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157 Cards in this Set

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what did plants evolve from
aquatic green algae
what is a stomata
structure responsible for regulating gas exchange and water vapor in leaves
what is a cuticle
waxy waterproof layer on leaves
what does the vascular system do in plants
conducts water and nutrients
what is primary growth
cell division at tips of stems and roots
what is secondary growth
cell division around plants periphery
what is a seed
dormant embryo
what is pollination
transfer of pollen (external)
what are angiosperms
flowering plants, 90% of all plants
what are monocots
embryos with one seed leap, parallel veins, and flower parts in threes
what are dicots
embryo with 2 seed leaves
what is meristems
growth zone containing rapidly dividing cells within plant tissue
what is apical meristem
primary growth zone at tips
what is lateral meristems
secondary growth, goes outward
what is xylem
water conducting tissue, carries water from root to leaves
what is phloem
nutrient conducting tissue
what are leaves
light capturing organ
what are roots
they take water and nutrient from soil, contain sylem and phloem
what is a root cap
covers and protects a root's apical meristem
what is transpiration
process where awater evaporates and is replenished
what is translocation
movment of carbs
what are fertiliztion
pollen adheres to stigma (internal)
what is germination
resumption of metabolic activities in embryo
what does fruit do
helps disperse seeds
what does auxin do
controls phototropism
what are sponges
parazos, simplest animals with no symmetry or organs
what are some examples of mollusks
smails,clams, squid and octopi
what are annelids
segmented worms
what do anthropods have
jointed appendages, exoskeleton, and water vascular system
when was the paleoxoic era
590-248 mya, when the first vertebrates appear
when was the mesozoic era
248-65 mya, when reptiles evolved into dinosaurs, birds, and mammals
how may years did dinosaurs dominate the earth
150my with a mass extinction in 65mya
what is the alvarez hypothesis
mass extinction of dinosaurs was caused by a meteorite
when did mammals gain dominance on earth
the cenozoic era
what evolved into mammals
what were thecodonts
dinosaurs, crocodiles
what are athropoids
higher primates, apes monkes and humans
what are hominoids
apes and humans evolved from old world monkeys
which apes evolved first
Asian, African were second (modern man is from African apes)
what animal are humans most closely related to
what were Australopithecus
early bipedal hominids first appear about 4.5 million years ago
when did homo sapiens evolve
100,000 years ago in Africa
what is epithelium
outer and inner linings of body (skin)
what are the types of connective tissues
immune, skeletal, blood and fat
what are the types muscle tissue
smooth(involuntary) and skeletal(voluntary)
what are the types nerve tissue
neurons and glial cells
what are bones composed of
outer compact layer and a spongy interior
what do osteoblasts do
lay down collagen matrix for calcium
what do osteoclasts
breakdown bone
what type of circulatory system do cnidarians have
no circulatory system, all cells exposed to either the external environment or a body cavity
what is an open circulatory system
circulating fluid and extracellular fluid the same
what do arteries do
carry blood away from heart
what do veins do
carry blood to the heart
what do capillaries do
pass blood from arteries to veins
what is plasma
liquid portion of blood
what are erythrocytes
red blood cells
what are leukocytes
white blood cells
what are platelets
bits of cytoplasm that act in clotting
what is respiration
uptake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide
what is counter-current flow
water and blood flow in gills in opposite directions, better oxygen exchange
what are aveoli
small air chamber in lung
what are bronchiole
passageway connecting aveoli
what are inhalation and exhalation
inhalation= contraction of chest muscles
exhalation= relaxation of muscles in chest
how many cal are fats
how many cal are carbs
how many cal are proteins
what are heterotrophs
what are autotropes
what is the alimentary canal
digestive tract
what is cellulose
plant fiber that resists digestion
what is a ruminant stomach used for
cellulose digestions in cows
what do chief cells secrete
what is the duodenum
upper part of small intestine where digestion occurs
what is the ilium
rest of the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed
what does the pancreas produce
insulin and glucagon
what does the liver do
delivers bile, removes toxins and produces blood proteins
what is homeostasis
dynamic constancy of internal enviroment
what are the parts of the kidney and what do they do
nephron region-filters
what are the lines of defense in the human body
cellular couterattack
immune system
what do macrophages do
ingest bacteria
what do neutrophils do
release chemicals to kill all near by cells
what is an antigen
molecule provoking a specific immune response
what is a T cell
initate and governs immune response
what is a B cell
produce antibodies and act as memory cells
what do vaccinations do
introduce a harmless version agent to stimulate the production of memory B cells
what is are the types of neuron
what is an dendrite
provide input to neuron
what is an axon
single output channel from neuron
what does a synapse do
junction an axon with another cell
what are neurotransmitters
chemicals that carry nerve impulses across synapse
what is a reflex
rapid motor response, sensory neuron passes info directly to motor neuron
what are sensory receptors
specialized cells that detect changes inside or outside the body
what are semicircular canals
structures in the inner ear that sense motion
what is the cochlea
structure in inner ear that translates sound waves to sensory impulses
what is the lateral line system
sensory organ in fish, senses changes in water pressure around fish
what is the eye
sensory organ that translates light into sensory signals
what are rods and cones
photoreceptor cells in the retina, they use pigments to transmit light energy into sensory impulse
what are hormones
chemical signals produced in one part of the body and travel in the blood
what is the control center of the neuroendocrine system
what do steroids do
enter cell and hit target cytoplasm (operate on the surface)
what do peptide hormones do
trigger surface receptor proteins(internal)
what are second messengers
cascade within cell that amplify the alteration of cell activity caused by the hormone
what is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction
asexual is from mitosis and offspring are identical
sexual is a union of two gametes
what is the difference between external and internal fertilization
external- outside used by aquatic breeders

internal- inside used by terrestrial breeders
what are monotremes
what are marsupials
give girth to incomplete developed fetus and continues to develope in a pouch
what are placental mammals
retain thier young longer, young are nourished originally by a placenta
what do human testes do
produce sperm in the seminiferous tubules, sperm is produced throughout life
what do human ovaries do
eggs develop from oocytes which are all present at birth. oocytes and released every 28 days
what are some examples of cnidarians
jellyfish, hydra, sea anemone
what is a sea star
what is ecology
study of interactions of living organism with one another and their physical environment
what is a community
collection of species
what is a habitat
place where an organism lives
what is an ecosystem
collection of organisms and their physical environment
what is a biome
terrestrial ecosystem that occurs over a broad area, characterized by climate and organisms
what is population
group of individuals of the same species living together
what is r
exponential growth
what is K
carrying capacity
what is a niche
biological role in community
what is commensalism
one or more benefits, no one is harmed
what is parasitism
only one benefits the other is harmed
what is biodiversity
measure of number and diversity of species
what are the properties of a living organism
reproduction, metabolism, homeostasis, cell organisation and heredity
what are the steps of the scientific process
observation, hypothesis, prediction, experimentation, and conclusion
what did malthus work on
growth curves
what did Darwin theorize
natural selection
what did Darwin write
origin of species
what is a neutron
neutral particle in an atom
what is an electron
a negative particle in an atom
what is cohesion
two polar molecules coming together
what are proteins made of
amino acids
what are the smallest living things
in a prokaryotic cell where is the dna
what cells have a nucleaus
what is reduction
gain of an electron
what are enzymes
provide catalyst
what is ATP
energy in cells
where does photosynthesis take place
what is mitosis
results in 2 cells with 2 chromosomes each
what is meiosis
results in 4 cells with 1 chromosome each
what are the stages of mitosis
prophase, metaphase, anaphse and telophase

what did mental work with
garden peas
what is DNA made of
what is chargoff's rule
who discovered the shape of DNA (double helix)
Watson and Crick
what is the central dogma
where does rna feed through to make protein
what has genetic engineering done in crops
pest resistance, herbicide resistance and more nutritious
what is a genome
full complement of genetic info
how many base pairs in human genome
3.2 billion
how many genes in a human
what are the forms of selection
disruptive-apart (two hump)
stabilizing-together (one hump)
what is the naming order
species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, and kingdom
what is the naming system used today
which bacteria can live in extreme conditions
are fungi plants