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28 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of stile
Steps or steps for getting over a fence or wall
What is the definition of diffidence
Lack of self confidence
What is the definition of vain
Confidence- an extreme pride and confidence in one self
What is the definition of male volant
Having or showing vicious ill will
What is the definition of despair
Complete loss if hope
What is the definition of Vanity
To much pride
What is the definition of Comptemptuously
The feeling that something is mean
What is the definition of heretic
A person who holds a belief that is different from all the accepted belief of his church
What is the definition of Armory
A place where weapons are kept
What is the definition of humiliation
Make someone feel ashamed
What is the definition of cunningly
Clever and deceitful
What is the definition of tribulations
Suffering and difficulties
What is the definition of hypocrisy
The act of putting on a false appearance
What is the definition of timorous
Easily frightened
What is the definition of discretion
The freedom to judge or choose
What is the definition of lamentable
To express sorrow or regret for something
What is the definition of obstinate
What is the definition of wicket gate
Small gate
What is the definition of pliable
Yielding easily to others
What is the definition of slough
A wet and marshy or muddy place
What is the definition of dispond
To be come discouraged
What is the definition of celestial
What is the definition of valiant
Brave, heroic, courage
What is the definition of sloth
What is the definition of delectable
Delightful , delicious
What is the definition of flatterer
Someone who praises excessively or insincerely to win favour
What is the definition of languish
To lose strength to suffer hardship
What is the definition of discourage
Spoken or written communication