management (OPM)?
A framework for keeping the organization focused on its overall strategy
What are the benefits of OPM?
"Provides direction for how portfolios, programs, projects and other organization work should be proritized, managed, exeucted and measured to best achieve the firms strategic"
What is OPM3?
A PMI model designed to help organization determine their level of maturity in project management
What is a project management office (PMO)?
A department that centralizes and standardizes the management of projects
What are three possible formats for a PMO?
"Supportive, Controlling and Directive"
What are project constraints?
"Time, Cost, Risk, Scope, Quality, Resources and Customer Satisfaction. Constraints are used to help evalute competing demands"
Who are project stakeholders?
"Anyone whose interests may be positively or negatively impacted by the project including: Project Manager, Customer, Sponsor, Perfoming oranization, other deparments or grops within the organization, team members, team members functional or operational managers, sellers, funding sources, end users, PMO"
What are three primary forms of organizational structure?
"Functional, Projectized and Matrix"
What is a functional organization?
"The organization is group by areas of specialization (e.g. accounting, marketing)"
What is a projectized organization?
The ogranization is grouped by project. The team has no department to go to at project end. The project manager hs total control of the resources.
What is a matrix organization?
A blend of functional and projectized organization where the team members have two bosses (the project manager and the funtional manager)
What is a strong matrix organization?
A matrix organization where the balance of power rests with the project manager instead of the funtional manager
What is a weak matrix?
A matrix organization where the balance of power rests with the functional manager
What is the role of the project manager in a weak matrix?
A project expediter or project coordinator
What is a balanced matrix organization?
A matrix organization where power is equally balanced between the project namager and the functional manager
What is a project -based organization?
A temporary framework for projects created to circumvent any obstacles inheret in the organzation's existing structure (wheter functional, projectized or matrix)
What are enterprise environmental factors
The organizations' culture and existing systems that the project will have to deal with or can make use of. They are used throughout the project management process.
What are the organziaitonal process assest?
Company processes and procedures, Historical Information, Lessons Learned.They are used throughout the project management process
What is historical information?
Records of past project including lesson learned, used to plan and manage future projects. Records of current projects that will become part of orgainzation process assets
What is a project management Information System?
The outomated system to submit and track chancges and montor and control project activities