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46 Cards in this Set

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Definition of asteroid
An asteroid is a rock orbiting the sun. Most asteroids are in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Definition of comet
A comet is a ball of ice and dust, whose orbit is a long narrow ellipse
Definition of galaxy
A galaxy is a giant structure that contains hundreds of billions of stars
Definition of Kuiper Belt
The Kuiper Belt is a region of space along the ecliptic outside the orbit of Neptune containing countless comets and "super comets"
Definition of meteor
A meteor is a streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in the Earth's atmosphere
Definition of meteorite
A meteorite is a meteoroid that has hit Earth's surface
Definition of meteoroid
A meteoroid is a chunk of rock or dust in space
Definition of Milky Way
The Milky Way is a galaxy containing the solar system, consisting of millions of stars that can be seen as a diffuse band of light stretching across the night sky
Definition of planet
A planet is a spherical body that rotates and has a clear path around a star
Definition of plutoid
A plutoid is a dwarf planet that takes 200+ years to orbit the sun
Definition of star
A star is a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior. Stars also do not move.
Definition of Solar System
The solar system is a sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field
Definition of Sun
The sun is a star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system
Definition of universe
The universe is all of space and everything in it.
Definition of a dwarf planet
A dwarf planet is an object that has the same characteristics as a regular planet but its orbit is not clear of other solar bodies
What is the definition of a clear orbit?
A clear orbit is an orbit that is clear of other space bodies such as asteroids, planets, and objects in the Kuiper Belt.
How many planets are there?
There are 8 planets
Where does Pluto revolve in?
Pluto revolves in the Kuiper Belt
What are the 4 terrestrial planets?
The 4 terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
What are the 4 jovian planets?
The 4 jovian planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
What are the 3 dwarf planets?
The 3 dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, and Eris
What is the order of the planets, starting from the sun outwards?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
How wide across is Mercury?
Mercury is about 3,000 miles across.
How many moons does Mercury have?
Mercury has 0 moons
What is Mercury's climate/land like?
Mercury is very hot, dry, and full of craters
True or false? Mercury is not the smallest planet in the Solar System.
False. Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System
What is the largest planet?
Jupiter is the largest planet
Earth has how much more exposed water than land?
Earth is 75% (3/4) covered with water, the other 25% (1/4) is land.
Which planet houses the largest volcano found in the solar system?
Mars houses the largest volcano in the solar system.
What is the smallest dwarf planet found so far?
Ceres is the smallest dwarf planet found so far.
What could the ring around Saturn be made out of?
The ring around Saturn could be made out of the remnants of a moon that was shattered by Saturn's gravity
What degree is Uranus' axis tilted at? How is that unusual?
Uranus' tilt is at 97 degrees. This is unusual because it looks like it's rotating on its side.
How long does one Neptune year last in Earth years?
One Neptune year is equivalent to 165 Earth years.
What dwarf planet is shaped like an egg?
Haumea is the dwarf planet that is shaped like an egg.
Approximately how long does it take Eris to orbit around the sun in Earth years?
It takes Eris approximately 550 Earth years to orbit around the sun.
What are the two classifications for planets? What planets are in each class?
The two classifications are terrestrial planets and jovian planets.
Terrestrial: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
Jovian: Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn.
What do both terrestrial and jovian planets have in common? (List 5)
What terrestriaal planets and jovian planets have in common is...
1. They can have moons 2. Solid, hot core 3. Rotate on an axis 4. Orbit around the sun 5. Have a circular orbit 6. Reflect the light of the sun 7. Don't twinkle 8. Spherical 9. Have clear orbits
What are terrestrial planets made out of?
Terresrial planets are made out of rock
What are jovian planets made out of?
Jovian planets are made out of gas
Do terrestrial planets have a thin or thick atmosphere?
Terrestrial planets have a thin atmosphere
Do jovian planets have thick or thin atmospheres?
Jovian planets have a denser, thicker atmosphere than a terrestrial planet
What are the rings around a jovian planet made out of?
The rings around jovian planets are made out of dust and ice
What is the order of the Solar System, including the planets and dwarf planets?
The order is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris
Which dwarf planet looks like an egg, and how many moons does it have?
The dwarf planet shaped like an egg is Haumea; Haumea has 2 moons
Describe Pluto
Pluto is dark, cold, and 2300 km across. It is FAR FAR away from the sun. It has a thin atmosphere, and a frosty surface. 3 moons orbit around Pluto
Why are terrestrial planets warmer?
Terrestrial planets are warmer because they are closer to the sun