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34 Cards in this Set

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What is a pituitary adenoma?

1. Benign tumor of anterior pituitary cells

How does a nonfunctional pituitary adenoma present?

1. Mass effect---

2. Bitemporal hemianopsia

3. Hypopiutitarism

4. Headache

How will a prolactinoma present in females? Males?

1. Galactorrhea and amneorrhea in females

2. Decreased libido and headache in males

How do you tx prolactinomas?

1. Dopamine agonists

2. Surgery

What are the consequences of a GH cell adenoma?

1. Gigantism

2. Acromegaly

3. 2o DM

How do you dx GH cell adenoma?

1. Elevated GH and IGF-1

2. Lack of GH suppression by oral glucose

How do you tx a GH cell adenoma?

1. Octreotide

2. GH receptor antagonists

3. Surgery

When do the ssx of hypopituitarism present?

1. When >75% of pituitary parenchyma has been lost

What are the MCC of hypopituitarism?

1. Pituitary adenomas (adults)

2. Craniopharyngioma (children)

3. Sheehan syndrome

What is Sheehan syndrome?

1. Pituitary grows in size during pregnancy, but blood supply does not

2. Infarction ensues during parturition

What are the ssx of Sheehan syndrome?

1. Loss of pubic hair (androgens)

2. Poor lactation

3. Fatigue

What causes empty sella syndrome?

1. Congenital defect of the sella

2. Herniation of the arachnoid and CSF into the sella compresses and destroys the pituitary gland

What causes central DI?

1. Hypothalamic or posterior pituitary pathology

What are the clinical features of central DI?

1. Polyuria and polydipsia

2. Hypernatremia and high serum osmolality

3. Low urine osmolality and specific gravity

How do you dx central DI?

1. Water deprivation test

2. Urine osmolality is NOT increased

How do you tx central DI?

1. Desmopressin

What causes nephrogenic DI?

1. Inherited mutations or drugs

How do you separate nephrogenic from central DI?

1. In nephrogenic DI, there is no response to desmopressin

What is the MCC of SIADH?

1. Ectopic production of ADH---

2. CNS trauma

3. Pulmonary infection

4. Drugs

What are the ssx of SIADH?

1. Hyponatremia and low serum osmolality

2. Mental status changes and seizures

How do you tx SIADH?

1. Free water restriction

What are the MCC of primary hyperparathyroidism?

1. Parathyroid adenoma

2. Sporadic parathyroid hyperplasia

3. Parathyroid carcinoma

What are the SSX of primary parathyroidism?

1. 'Moans, bones, stones, and groans'

What are the lab findings in primary parathyroidism?

1. Increased serum PTH

2. Increased serum Ca

3. Decreased serum phosphate

4. Increased urinary cAMP

5. Increased serum alk phos

How do you tx primary parathyroidism?

1. Surgical removal of affected gland

What ist he MCC of secondary parathyroidism?

1. Chronic renal failure

What are the lab findings of secondary parathyroidism?

1. Increased PTH

2. Decreased serum Ca

3. Increased serum phophate

4. Increased alk phos

What is the pathogenesis of secondary parathyroidism?

1. Increased serum phosphate binds free Ca

2. Decreased Ca stimulates all four parathyroid glands

3. Increased PTH leads to bone resorption

What are the MCC of hypoparathyroidism?

1. Autoimmune damage to parathyroid glands

2. Surgical excision

3. DiGeorge syndrome

What are the ssx of hypoparathyroidism?

1. Numbness and tingling (circumoral)

2. Tetany--Trosseau sign, Chovste sign

What are the lab results in hypoparathyroidism?

1. Low PTH

2. Low Ca

What causes pseudohypoparathyroidism?

1. End-organ resistance to PTH

2. Due to defect in Gs

What are the lab results in pseudohypoparathyroidism?

1. Hypocalcemia

2. Increased PTH

What are the ssx of pseudohypoparathyroidism?

1. Short stature

2. Short 4th and 5th digits