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17 Cards in this Set

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This planet is very similar to the Earth's moon
- 60% of planet’s mass = iron
- Dynamo action in core = planets generation
- 1/100 magnetic force compared to Earth

- No atmosphere → results in temperature variation
- Traces of hydrogen and helium from solar winds → releases in a few weeks

- Has no moons
- Pinkish in color
- Orbital speed changes
- Surface comparable to Earth’s Moon
- Geologically dead for 4 billion years
- Core volume to total planet volume is greater ??
- Extremely slow rotating planet, so how does it have a magnetic field?
- Marine 10 made 3 fly-bys in ‘74 & ‘75
- Messenger 2 went into orbit in 2011, flyby in 2008
One rotation of this planet takes 176 Earth days
Atmosphere is CO2 rich and the greenhouse effect is very strong

(Compared to Earth?)
- Similar tectonic plates
- Higher core temp
- Surface pressure 90x that of Earth, caused by atmosphere
- Lots of cloud cover, reflective
- 96.5% CO2, 3.5% N

Compared to Earth?
- Extends into space farther, greenhouse effect
- Absorbs more infrared radiation, less escapes
- Young Earth, before plate tectonics
- Venus doesn’t have a magnetosphere
- 243 days to rotate vs. Earth’s 1
- Venus keeps eroding and changing constantly ??
- Similar topography (to Earth?)
- No moons
- Retrograde motion
- Double lobed polar vortex ??
- Venera 2—lasted an hour before being burned
- Pioneer Venus goes to planet ?
- Why has not developed plate tectonics?
- Venus Express
- US Magellan
Atmosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen with some oxygen
Water exists in liquid form

- Thick mantle, 2-part core (inner/outer), thin crust
- High-density metallic core, intermediate-density rock material mantle, low-density rock surface
- Interior is very hot
- Mixture of gases: nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), argon (0.9%), carbon dioxide (0.03%)
- Layers: Troposphere (where everything on Earth’s surface lies, convection occurs), stratosphere (ozone layer), mesosphere, ionosphere (kept partly ionized by solar UV radiation)
- It is Earth ☺
- 1 moon, ~384,000 km from Earth
- Only habitable planet found so far
- Made mostly of water
- Large magnetic field extends far above atmosphere, made of charged particles
- Greenhouse effect/global warming ??
- Growing hole in ozone. CFCs accumulate in atmosphere and carried high into an astrosphere by convection, broken down by sunlight, turns into chlorine. 1 mol of chlorine can destroy up to 100,000 ozone mol
Has no magnetic field
Currently the home to tow rovers that are still collecting data and images

- Permafrost
- Internal heat escapes easily due to small size
- Composed of Fe, Ni, sulfide
- Mantle to rigid & core too thick for plant tectonics to occur
- Much of planet died?? 2 billion yr ago
- Nonmetallic/ nonliquid cause a weak magnetic field ??
- Quite thin and dusty
- Pressure = 1/150th of Earth’s at sea level
- Composed mostly of CO2 (93%), N (2.7%), Ar (1.6%) & traces of O, CO3 & H2O vapor
- Rotation on axis in 24.6 hr, just < Earth’s rotation
- Equator incline to orbital plane @ 24º angle & Earth’s is 23.5º
- Earth’s crust is 1/3 as thick relative to planet size
- Has daily & seasonal cycles as Earth
- Has a soil as does Earth, but with different composition
- 2 moons: Deimos & Phobos
- Phobos rises in the west and is larger
- Not circular but lumpy ??; unattractive in appearance ??
- Mariner
- Vikings
- Pathfinder
- Mars Xploration Rover
- Spirit
- Opportunity % Pheonix
- Mares Reconnaissance
- Mars Global Surveyor
- Is there life on Mars?
- Is there funning water?
- Where did the water go?
A gas planet that has differential rotation
Has a "Great Red Spot" which is a permanent storm in its atmosphere

- Both temperature and pressure increase
- Few thousand km the gas makes a transition to liquid state
- After, hot liquid hydrogen makes a transition to metallic state
- Metallic hydrogen is a create conductor for electricity
- Pronounced bulge at equator due to planet’s strong outward push
- Jupiter composes hydrogen and helium alone ???
- Clouds are arranged in several layers
- Colors = different depth of the planet’s atmosphere
- Planet lacks a solid surface
- Measurement = troposphere (ok) and clouds inward are (-) attitudes
- Both have gravity
- The belts/zones on Jupiter are equivalent to high/low pressures that control weather on Earth
- Jupiter’s weather is considered a constant hurricane
- 4 moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Calisto
- Nearly circular orbit (prograde motion) in Jupiter’s plane
- Named after mythical attendants of Roman god Jupiter (the moons??)
- How do we determine the conditions beneath the clouds in the unseen interiors of these distant worlds and moons?
Encircled by rings composed of ice and rock
Planet with the lowest average density

- Center core is 15x larger than E
- Composed mainly of H by H layer is than Jupiter’s and transitions to metallic hydrogen
- Basic in internal parts as Jupiter, but with different proportions
- Extreme core temp, density and pressure > Earth < Jupiter
- Not as colorful as Jupiter, tan & yellowish cloud bands
- 250 km thick with weather gravity
- Consists of H (92.4%) & He (7.4%) & traces of methane & ammonia
- No obvious large spots or ovals
- It orbits the Sun
- Central core pressure is almost the same
- It doesn’t have definite surface
- It’s storms are similar to E’s thunderstorms
- Lightning is powered by convection and precipitation as on E
- It radiates more EM than it receives
- Titan is largest and has its own atmosphere
- It has rings
- Farthest planet seen with naked eye from E
- Has ~62 moons
- Huygens Probe
- Voyager 1 & 2
- Cassini Mission
- Why is the winds stronger?
- Why is the lightning stronger?
- Why does it radiate more EM than it receives?
Sometimes closer to the sun than its nearest planet neighbor
Was discovered in 1781 with a telescope

- Rocky, icy core surrounded by icy slush, surrounded by molecular hydrogen
- Interior pressure is sufficiently low, thus hydrogen stays in molecular form down to the core
- Gaseous atmospheres just become hotter and denser with depth and eventually becomes liquid in interior
- Made of molecular hydrogen (84%), helium (14%), and methane (2%)
- Appears blue due to methane, which absorbs red/yellow light
- Ammonia may exist as ice crystals due to low atmospheric temperatures
- Hard to observe spectroscopically
- Much larger, much looser, much less dense
- Has a differential rotation due to gaseous makeup, which is not possible on solid Earth
- Strong gravitational fields
- Has 5 major moons
- Rotation axis lies almost within ecliptic plane; “toppled over” onto its side—axial tilt is 98% (%??)
- Retrograde rotation
- Extreme seasons (poles plunged into 42 yrs darkness)
- Discovered in 18th century by chance
- Orbit didn’t fit Kepler’s laws—led to discovery of Neptune
- Voyager 2 reached Uranus in Jan 1986, took “Grand Tour” of outer planets, studying magnetospheres and radiation
Appears dark blue in color due to methane in the atmosphere
Has a moon, Triton, that orbits the planet backwards

- Similar to Earth’s density core??
- Interior pressure low
- Slush—thick layers of highly compressed water clouds
- Hydrogen stays in a molecular form
- 85% H, 15% He, 3% methane
- Methane makes planet look blue
- Warmer than Uranus
- Moves at differential speeds
- Has a strong magnetosphere
- Neptune doesn’t have a solid surface; rotates differentially
- 1000x less light than Earth from Sun
- 10x greater core than Earth
- 16 hr 7 min day
- Similar axis tilt to Earth
- Has 13 moons
- Triton spiraling into planet, retrograde rotation
- Dark spot (storm)
- Emits 2.7x more energy than it receives
- Discovered mathematically
- Has light rings (not heavy, or not dark??)
- White methane clouds
- Why it has rapid winds (2000 km/h) & why they should be retrograde relative to the W→E rotation of the interior
- Voyager 2 passed by
No longer a true planet
Its axis is inclined by 98 degrees from the vertical to the ecliptic
- 50-70% rock (core)
- 30-40% ice (mantle)
- Subsurface ocean between core and mantle
Thin envelope of nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide
Atmosphere melts as it approaches Sun, refreezes as it moves away
Has 3 moons
Does not have a liquid core
Similar molten iron core