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132 Cards in this Set

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Someone who makes and implements decisions on behalf of someone else.
The right to make and implement a decision
a form of negotiation in which two or more parties who disagree propse exchanges and concessions to find a course of acceptable collective action
An alliance of unlike-minded individuals or groups to achieve some common purpose such as lobbying, legislating, or campaigning for the election of public officials
Collective Action
an action taken by a group of like-minded individuals to achieve a common goal.
collective goods
goods that are collectively produced and freely available for anyone's consumption
settlement in which each side concedes some of its preferences in order to secure others.
conformity costs
the difference between what a pson ideall wants and what the groups wants. Individuals pay conformity costs when the group makes a decision they dont like
document outlining teh formal rules and institutions of government adn the limits placed on its powers
act of organizing a group to achieve a common goal
the giving of responsibility to someone else
direct democracy
system of gov't which citizens make policy decisions by voting on legislation
focal point
focus identified by participants when coordinating their energies for a common goal
free-rider problem
situation where individuals can get the benefits for a collective act, regaurdless if they helped or not. Issue: No contribution incentive.
the institutions and procedures through which people are ruled
in a democracy, organization that manages potential conflicts and helps find solutions. ex: supreme court
majority rule
principle that decisions should refelct the wants of more than half of those voting
parliamentary government
form of government where the chief executive is chosen by the majority party or by a coalition of parties in the legislature
a vote in which the winning candidate receives the greatest number fo votes.
elected professional who provides reasons for people with differences to join in a common goal
Process where individuals and groups reach agreement on a common course of actions.
officeholder's actual influences with other officeholders, and over govt's actions
individuals choices reflecting economic, religious, government and other valued interests
individual with authority to make some decision
prisoner's dilemma
situation in which 2 or more actors can't agree b/c one fears the other won't follow the agreement
private good
benefits and services over which the owner has full control of their use
prevent a common resource from being overexploited by tying teh benefit of its consumption to its cost
public good
goods that are collectively produced and afreely available for ayone's consumption
an official rule, law, or order stating what may or may not be done or how something must be done
representative government
system where citizens select government officials who deliberate and commit to collective action
form of democracy in which power is vested in elected representatives
separation of powers
distribution of gov't among several institutions. 3 branches
simple majority
majority of fifty percent plus one
majority larger than a simple 51%. Required for extraordinary legislative actions.
tragedy of the commons
situation in which group members overexploit a common resource, causing its destruction
transaction costs
costs of doing business reflected in teh time and effort required to negotiate compromises in collective decisions
gov't where the ruling power exploits its authority and permits little popular control
formal power of the president to reject bills. can be overriden by 2/3 vote in each house.
loosely organized group that opposed ratification of the constitution. Led to adoption of the first 10 amendments
Articles of Confederation
pact among hte 13 states that formed the basis of the first national gov't of the US
Bicameral Legislature
legislature composed of 2 houses. U.S. congress = HOUSE and SENATE
Bill of Rights
first 10 amendments to teh US Constitution
Checks and Balances
gives each branch some oversight adn control of the other branches. Pres. veto, senate approval of pres, judical review of congress
Commerce Clause
in Article 1 sec 8 of constitution; cogress has authority to regulate commerce with other nations and among states
system where states/ regional govt's retain ultimate authority except pwoers they expressly give a central gov't
delcaration of independence
by Thoman Jefferson; accepted by 2nd Continental Congress 1776; indepenence of 13 colonies by Great Britain
Electoral College
Body of electors in each state, chosen by voters who elect the Pres and VP of the US.
group of people sharing common interests & are opposed to other groups with competing interests.
2 groups; group 1: supported ratification of the constitution. group 2: federalist party = dominated national politics
great compromise
agreement between large & small states at the Constitutional Convention that decided on how Congress would work.
Home Rule
power given by a state to a locality to enact legislation and manage its own affairs.
Judicial Review
authority of a court to declare legislative adn executive acts unconstitutional and invalid.
result of a legislative vote trading.
Constitutional Reformers who sought to replace teh articles of Confederation.
Necessary and Proper Clause
last clause of Article 1, Sec 8 of constitution; greats congress authority to make all laws that are "necessary adn proper" and to enforce them.
New Jersey Plan
William Patterson's proposal for reforming teh Articles of Confederation.
theory describing a political system where all social interests compete with one another for influence over teh govt's policies.
Popular Sovereignty
citizen's delegation of authority to their agents in gov't, with ability to take them away, too.
Shay's Rebellion
Uprising led by Danial Shays, to protest teh state's high taxes. Shows weakness of the Articles of Confed.
States' Rights
safegaurds against a too-powerful gov't. Guarded state prerogatives.
Supremacy Clause
Article 6 of the Constitution declaring states the "supreme" law of the land and take precedence over any laws adopted by states or localities.
Take Care Clause
Article 2, Sec 3 of Constitution telling the Pres to "take care that the laws be executed faithfully"
Virginia Plan
Constitutional Blueprint by J. Madison that sought to reform teh Articles of Confed. introduced a tripartite gov't with a pop. voted legislature.
block grant
broad $ grant given by federal gov't to states. grant specifies what the $ may be used for.
Cutthroat Competition
competition among states that involves adopting politices that each sate would like to avoid.
Dual Federalism
system in which the fed. gov't adn state govt's each have mutually exclusive spheres of action.
elastic clause
allows congress to "make all laws which shall be necessary adn proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing powers"
enumerated powers
explicit powers given to congress by Constitution, Article 1, sec 8. Include taxxation, coinage of $, commerce regulation, etc.
Public goods or bads generated as a byproduct of private activity. ex: air pollution = bad.
when power is divided between a central gov't adn several regional gov'ts.
funds given by ongress to state or local govt's for a specific purpose
Matching Grant
grant given by Fed gov't for with teh fed gov't provides matching funds (usually between 1-2 $) for every $ the state spends in a certain area.
Shifting to the national government responsibilities traditionally exercised by the states.
Preemption Legislation
laws passed by congress that ovveride/preempt state or local policies
race to the bottom
when states 'race' or compete to provide a min. level of servies or regulation.
Shared Federalism
system where teh national and state govt's share in providing citizens with a set of goods
Tenth Amendment
offers the most explicit endorsement of federalism in the Constitution. "Powers not delegated to teh US by Constitution are reserved to the states or people"
Unitary Government
a single gov't holds the power to govern the nation (NOT like federalism, where power is shared among many units)
Shifting to the national government responsibilities traditionally exercised by the states.
Affirmattive Action
policies/programs designed to expand opportunities for minorities/women. Sometimes requiring the organization to expand teh # of minorities
Preemption Legislation
laws passed by congress that ovveride/preempt state or local policies
Black Codes
laws enacted by southern legislatures after Civil War; prevented former slaves from voting & holding certain jobs, etc.
race to the bottom
when states 'race' or compete to provide a min. level of servies or regulation.
Civil Liberties
Constitutional & Legal protections from gov't interference w/ personal rights and freedoms. Freedom of speech, assembly & religion.
Shared Federalism
system where teh national and state govt's share in providing citizens with a set of goods
Civil Rights
Powers/privileges that are conferred on citizens by Constitution and courts that entitle them to make claims upon the gov't
Tenth Amendment
offers the most explicit endorsement of federalism in the Constitution. "Powers not delegated to teh US by Constitution are reserved to the states or people"
Unitary Government
a single gov't holds the power to govern the nation (NOT like federalism, where power is shared among many units)
Affirmattive Action
policies/programs designed to expand opportunities for minorities/women. Sometimes requiring the organization to expand teh # of minorities
Black Codes
laws enacted by southern legislatures after Civil War; prevented former slaves from voting & holding certain jobs, etc.
Civil Liberties
Constitutional & Legal protections from gov't interference w/ personal rights and freedoms. Freedom of speech, assembly & religion.
Civil Rights
Powers/privileges that are conferred on citizens by Constitution and courts that entitle them to make claims upon the gov't
De Facto Segregation
segregation that results from practice rather than from law.
De Jure Segregation
segregation enacted into law and imposed by the government.
Fugitive Slave Law
1850 law compelling notherners to honor southerners' property claims to slaves.
Grandfather Clauses
statuses stating that people whose grandfather had voted before Reconstruction could vote, unless they passed aliteract/wealth test.
Hate Crime
voilent crime directed against individuals, property or organizations solely because of race, gender, origin, or sex
Jim Crow Laws
series of laws to institute segregation in the South. "whites only" public accommodations, etc.
Literacy Test
legal barrier used to exclude blacks from voting.
Poll Tax
tax imposed on people when they register to vote. primarily to keep black voters away
specific shares of college admissions, gov't contracts adn jobs set aside for pop. groups that have suffered from past discrimination
De Facto Segregation
segregation that results from practice rather than from law.
Racial Profiling
Identifying the suspects of a crime solely on the basis of their race/ethnicity.
De Jure Segregation
segregation enacted into law and imposed by the government.
Fugitive Slave Law
1850 law compelling notherners to honor southerners' property claims to slaves.
Grandfather Clauses
statuses stating that people whose grandfather had voted before Reconstruction could vote, unless they passed aliteract/wealth test.
Hate Crime
voilent crime directed against individuals, property or organizations solely because of race, gender, origin, or sex
Jim Crow Laws
series of laws to institute segregation in the South. "whites only" public accommodations, etc.
Literacy Test
legal barrier used to exclude blacks from voting.
Poll Tax
tax imposed on people when they register to vote. primarily to keep black voters away
specific shares of college admissions, gov't contracts adn jobs set aside for pop. groups that have suffered from past discrimination
Racial Profiling
Identifying the suspects of a crime solely on the basis of their race/ethnicity.
political/social practice of separating whites and blacks into dual and highly unequal schools, hospitals, etc.
Separate but Equal Doctrine
Supreme Court-initiated doctrine that separates facilities for balcks and whites under equal protection under 14th amend.
Women who campaigned in teh early twentieth century for teh right of women to vote.
White Primary
practice that permitted political parties to exclude blacks from voting. Mainly South.
Clear and Present Danger Test
rule used by Supreme Court to distinguish between speech prpotected and not protect by 1st amendment
Clear and Probable Danger Test
rule introduced for the courts to enlist in free expression cases.
Community Standards
Supreme Courts ruling that a work is obscene if it is "utterly without redeeming social importance"
Cruel adn Unusual Punishment
criminal penalties that aren't considered appropriate by a society. Being put to death without it being ordered
Due Process Clause
found in 5th adn 14th amendments in Constitution protecting citizens from arbitrary action by national and state gov'ts
Equal Protection Clause
14th amendment clause promising all citizens equal protection of the laws. No discrimination against race/women.
Establishment of Religion Clause
first clause of 1st amendment. Prohibits the national gov't from establishing a national religion
Exclusionary Rule
judicial rule prohibiting the police from using at trial evidence obtained through illegal search adn seizure.
Free Exercise Clause
2nd clause of 1st amendment. Forbids national gov't to interfere with teh exercise of religion.
Supreme Court's extension of teh guarantees of teh Bill of Rights to state & local gov't gov'ts through various interpretations of 14th amend
Lemon Test
most far-reaching of teh controversial cases where S.C. specificied 3 conditions for relgions for states
Miranda Rule
Requirements that police inform suspects that they have a right to remain silent, to counsel, etc.
Neutrality Test
policy favored by justices in religion decisions. Used to prevent favoritism among religious groups
Judicially created rights based on various promises of the Bill of rights.
Privileges and Immunities Clause
sec. 1 of 14th amendment saying that "no state will make/enforce any law that will abridge the privielges of the people"
Selective Incorporation
Supreme Court's gradual process of assuming guardianship of vicil liberties by applying piecemeal the various provisions of the Bill of Rights to state laws and practices