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29 Cards in this Set

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Define kinesis

Kinesis is a non directional response to an external stimulus. The rate of movement is proportional to the intensity of the stimulus

Define taxis

Taxis is a directional movement in response to an external stimulus

Are taxis and kineses innate or learned?

Innate behaviours

What is a pheromone?

A pheromone is a chemical produced by an animal and released into the external environment where if affects the physiology of behaviour of members of the same species (often related to sexual readiness)

What are the benefits of group migration?

- It increases accuracy towards the desired location

- Decreases the time taken to reach the navigational target

- Saves energy

- Decreases the chance of predation

- Feeding benefits

Why do animals migrate?

New food supplies and safer breeding grounds

What is homing?

Homing is the ability of an animal to return to its home site after being displaced, over unfamiliar territory

What is a tropism?

Tropisms are directional growth response of a plant to an external stimuli

What is the name of the hormone that regulates phototropism?


What is a nastic response?

Nastic responses are plant growth responses in which the direction of the plant response is independent of the stimulus direction

What is a zeitgeber?

A zeitgeber is an external cue that regularly resets an organism's endogenous biological clock

What would you call an animal that is active at dawn and dusk?


What are the two forms that phytochrome appears in?

Pr (phytochrome red) and Pfr (phytochrome far red)

Plants measure day length with the pigment phytochrome. How?

When the plant is exposed to natural light, Pr converts to Pfr, and back to Pr in darkness. The relative concentrations of each give the plant the ability to measure day length

What are some advantages of living in a large social group?

- Protection from predators

- Easier to find a mate

- Easier to locate food

What a some disadvantages of living in a large social group?

- Increased intraspecific competition

- Increased chance of spreading diseases

What are eusocial animals?

Eusocial animals are those in which a single female produces the offspring and non-reproductive individuals care for the young

What are presocial animals?

All individuals are capable of reproduction and they exhibit more than just sexual interactions with the same species

What is agonistic behaviour?

A specific type of aggressive behavior describing conflict between members of the same species

What is polygyny

Males control access to more than one female, after making the male shows no parental care

What is monogamy?

When a breeding pair forms a partnership for the breeding season or for life, both parents look after the young

What is polygynandry?

An organised mating system of several makes and females, all group members contribute to the care of the young

What is polyandry?

The female mates with more than one male, the female abandones the male and leaves them to incubate the egg and care for the young

What is mutualism?

An interaction between species where both benefit

What is exploitation and who are the three examples of it?

An interaction between species where one benefits and the other is harmed


- Predation- Herbivory- Parasitism


- Herbivory- Parasitism

- Parasitism (symbiotic)

What is competition?

An interaction between species that results in both being harmed

What is a free-running rhythm?

A rhythm not entrained or reset by a zeitgeber

Where is auxin produced?

Auxin is produced in the meristem and moves down the plant

How can animals measure photoperiodism?

When an animal is exposed to darkness, the pineal gland will release the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Melatonin leaves can be used to determine day length