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72 Cards in this Set

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what is a organ that develops by the mother and fetus


three components of the placenta

chorionic plate, placental substance,basal layer

the 6 functions of the placenta

respiration, nutrition,excretion,protection,storage,endocrine

each functional unit of the placenta is called


placenta thickness should range from

1.5-4.0cm ap

large pools of maternal venous blood within the placenta is called

placental lakes (intervillous spaces,venous lakes)

what circulates through the intervillous spaces

maternal blood

exchange of nutrients ,oxygen,and waste takes place where

placental lakes

how do intervillous lakes look like on US

anechoic areas within the placenta

how many grades is there of the placenta

0-3 = 4

late 1st trimeter -early 2nd trimester , no calcification,smooth chorionic plate without indentations ,uniform moderate echogenicitiy

grade 0

small indications of the chorionic plate may be noted with small calcification in the placental tissue ,mid 2nd term -early 3rd term

grade 1

diabetics often show which grades

0-1 at term

has greater indentations of the chorionic plate , more and larger calcification ,does not usually appear until after 30 weeks

grade 2

larger calcification with significant shadowing complete indentations or chorionic plate through to the basilarplate creating "cotyledons" and usually appear st 35 weeks-post date

grade 3

what is considered placentomegaly


causes for placentomegaly

maternal diabetes, placenta hydrops,infection,chorioangioma,umbilical vein thrombosis,multiple gestations,chromosomal abnormalities

what is considered small of placenta measuring


reasons for a small placenta

preeclampisa,IUGR, maternal hypertension ,placental infraction

how many cm is considered for the distance from the internal OS


when the placenta partially to totally covers the internal OS

placenta previa

ss for placent previa

painless,red,bright vaginal bleeding in the third trimester

what could be a cause of placenta previa

abnormally low implantation of the blastocyst

placenta previa is common in

multiparous women, previous C section, previous myomectomy ,scarring

what is it important to identified placenta prevue

so that a C section may be planned if the prevue persists until delivery

chroinoic villi arein direct contact with the myometrium but not invade

placenta acreta

sono apparente of placenta accreta is

loss of the normal hypo echoic interface between the placenta and the myometrium

further extension of the chorionic villi invade myometrium

placenta increate

how can increata and percreta be diagnosed

based on the amount of invasion and if there is breech of the serial layer of the uterus

penetration of the uterine series, severe forms can often lead to a hysterectomy or be fatal

placenta peracreta

placental lobes are joined to main placenta by blood vessels

succenturiate lobe/ accessory lobe placenta

what may result in postpartum hemorrhage and infection ?

succenturiate lobe/ accessory lobe placenta

a placenta that consists of two separate discs of equal size

bilobed placenta

caused when the basal plate or the fetal side of the placenta is smaller than the chorionic

circumvallate plaenta

what can circumvallate placenta cause to the patient ?

abruption, bledding

premature separation of all or part of the placenta from the myometrium before the birth of the fetus

placenta abruption

most common cause of painful bleeding in the third trimester ?

placental abruption

treatment for large abruption


focal myometrium contractions are painless,localized contractions of the myometrium that occur throughout pregnancy and not always clinically apparent

uterine contraction

entire uterus contracts similar to that during delivery

braxton hicks contractions

common in asian population and has snow storm appearance

molar pregnancy ,gestational trophoblastic disease

what will be identified with molar pregnancy ,gestational trophoblastic disease

bilateral theca-lutein cyst

SS for molar pregnancy ,gestational trophoblastic disease

bleeding,anemia, hypertension,severe eclampisa,hyperemesis gravidarium , uterus is too large for dates , elevated serum BHCG

how many types is there of molar pregnancy ,gestational trophoblastic disease


most common benign of GTD (90%)


what are the three types of molar pregnancy ,gestational trophoblastic disease of the hydatidiform

complete HM, partial /incomplete,HM w/coexisting fetus

with twin gestations , when one of them gets molar pregnancy what happens to the other one

the other one stays normal

onvasive mole, has malignant potential

chorioadenoma destruens

malignant ,metastasis


typical doppler waveform pattern for molar pregnancy ,gestational trophoblastic disease

high velocity ,low resistance

benign , second to trophoblastic disease , its the most common


by US how does chorioangioma appears as

isoechoic or hypoechoic rarely hyperechoic to placenta,protrude into amniotic cavity

cystic lesion of the umbilical cord

omphalmoesenteric cyst/allantoic cyst

what leads to obstruction of the fetal circulation and subsequent intrauterine death, associated with monochorionic twins,long cords,polyhydraminos , IUGR,

true knots of the cord

kinks in the umbilical cord is called

false knots of the cord

cord looped around fetal neck

nuchal cord

umbilical cord at the margin of the placenta

batteldore cordal attachments

cord inserts into the membranes before it enters the placenta rather than directly into the placenta

velamentous cord insertion

cord is between the presenting fetal part and internal OS with intact membranes

vasa pervia

what can vasa previa result from

velamentous insertion of the cord, succenturiate lobe of the placenta , low lying placenta

when the baby umbilical cord calls into the birth canal ahead of the baby head or other parts of the baby body

umbilical cord prolapse

cord is near presenting fetal for umbilical cord prolapse is called


cord protrusion into cervix (ruptured membranes ) for umbilical cord prolapse is called


1 umbilical artery and 1 umbilical vein, the most common anatomical abnormality

2 vessel cord ( single umbilical artery,SUA)

2 vessel cord is associated with

trisomy 13,18 and multiple gestations

<5 cm AFI , single pocket <1cm is

oligohydraminos , anhydraminose

causes of oligohydraminos

poor nutrition,among,PROM (premature of reptured membranes )

what is commonly seen with kidney , lung and IUGR abnormalities


22 cm AFI nd signle pocket is >3 cm

polyhydraminos / hydraminose

what is polyhydraminos caused by (2)

inability for the fetus to swallow , anything that causes more fetal urine output ,

polyhydraminos is mainly caused by(7)

commonly seen with GI,SKELETAL ABNORMALITIES , FETAL HYDROPS ,TTS,rh incompatility ,diabetes ,CNS anomalies

amniotic membrane rapes around the fetal parts

amniotic band syndrome