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64 Cards in this Set

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Neptune has a giant storm, about the size of earth, called the Great Dark Spot

The clouds covering uranus are a greenish color

Jupiter rotates faster than any other planet in the solar system

Mercury is a terrestrial planet

Mars has polar ice caps

astronomers believe that jupiter's great red spot is a atmospheric storm

Galileo's observations confirmed the validity of a heliocentric solar system model

a gas giant has a _____________ atmosphere

thick / large

What is another name for the gas giant planets?

jovian planets

The Valles Marineris is a large canyon on the surface of


The solar system began as a


a gas giant has_____ satellites than a terrestrial planet.


______ proposed a heliocentric model of the solar system


The name of the planet closest to the sun is


The most distinguishing feature of Saturn is the presence of


A ____________ model of the solar system has earth at the center


All of the planets in the solar system orbit around ______

the sun

________ is the only planet tilted on its side


The inner planets are sometimes called


Earth is on of many _______ in the solar system


Saturn is known for having the most extensive ________________ in the solar system

Ring system

Almost all of the visible water on Mars appears to be trapped in

Polar ice caps

The least dense planet in the solar system is


The solar system is held together by


_______ is the closest star to earth

The Sun

The planets closest to the sun are called

inner or terrestrial

The solar system is thought to be ______ years old.

4.6 billion

Planets are kept in their orbits by the gravitational attractions of ______

the sun

The process that caused early earth to form 3 distinct layers


a small body from which a planet organized in the solar systems early development


a rotating cloud of gas and dust that gave rise to earth's solar system

solar nebula

a larger body formed when planetesimals joined together


the process responsible for forming earth's early atmosphere


a planet that is made of solid rock and has impact craters and a metallic core; another name for inner planets

terrestrial planets

a region just beyond the orbit of neptune; contains many small bodies made mostly of ice

Kuiper belt

the only planet with the proper combination of water, atmosphere, and temperature to support life


the planet closest to the sun: has a hot, heavily-cratered surface


a planet with massive volcanoes and canyons; seasons are similar to earth's


a planet similar to earth in size, mass, and density


a large planet with a deep and massive gaseous atmosphere; less dense than a terrestrial planet


a ring of debris that separates the inner planets form the outer planets

astroid belts

the largest planet in the solar system; has altering light and dark bands


a planet whose atmospheric contains a large amount of methane and has at least 8 moons


a planet with a complex ring system made of dust and icy debris


a planet that rotates on its side and its atmosphere contains a large amount of methane


-Heavily cratered

-only slightly larger than earths moon

-smaller than ganymede and titan ( largest moons in solar system)


Heavy cloud cover of sulfuric acid

retrograde motion (e to w)

Day longer than year


Oceans of water

supports life

most dense


most geologically similar to earth

has volcanoes mountains and valleys

seasons like earth

polar ice caps



rotates fastest

bands of colored clouds rotated at different speeds

Characteristic red spot


2nd largest

least dense

complex ring system 2 times its diameter

bands of colored


3rd largest

retrograde motion (rotates on its side)

Blue- green color indicates CH 4


4th largest

strongest winds

great dark spot (size of earth)

Blue green indicates CH 4


Formerly 9th and smallest planet

made of frozen methane, rock, and ice


all gas giants...

1. dense core surrounded by liquid metallic hydrogen under thick atmosphere

2. all four gas giants have rings made of dust and gas

the sun and all of the planets and other bodies that travel around it

solar system

any of the primary bodies that orbit the sun; a similar body that orbits another star


a rotating cloud of gas and dust from which the sun and planets formed; also any nebula from which stars and planets may form

solar nebula

a small body from which a planet originated in the early stages of development of the solar system


the time required for a body to complete a single orbit

orbital period

the tendency of an object to resist being moved of, if the object is moving, to resist a charge in speed or direction until an outside force acts on the object


one of the highly dense planets nearest to the sun; mercury, venus, mars, and earth

Terrestrial planet

a planet that has a deep massive atmosphere, such as jupiter, saturn, uranus, or neptune

gas giant

a region of the solar system that is just beyond the orbit of neptune and that contains small bodies made mostly of ice

Kuiper belt