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47 Cards in this Set

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General Characteristics of Fungi
Saphrophytes, Parasites(sometimes), Unicellular-3.5 miles in diameter, Evolved From Protists, Classified by Reproduction.
General Structure of Fungi
Hyphae, Septum, Mycelum, Store food as glycogen
Black Bread Mold (wheat molds): 1,000 species, reproduce sexually and asexually spores, hyphae do not have septa
mushrooms, toadstoles, smuts, rusts- also likes flour
mildrew, yeast, thrush, penicilin, aperisillas
ringworms, athletes foot. 25,000 species, no known sexual
Symbitotic Relationships
Fungus + Green Algae
Fungus forms a dense web of hyphae in which the algae can grow in and in return, they get food for both organisms
Fungus + plant roots, does Nitrogen fixation
Fungus increases the absorptive surface of the plants roots and helps to maintain water in the soil around the plant in return for organic nutrients to survive.
Plant Kingdom
Importance of Plants
produce oxygen + uses carbon Dioxide, food, Nutrients in the soil, decomposers, clothing, wood, energy, paper, pencil, Medicine, Herbs.
Assexual:Shoots, Cuttings, Grafting
Sexual:Gametes(male in polen, female in ovule)
Classification of plants
by vacuole system
moss, non-vascular, low to the ground, does most of the photosynthesis
Vascular Plants
live anywhere, have roots, stems, and leaves
Seedless (4 divisions)
Examples: ferns, horsetails
also dominated during the dinosaur age.
Examples:cycads, ginkos, Spruce, Pine, Conifers
Leaves are needles
don't lose eaves during winter
Anglosperms=2 divisions
dominant group, flowering plants, co-evolution with insects
Ex: Herbs, shrubs, grasses, trees
Monocot Features
parellel veins in leaves, 3 part symmetry in flowers, no annual rings, no wood, can have bulbs for roots
Monocots Examples
grass, wheat, oats, lilies, rye, corn, rice, onion, palms, bamboo
Dicot Features
midrib with veins in leaves, multiple leaf symmetry, primary and secondary roots system, flowers with 2, 4, 5 petals, stem with vascular tissue in rings, wood, bark, fruit
Dicot Examples
most trees, fruit
Structures of Cells
thin cell walls
thicker cell walls
super thick cell walls
dead like wood (scleranchyma cells)
primarily Collenchyma cells
actively dividing cells (darenchyma cells)
what is the complex cargohydrate that makes up the cell walls of fungi called?
What is the basic structural unit of a multicellular fungi called?
What is the network of Hyphae called?
What are the cross walls that divide hyphae called?
septa or septum
Fungi are decomposers, true or false?
Are fungi heterotrophs or autotrophs?
What are stolons?
There are the horizontal hyphae that grow on Rhizopus that produce mycelium.
What are rhizoids?
Hyphae that penetrate the food and anchor the mycelium in the bread. Rhizoids secret enzymes for extracellular digestion and absorb the excess nutrients.
When do zygomycotes reproduce sexually?
When the bread becomes dry or other environmental conditions occur.
What are zygospores?
Zygospores are thick walled spores that withstand unfavorable conditions, occur when rhizopus reproduces sexually.
What are Ascomycotes called?
Sac fungi?
What is the largest phylum of fungi?
What is an ascus?
Tiny sac like structure where the sexual spores of the fungi develop.
What are conidiophores?
Conidiophores are fungi fungal hyphae during asexual reproduction for ascomycotes.
What is the name for the spores produced by Ascomycotes during sexual reproduction?
What are Conida?
They are chains or clusters that develop from tips of conidophores
What shape are the hyphae for basidiomycotes and what are they called?
Club shaped and basidia. That's why they are called club fungi.
What are basidiospores?
spores produced in basidia sexual reproduction.