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35 Cards in this Set

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What phase is the uterine endometrium in druing implantation? Days? What is the dominant hormone?
Secretory phase, implantation window is days 19-21, dominant hormone is progesterone
What stage is the embryo in during implantation
Blastocyst with the trophoblast and ICM
What embroynic structure mediates implantation
describe the differentiation of the trophoblast after it attaches to the endometrium
The trophoblast cells proliferate by mitosis to form an acelluar mass of cytoplasm called the syncytiotrophoblast, the original layer remains cellular and is known as the cytotrophoblast
Describe the development of the lacunae. Where? What do they form
Lacuae appear within the syncytiotrophoblast. They coalesce to form a network of larger spaces. On day 12, secretions from the syncytiotrophoblast erode the endothelium of the endometrial spiral arteries allowing maternal blood to enter the lacunae, this established the uteroplacental circulation
Describe the formatin of the chorionic plate and the further development of the uteroplacental circulation
The trophoblast and associated EEM adjacent to the embryo forms the chorionic plate. Blood vessels form within the EEM of the plate and asastomose with those in the body stalk and those in the embryo. This allows nutrients from maternal blood within the lacunar network to diffuse into the vascular network within the chorionic plate and gain access to the embryo
Where and when is hCG secreted
secreted by the syncytiotrophoblast begining day 7, peaking week 8 and declining by the end of the first trimester. Stimulates testosterone production in embryo. Used for pregnancy test by end of week 2
Describe the decidual reaction
maternal reaction to implantation, stromal cells fill with lipid and glycogen, intraceullar spaces fill with fluid, spread through entire functional zone
After the decidual reaction ,the uterine endometrium becomes known as the decidua. What are the three regions of the decidua
names in relation to site of implantation
-basalis=tissue adjacent to site of implantatin
-capsullaris-encircles chorionic cavity
-Parietalis= remainder of uterine cavity
How does implantation affect the myometrium
high levels of progestrone decrase the contractility, estrogen stimulates mitotic activity of smooth muscles cells, helps uterus grow in size
In which areas of the decidua do chorionic villi form
basalis and capsularis
Describe the formation of primary chorionic villi
Cytotorphoblast cells within the deciduea basalis and capsularis proliferate and grow into the syncytiotrophoblast
Describe the formation of secondary villi
EEM forms a core withing th eprimary villi
Describe the formation of tertiary villi
A vascular plexus forms within the mesoderm core. Vessles in the tertiary villi anastomose with vessels forming in the chorionic plate which in turn anastomse with those in the body stalk
Describe the structure of a tertiary (mature) chorionic villus
Stem, intermediate, and terminal villi
Describe the structure and function of a stem villi of a mature chorionic villi
Part of the cytotrophoblast extends into the overlying syncytiotrophoblast and contacts the endometrium of the decidua basalis. The cells grow laterally and join with others to form a layer of cytotrophoblast adjacent to the decidua known as the cytotrophoblastic shell. The villis contain arteries and veins
Describe the structure and function of an intermediate villus
Branches of stem villi, float in intervillosu space, contain arterioles, venules, and capillary loops
Describe the structure and function of terminal villi
Most distal branches of villous tree. Contain dilated capillary loops call sinusoids
Describe the junctional zoneof the placenta
-interface for eventual detachment
-maternal side=functional zone of endometrium in the area of decidua basalis that is coated with cytotrophoblastic shell
Describe the changes that occur to the chorion and decidua to form the chrion laeve and chorion frondosum
-occurs during 2nd and 3rd month
-the villi in the decidua capsularis atrophy leaving the chorion laeve (smooth)
-the villi in the decidua basalis continue to growth and become the chrion fondosum
-the placenta is a union between the tissues of the chorion fondosium and the decidua basalis
-the chorion and amnion fuse creating a chorioamniotic membrane
Describe the significance of endovascular invasion in the formation of placental circulation
Cytotrophoblastic cells of teh shell erode the distal ends of the spiral arteries within the decidua basalis. The cytotorphoblast cells transform into endothelial cells replacing some of the maternal enodthelail cells. This creates a hybrid vessel that has an increased diameter and a lower resistance to flow.
Chorionic tissue always separates fetal and maternal blood but the amount of tissue changes with time. Describe this change
Inital placental barrier=syncytiotrophoblast +cytotrophoblast+ basement membrane+ EEM+basement mebrane + capillary endothelium
Placental Barrier @ 20 wks=thins by rarification of teh cytotorphoblast and thinning of syncytiotrophoblast, capillary endothelium often contacts the syncytiotrophoblast forming an epithelial palte
How are
substances transported across the placental membrane
incutes gasses, ions, water, glucose, drugs, steroid=diffusion
antibodies, disease agents, proteins= endocytosis/pinocytosis
metabolic waste and hormones out by exocytosis
Describe the secretory activity of teh placenta
Secretes hormones (hCG, lactogen, thyrotropin, corticotropin) estrogen, progeterone, placental proteins, prolactin, relaxin, glycogen ,cholesterol, FA. Note estrogen production is a cooperative effort between materna and fetal (adrenal cortex and placenta) sources
How does the placenta protect the featus from the mother's immune sytem
1. Surface of syncytiotrophoblast has no paternal MHC antigens

2. Maternal immune system is selectively supressed by IL-10, TGTb, PGF-2 and regulatory T cells

3. Decidual reaction sets up an immunologial privleged site for the embryo
Describe the two sides of the placenta at birth
fetal=shiny, covered with chorioanmiotic membrane, umbilical cord inserts here

Materal=muddy side, w/ placental cotyledons (hypertrophied tertiary chorionic villi)
Describe placenta previa
-premature tearing of the placental attachment
-usually caused by implantation too near the cervix, servity depends on exact attchment
-endometrium of cervix does not participate in decidual reaaction, implantation is not secure at this site
-risk factors= smoking, age, multiples, uerine anomalies or scaring
Describe placenta accreta
-implantation extends into the basal zone of the endometrium
-diffucult to remove placenta during delivery
-w/ Placenta increta, implantation extens all the way into the myometrium'
-Placenta percreta-implantation extens inot uterine serosa or another organ
-risk factors=multiple cesarean sections and placenta previa

Hint accreta ~ acreepa, the implantation creeps in
Describe placental abruption
placenta detaches from the uterus before birth. May be initiated by hemorrhage into the decidua baslis causing a split in the juctional layer. Decidual necrosis and placental infarcts result. Caude by mternal malnutrition, smoking , diabetes, hypertension ,trauma, drug abuse (cocaine)
Describe a hydatidiform mole
-embryo doesn't develop but trophoblast does
-incrased hCG into 2nd mo.
-Complete=only paternal DNA is present, may be caused by dispermy, can become malignant
Incomplete=amount of embryonic devleopment depends on ratio of DNA, usually does not become malignant
Decribe velamentous cord insertion
Umbilical cord attaches to the chorion and amnion rather than the placenta. Umbilical vessesl continue to the placenta between the membranes. Umbilical cessels may be easily torn causinig fetal exsanguination
which parts of the endometrium participate in the decidual reaction
all of the functional zone but not the basal zone
what tissues make up the chorion
trophoblast (syncytio and cyto) and extra-embryonic mesoderm
between what layers do the stem villi extend
the stem villis are rooted in the chorionic plate and extand toward the endometrium. A column of cytotorphlast extens from the tip of each stem villus. The extensions of cytotrophoblast from each villis join to form the cytotophoblastic shell tha tanchors the chorionic sac to the endometrium.
Does maternal blood enter the fetus? Visa versa?
Maternal blood does not enter the fetal circulation

A small amount of fetal blood enters the maternal circulation