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33 Cards in this Set

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What is WSN

Water soluble nitrogen

What are the two forms of granular fertilizers

Quick release and slow release

Typically how long does quick release stay?

3-4 weeks

Typically how long does sulfur coated fertilizer last?

8 weeks

Typically how long does polymer coated fertilizer last?

12 weeks

What are the two forms of slow release fertilizers?

Sulfur coated and polymer coated

What are the recommended times of year to fertilize a lawn?

May and October (July)

Where would you expect to see salt damage?

Where grass would be along roadways and walk ways

What are some benefits to using organic based fertilizers?

Long activity, provide nutrients in available forms, and adds organic matter to the soil.

How are fertilizer recommendations for turf made?

By 100 sq feet

How do you find how many pounds of fertilizer there are in a bag?

Weight by analysis

How do organic fertilizers benefit the soil?

Provide nutrients in available forms, improve chemical characteristics.

Which type of fertilizer has the greatest potential for salt burn?


What is banding?

Fertilizer is directly on the root system. In a band or row

What effects the release rate of slow release fertilizers?

H2O and microbes

What is NR-151?

Ban of phosphorus from fertilizers

An example of a water insoluble nitrogen would be?

IBDUB sulfur coated urea

Why is organic so expensive?

You need to use a lot

Drawbacks of using a foliar fertilizer?

Very expensive, water soluble, only nitrogen, magnesium, and iron pass through leaf surface.

How do you maximize the effects of a turf fertilization program?

Follow recommendations, use proper rate, do once a year.

What type of inorganic fertilizer has the longest residual activity?

Slow release

What are two organic sources of nitrogen?

Milorganite, blood meal, green manure

What does the "type" number on an SR fertilizer tell you?

Days of release

How do you correct excessive levels of salt in soil?

Leach it

How do you determine the true cost of a fertilizer?

Cost of bag divided by pounds of nitrogen

How do grass clippings affect a lawn fertilization program

Adds about 1 pound of nitrogen per year

What is fertigation?

Fertilizer in irrigation water

What is a split application ?

Break up to avoid salt damage, available all season long

What does the size grade number tell you?

How big the pellet is

What is the drawback to using organic fertilizers?

Low percent of nutrients, slow release, small analysis

How much WIN do you apply at every fertilization?


What is broadcasting?

Spin dry fertilizer over a large area like a field

What is Foliar fertilizer

Applying liquid fertilizer straight to the leaves