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39 Cards in this Set

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Carbon and Energy Source options

Photoautotrophs and Heterotrophs


Carbon source is CO2

Energy source is sunlight

Photosynthesis and respiration


Carbon and energy source is food (autotrophs and heterotrophs)

Just respiration


Energy-storing pathway

Releases O2

Require CO2

Aerobic respiration

Energy-releasing pathway

Requires O2

Releases CO2

Photoautotroph examples

Plants, some bacteria, many protistans

Photosynthesis equation

6 CO2 + 12 H2O -Light and plant enzymes-> C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O


chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b are the main light harnessing pigments in most photoautotrophs

Absorb purple-blue and orange wavelenths

Accessory pigments

Carotenoids, phycobilins, anthocyanins, absorb the blue, green, and yellow wavelengths


organelle, structure is similar to a bacteria, reminiscent of our mitochondria. Converts sunlight to sugar


allow exchange of air and water vapor


transport water, nutrients and products

Net photosynthesis


measured in moles CO2 per leaf unit area per time

Light Compensation point (LCP)

rate of net photosynthesis 0 point of production where the basic needs of the plant are being met but no more. The break even point, if you will

saturation point

full output, all leaves are producing as much as physically possible


the point at which production of gluclose declines because there is too much light


transports water and dissolved ions up the plant


brings sugar down

Turgor pressure

water pressure in the plant that keeps it upright

water conservation

boundary layer, cuticle, guard cells closing stomata


important water-saving adaptation, impermeable layer (to water and gases)

Guard cells

boarder stomata, can open and close (K+)


movement of water up through plant and into the atmosphere through the stomata driven by transpiration and water potential

Water potential

Osmotic potential, turgor pressure, matric potential

water moves from higher to lower potential

soil > roots > plant stem > leaves > atmosphere

Osmotic potential

water potental due to different solute concentration in cells, salts and stuff in the plant, but not as much as in the soil and more than in the air driving transpiration

Matric potential

water potental due to attractive forces of cell walls

Trade offs

The more specialized your evolve to be the less competative you are overall

Drought tolerance

comes with overall less photosynthesis production

Shade tolerance

low photosynthetic output, less competitive

Phenotypic plasticity

Leaf size/shape/color varies depending on light conditions

Boundary Layer

layer of still air that exists around a leaf, water loss through stomata increases humidity decreasing transpiration rate, shape and texture of leaf affects airflow and therefore boundary layer

When to increase boundary layer

dry climate, desert

When to decrease boundary layer

wet climate, tropics

How to increase boundary layer

Hair, no sinuses, large size

How to decrease boundary layer

serrations, big sinuses, compound leaves or small leaves

C3 plants and adaptations

Standard plant (95%)

Stomata close, O2 increases, CO2 drops

C3, C4, CAM plants

use different means of carbon fixation depending on the evironment

C4 plants and adaptations

CO2 is fixed twice, using mesophyll cells and bundle-sheath cells, then again in Calvin-Benson cycle. Separates O2, so better able to handle dryer climates

ex: sugar cane

CAM plants

True desert plants, separates light dependent and independent reactions by day and night. Day CO2 released and fixed in Calvin-Benson cycle

Night CO2 fixed to form organic acids