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37 Cards in this Set

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Mass body of liberties
Was in 1641 Rites, Rules and liberties concering judical procedings
exposto facto crime
1.. What is a bill of attainder
Law passed by legs that simply declares people or group w/o any trial
-Congress can not do it bc const band of bill of attainder , procending citizening rights
1833 Baron vs Balitmore, the signifance?
Baron sued city of balitmore for damaging his dock

Agrues the 5th Am.
Chief Justice Signifance: Marshall said limited the application of bill of rights of actions of the FED GOV
protect citizen from Nat gov
Define Free Excercise Clause
Suprme Court held Citizen to believe what and religon doctrine they chose
How is the Lemon Test used?
SC. developed a test for disslving est. case call LT uses for
3 tests 1. secular promise 2. prohibits religon 3.uses for to detect relations b/t chirch and state
recent times-school sand religon and prayer and school
What was the descion in Schenek v U.S?(1919)
sent 15,00 pamplets resisting the war.
Court decide: Freedom of speech could curtailed if the words produce clear present danger
protect in oridanary times
ex-fire in theather
What precedent was sen by the pentagon press?
Tried for Ny post not to release them
COurt reject them
Court ruled the gov can not prevent press to exercise its right to critize public offiacals and duty to inform the readers
-Fed Gov has little power to prevent news paper from publishing sensetive material
Which form of portest recieves the most protection from the SC?
Demonstrating at the seat of the state gov. was th eproper way to pettion to gov

you have right to protest at state capitial
Powell vs Alamba (1932) signifance?
BG INFRO- police arrest 9 blacks males raping 2 women

-Accues were entitle to council at gov expenese
-have right to council
Define Civil Rights
protection of persons in historucakky discantage groups from discrimination
-battle of mistreated groups
What was the desiscion in the Dred Scoot case?
1857, Slvaces can not be slaves
Dred scooct came Il and mind
Signifance of Casey Pleasy?
Gov considered segreated faclites as long if they were equal
What was the descion Brown vs Bord edu
That stuck down = but sepreate but equal laws
-overturn doctrine sepreate but =
WHat did Rosa Parks do?
Refuse to leave her bus seat sitting in white section, inspired the bus boycott
Explain the struggles of Native Americans
Fed gov. didnt not franpt citizenship to N.A till 1924
Discuss the civil rights by the gay community
Higher income and edu, June 27, 1967 protest police harasment

STONEWALL- gay protest
Lawerence vs TExas
Decieded that consenting adulkt have the right to engage in homosexual activites in own private homes
Recieve political results
12 states support gays and 200 citites
Who was Susan B Anothey?
(womman vote more than man, Strugle by male dominated contractedon one thing right to vote.)
Led to charge gave women hope
-Part of national, American Womens suffage assocaitation. 1890 she was the leader
What were the contributing factors to the modern femminst movement?
1961 sc. ruled jury selection could exclud women.
JFK created president commision on status of women
Benny Fredam published Feminsist Cities
_1964 CIVIL rights acts, exluded discrimation
Define Focus group
Small gatherings of Indicuals that are used to test ideas before marketing
-average voter tap in emotions , more less responsible
what is public Opionion?
Frammers felt that po potientaly dangerous but must not be ingorned
Expalin the political concept of the life cycle effect
Married couplke which after purchasing home and have birth of child, begins to develop a econcomic conservative view point
Which agent of politcal socialization ahs the least cleat infulence on devloping citizens political views?
Media, voluntary organizations
Womans perception of social welfare?
Women are compassinte
Female citizens back gov base social welfare more than male
according to elezors model what strain of political culture would os res of penn. have
What type of poll do cmapaings conduct at the on set of a race
Varitey of surveys
BENCH MARK SURvey at time of political race
Public knowledge and assment of candinate shows the poltical info has decreased
Give ex of trust and cnifidence among americans?
Decline in trust and confience attributed in decline in voluterism
Define efficacy
Citizens perception that they can have impact on political process
WHat are 3 conditions for politcal participation
1. Resources to partipate(time money, skill)
2, Intrested in political process
3. ASk to particpate(most ppl are ask not asked)
WHat is the best predictor of political particiapation?
Define Political Mobilization
Alert Citizens to oppurinty to participate and encourage them to become involved
Direct mobilization ex
Door to door, campusing, direct mail solictation and circulation of pettion letter writting campains
What is outer direction?
1. What happens to me is beyond my control
2. I should let things take their course
3. Nature moves in mysterious ways and you never know what will happen to you
what causes voter fatigue
believe frequency which american are called to vote reates it
Obama raise large amount of money how?
USe the internet, Demonstrated the pointential of internent for fiancial support raisn milling dollars a day
Least likey to participate in campaing
citizens when depend on gov. assiastance welfare food stamps and income support. Is less likely to write letters, contact political leaders protest or contribute money to politcal campaing
What contributing to lack of intrest
diffuctly est 3rd party alternatives
Purposal drawing non competive districts