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78 Cards in this Set

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3 Types of Diuretic Agents?
1. Osmotically Active, not reabsorbed
2. Ibx of Na+ Reabsorbtion
3. Ibx K+ Excretion --NOT used alone for Diuresis
Which Diuretics (DUs) work at PCT
Osmotic DUs
&Carbonic Anhydrase Ibx
List the type of DUs that work at the following points of Nef:
TAL: Loop DUs
Duct: K+ Sparing DUs (K+ SDUs)
DCT: Thiazides
What 2 locations do Osmotically Active DUs work at
PCT and
Descending Loop (note--until Late DCT/Duct this is the last place water is reabsorbed--thus last place to block it diuretically)
Name 4 props necessary for Osmotic DUs?
1.Solutes--h2o soluble, good distribution
2. Relatively Non-Reaborbed and relatively Non-Active or Inert

have to "hold" onto water from (swollen soma cells) all the way to Nef and thru PCT
What is 1 drug that is prototype Osmotic DU?
What are other 3
Mannitol (IV) --know this one

+ Urea (IV) , Glycerin, Isosorbide
Good usage of Osmotic DUs ?
Edema in Brain and Eye
--Not really used in HTN

Temp. Raises Osmolarity of Plasma--puls H20 out of tissue

ie: Cerebral Edema, IntraCranial P./traumatic head injuries
--Intraocular Pr.
What is downstream effect of Mannitol after Tx for Edema/Brain/Eye swelling?
Any thing with Salts?
Mannitol, being inert and non-reabsorb stays in Lumen of Kids and holds water = diuresis

There appears to a decrease in NaCl reabsorption in Descending Limb too with Manitol due to Volume Expansion
What is Mannitol an Antidote for?
Severe Li+ Toxicity
--Osmotic Diuretics cause Loss of Electrolytes non selectively

--among them = Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, Bicarb, and PO4 are excreted a bit too
AEs of Osmotic DUs if too rapid infusion
Pulm Edema-- solute can stay in blood/if cant get into kidney/bad kidney
Watch in CHF or Pts who are anuric
N/V and Headache
Dilutional Hyponatremia

AEs even in healthy kidney
What are contraindications for Mannitol and Urea Osmotic DUs
Active Cranial Bleeding
What AEs for other 2 Osmotic DUs, Urea and Glycerin?
Urea: Thrombosis and Pain
--don't use in Hepatic Insufficiency -- get elevated NH3

Glycerin: Hyperglycemia
What specifically do Loop DUs block?
How do they get there?
Are anionic acids that block the Cl- spot on Na/2CL/K symporter on lumenal side.

Get there via Tubular SECRETION!!!! not filtration = OAT
What do Loop DUs block not directly related to diuresis?
Ca and Mg reabsorption
--the Elec. Grad spaning lumen-cell-interstitium is disrupted no longer favoring into Cell from Lumen
--ie When Na/2Cl/K is blocked, there is less K to be Channeled out =less loss of Cation in Lumen, which WOULD have been replaced by these 2 Cats from the Lumen
Moving on to Loop Diuretics which work where?
Thick Ascending Loop of Henle
High Ceiling DUs--ie, can block 20-25% of the filtered Na/Cl here and 10% of Water, where as theres limited capacity to reabsorb Na downstream (DCT)--~5% is R. there.
What are the 3 prominent Sulfonamides Loop DUs
+ 1 that is not sulfa, but still an acid.

Ethacrynic Acid

Bind to Cl- part of Na/2Cl/K transporter
What 4 Things are Increased in Urine with Loop DUs and 1 thing is decreased in Urine
Na, K+, Mg/Ca, Volume

Urate --with chronic use
How are these 4 Loop DUs cleared
ALL are mixed Renal and Liver
Which Loop DU is preferred in CHF to dec Hospitalizations and inc Quality of Life?
--has better bioavail oral than Furosemide too
Of the Loop DUs, which are Extensively Protein Bound/Not Filtered,with Furosemide and Bumetanide how would you describe their onset? Peak Effect? and Duration?
PO 15-20mins onset
with IV: Furosemide less than 5 mins rapid diuresis,
Rapid Peak Effect: 1-2 hours(oral) 30-45mins IV)

both have moderate duration, 4-6hours PO, 2-3 hours IV
Which Loop DU has the greatest and least Bio Availability?
Ethacrynic Acid: 100%
Furosemide: 60%/ variable

Torsemide and Bumetanide are both ~80%
bumetanide is very potent
Indications for Loop DUs in Acute and Chronic settings?
Acute PEdema:
1. From CHF, 2. From Emergency
Chronic CHF (will lower progression--improve ability to excercise)
--Edema assc/ Cirrhosis, Renal Dz, NEphrotic synd
HTN--but use limited by short half life
What Lyte imbalance are Loop DUs useful for
Symptomatic Hypercalcemia
--note: Tx the Sx of Hyper, but don't cause Hypo

note: Tx of HTN is complicated by their short t1/2
What is key consideration for choosing type of DU with Pulmonary Edema
Loop DUs Alleviate PE
Osmotic DUs can PROVOKE it--not osmotically, but large bolus has effect on heart which if failing can .....
AEs of Loop DUs
(4 lytes, 1 compound, fluid balance?)
Acute Hypovolemia with Aldosterone Release
HypoK (K wasting downstream)
"HypoCa" (in osteoporotics)
Metabolic Acidosis (loss of Cl-)
HyperUricemia-->urate retention-->gout
What other system doe Loop DUs affect?
--deafness, tinnitus, vertigo
--Worse with Ethacrynic Acid
--additive iwth Aminoglycs--which have Oto as well
What 2 common diseases might you avoid Loop DUs due to change in Lytes/Molecules?
Gout--retention of urate

Osteoporosis--loss of Ca R (along with Mg)

Diabetics? due to hyperglycemia
What are Contraindications for Loop DUs except Ethacrynic Acid?
Hypersensitivity to Sulfonamides
--esp Furosemide and Bumetanide
What is main potential interaction for Loop Diuretics
--think about CHF
Interaction with Digoxin
-Mores susceptible to Dig Tox

Loops alone can cause HypoKalemia -- low serum K increases digoxin induced arrhys
What is main potential interaction for Loop Diuretics
--think about Kidneys?
-blunt loop DU response
--ibx OAT of Loops into Lumen
--block PG-dependent renal blood flow

--NSAIDs reduce the DU effect in all
Moving on to Thiazide DUs which work where?
What transporter
-ibx Na Reabsorbtion
---disrupt Na/Cl Co-Transporter
What do Thiazides do to Ca
Enhance Ca Reabsorbtion (R)
while Loop DUs disrupt its R
How do Thiazide DUs, which block the Na/Cl cotransporter into the DCT cell, enhance Ca R?
On DCT, apical: Ca++ Channel
DCT. Basolateral: Ca/Na Antiport (Ca to blood)
--with Na/CL blocked,= Na deficit in DCT cell
-Deficit fixed by pumping Na in from Interstitium with Na/Ca antiporter = Ca deficit in cell as its sent to interstitium
=gradient for Ca to be R. from lumen
What is effect of DU based on dosage regarding Loop DUs and Thiazide DUs
Thiazides are Low Ceiling DUs, ie >90% NaCl has already been R. before DCT. Thus after effective dose, no increase in DU = modest DU to begin with

Whereas with Loop DUs, high Ceiling, there is an extended dose dependent increase in NaCl excretion as 20-25% of Na/Cl is R. in LOH.
With thiazide DUs, what is Increased in Urine (3 things) and Decreased i Urine (2 things)
Increased: Na, K and Volume (note K wasting)
Decreased: Urate, Ca (note Ca is inc. in urine/wasted with Loops)

note: inc. thiazide will only inc AE, not DU effect
What are the 5 sulfonamide Thiazide Diuretics?

note: all are sulfas, some are benzothiadiazines--fyi
--3 ___chlorothias__ + 2 oddballs

General PKs of Thiazides
good PO, rapid absorb
Diuresis in 1hour
variable T1/2 in this class (1 hour -->48 hours)
As loops DONT get filtered to site of action, how do Thiazides get to DCT?

note: loops not at all b/c their highly PPB acids
Secreted via OATs
When are Metolazone and Indapamide Thiazide DUs most useful?
when GFR is low
<40 ml/min
HOw else is Metolazone a DU
Carbonic Anhydrase Ibx--weakly
thus it Increase Bicarb and Phos in urine
What is indication for Thiazide DUs?
HTN--1st line Tx
--reduce BP and accomp risk of MI and Strokes

Best Initial Tx in Uncomplicated HTN
--evidence from ALLHAT, JNC7 Trials

--Note: takes 7 days for BP to stabalize. anti HTN effect is unknown--vasodilation
What are other indications of Thiazide DUs
Nephrolithiasis due to Idiopathic HyperCalcemia via INcreasing SERUM Ca, taking AWAY form URine
---counterintuitive as it raises Ca levels in blood

--Also good for Edema (CHF, Nephrotic syndrome)
--Nephrogenic D. Insipidus---paradoxical effects???
AEs of Thiazide DUs not related to Lytes?
Volume Depeltion-->Orthostatic Hypotension
--will result in aldosterone release

this is bothersome Sx, whereas the HTN being Tx prolly wasnt = compliancy issue
AEs of Thiazides regarding Lytes?
HyperUrecemia --can precip Gout (chronic use)

HYPERCalcemia --for realzies
--opp to Loop Diuretics
AEs (not direct lyte imbalances) for Thiazide DUs
Dec. Glucose Tolerance--unmasks DM
Allergic Sulfa Rxn

-Inc. LDL/Dyslipidemia--again, not clinically sig.
Drug Interaction of Thiazide DUs
Thiazides + Quinidine
= Prolonge QT = lethal

Hypokalemia -> Torsades de pointes -.Vtach--.death
Other Drug Interaction for thiazides shared with other DU?
Dig Tox
NSAID blunting effects --block glom filtration/OAT of Thiazides by interefering with Renal Blood flow
See iMportatant Table on page
Which DU are good for Osteoporotic fems, which is bad
Thiazides good--effect stops when drug stopped

Loops Bad
Moving on to K+ Sparing DUs (K+ SDUs)
which are used with HTN, Refractory Edema and HF
in combo with other DUs
What are 3 Primary Indications for use of K+ SDUs?
When are they DOC?
Prevent K+ from Other DUs
Primary Aldosteronism
Secondary Aldosteronism

DOC in: Edema/Ascites from chronic ETOH; & Hepatic Cirrhosis
With K+ SDUs use with other Diuretics, what Dz process indicate their use?
Refractory Edema
Heart Failure (need K, else arrhys)
What are the 4 MOA for which Thiazides and Loops Waste K+
-3 osmo/transporter mechs, 1 hormonal
"Increased Urine Flow"--volume thru = less time to grab K
Increased Na in CD
Increased Na/K Exchange (later in Nef I believe)
Increased Aldosterone
Note on Mech for inc Na/K exchange in DCT/CD:
Principle Cells have:
Na Channels and K Channels on lumen
3Na/2K ATPase on Basolateral
PC Cell do DCT wants to grab the Na, elevated from Thia/Loops in lumen = inc Na in Cell = inc Na out 2 K in cell
=K overload in cell = Out channel into Lumen

All of which are Aldosterone Sensitive mechanisms too
What are the 2 types of K+ SDUs agents?
What is basic mech for each
Steroidal K+ SDU -- Aldosterone Antags
Non-Steroidal K+ SDU -- Na+ Channel Antags
The 2 Steroidal K+ SDU/ Aldosterone (Rec) Antag drugs?
Spironolactone -- prodrug
Eplerenone --more selective
The 2
Non-Steroidal K+ SDU / Na Channel Blocker drugs?
What are 3 of the 4 K+ SDUs (steroid&non) drugs jacked up with? Which 3?
Comboed with Thiazide
-Triamterene and Hydrochlorthiazide
-Spironolactone and Hydrochlorthiazide
-Amiloride and Hydrochlorthiazide
If Aldosterone Receptor anatagonists are used, what channels/transporters are affected?
(ie how do Spirono and Eplero work)
-K+ Channel (how K-->lumen) expressed less
-Na Channel (lumenal) expressed less (how Na builds intracellularly to increase the Na/K ATPase act.)
-Na/K ATPase expressed less--brings K into cell from blood
How do the steroidal K+ SDUs get to site of action?
Enter Cells via basolateral membrane
--NOT filtered OR Secreted by an OAT
---are hormones in blood
With K+ SDUs, what is 2 things are inc. in urine and 3 dec. in urine?
Inc: Na+ and Volume

Dec: H+, K+ and Ca+
Non diuretic/lytes imbalance AE of Spironolactone
Weak Androgen Receptor Antagonist
Why does Spironolactone have such a slow onset?
Needs hepatic bioactivation --its a prodrug --> Canrenone
before it can disrupt aldosterone mediated gene expression
What is the active metabolite in spironolactone
- longer half life too
What are major AEs of Spironolactone?
HyperKalemia--life threatening by itself

Endocrine/androgen related: Gynecomastia, Impotence, Menstrual Irregs, Dec. Libido
Why is Eplerenone better?
Better AE?
Eplero is selective for Aldosterone Receptor: lower incidence of Endocrine AEs

-watch [] as it is metab by CYP3A4, so 3A4 Ibx inc its []

Stil can cause Hyper K = death
How do Amiloride and Triamterene work as K+ SDU?
Block (not dec expression) Na+ Channel in Principle Cell
-=less Na R. from Urine = less drive for Na/K ATPase = less K buildup in PC of DCT = less kicked out
fuck yea! ninja turtles
When are Triamterene and Amiloride indicated?

Is one better?
Often with Loop/Thias for Edema or HTN Tx
--Amiloride is more potent/less toxic than Triamterene
Which is DOC for special Lyte Disturbance
Amiloride is DOC for Li+ Nephrogenic Diabetes
--blocks Li transport into CD cells
Brief Note on comparative PK for Amiloride and Triamterene K spareres?
Tria--60% PPB, Hepatic Metab, active metabs

Amilor--Free, Not Metabed, Excreted in Urine

BOTH secreted by OCTs in PCT!!!!

not really important card
What are important AE s for Na Channel Antag K+ SDU drugs?

--DO NOT use in COMBO iwth Spironolactone as K+ sparing is additive
--Caution with ACEs
Moving on to Carbonic Anhydrase Ibx, which work where?
In the PCT motha f.er
What is basic MOA for Carbonic Anhydrase Ibx (CAIbx) aside from obvious
Drive Bicarb down tube, along follows Na = less R. of both
= holds onto Water in spite of some of the Na R. downstream
--thus CAIbx not as potent
What is the prototypical drug for CAIbx Agents/ NaHCO3 Diuretics?

specific MOA to inc. Na and Bicarb in Lumen?
--block R of bicarb ion, prevents Na/H exhange
What are 2 main pharmco effects of Acetazolamide?
Sodium Bicarb Diuresis
Metabolic Acidosis
---blocks the Na/H exchanger = H+ buildup in Cell
What are 4 main things inc in urine with Acetazolamide CAIBx?
Na (tho amply R.ed downstream)
Indications for CAIbx/Acetazolamide?
none so obvious, but make sence (4 named)
1. Urinary Alkalinization
2. Metabolic Alkalosis
3. Glaucoma
4. Acute Mountain Sickness
----prevent it
Note on these eCards?
MOST to ALL of lecture inlcuded
---when study, glance at pictures for Channel/Trans clarifications and look for few slides with Red Circles.