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15 Cards in this Set

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The Fluid Mosaic Model

- Model of plasma membrane movement - molecules move slightly but not "too" much- Eg. like a door on hinges - Cholesterol acts as the hinge for the membrane- The FMM is known as a "fluidity buffer": Resisting changes in fluidity caused by temp

Protein Channel

- Embedded in the membrane - covers the entire membrane

- Assists in the transport of large molecules into & out of the cell when they pass by other means

- This is through Active Transport or Facilitated Diffusion


- Has a rigid structure in a ring-shape

- Helps to support and strengthen the structure

- keeps the structure fluid by generating extra space between lipids allowing them to move freely.

Globular Protein

- Spherical and somewhat water soluble

- can act as enzymes, messengers, Cellular recognition, transport of molecules, signal transduction and intercellular joining


- Have a shortcarbohydrate chain covalently attached and exposed on the outside of the cell

- Function as communicators, often acting as markers for cellular recognition


- Proteins with a short carbohydrate chain covalently attached

- Used for cellular recognition but also play a role in the structural integrity of the cell.

Peripheral Protein

- Not embedded in the bilayer but are loosely bound to the membrane surface

- Can act as enzymes, messengers, Cellular recognition, transport of molecules, signal transduction and intercellular joining.

Integral Protein

- Penetrate the lipid bilayer

- can act as enzymes, messengers, Cellular recognition, transport of molecules, signal transduction and intercellular joining

Filaments of Cytoskeleton

- Several different types

- Eg Actin filaments - role in movement

- Eg. Intermediate - Designed to bear tension

- Eg. Microfilaments - transport of vesicles

Surface Protein

- Any protein embedded in or spanning a layer of cell membrane

- can act as enzymes, messengers, Cellular recognition, transport of molecules, signal transduction and intercellular joining

Alpha-Helix Protein

- the shape a proteins makes when it passes through the lipid bilayer.

- Transmembrane proteins can pass through once (single-pass proteins) or multiple times (multi-pass proteinsl

- The only proteins that can perform functions both inside and outside of the cell.

Phospholipid Molecule

- Make up the lipid bilayer

- Each contains a hydrophobic tail region and a hydrophillic head region

- Forms the wall between inside and outside the cell

Hydrophobic tails


Hydrophillic heads

"loves water"


- on outside surface of the cell

- bound to proteins (Glycoproteins) or lipids (Glycolipids)

- Act as distinctive cell markers allowing cells to recognise each other

- Eg. Allowing immune cells to differentiate what it should and shouldn't attack