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179 Cards in this Set

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support protection
movement blood formation
mineral reservoir pH balance detoxification
Functions of the skeletal system
____ & _____ components are responsible for the major functional characteristics of bone.
Collagen and mineral
collagen is for_____ strength in bones.
flexible strength
mineral components is for ______
strength in bones.
Bones form through two processes during fetal development...
1. Intramembranous ossification
2. Endochondral ossification
**Produces flat bones of skull, part of the mandible, & clavicle
**Key points:
---Begins within embryonic mesenchyme at approximately the 8th week of fetal development and is completed by approximately 2 years of age (fontanels close)
---Mesenchymal cells give rise to osteoblasts
Intramembranous Ossification
--form ossification centers within the collagen membrane
--Internally they form spongy bone
--externally they form compact bone.
remodel the bone
**Primary ossification center forms in hyaline cartilage model
--cells of the perichondrium produce a bony collar
--cuts off diffusion of nutrients and hastens their death
**Primary marrow space formed
Endochondral Ossification
**Begins to form in the epiphyses near time of birth; appears in the proximal epiphysis of the femur, humerus, and tibia approx. 1 month before birth
**Hyaline cartilage remains on joint surface as articular cartilage and at junction of diaphysis & epiphysis (epiphyseal plate)
Secondary Ossification Center
Which of the following would be true concerning secondary ossification?

A. It begins within the diaphysis of the bone.
B. It only occurs post-natal (after birth).
C. It is responsible for the formation of the flat bones.
D. It begins within mesenchyme.
E. It begins in the epiphyses near time of birth.
E. It begins in the epiphyses near time of birth.
Bones increase in length by
interstitial growth of epiphyseal plate
Bones increase in width by
appositional growth
excessive proliferation of osteoclasts
(osteitis deformans)- Paget’s Disease
**Short stature but normal-sized head and trunk
--long bones of the limbs stop growing in childhood but other bones unaffected
**Result of spontaneous mutation when DNA is replicated
--mutant allele is dominant
Achondroplastic Dwarfism
a crystallization process in which ions (calcium, phosphate & others) are removed from blood plasma & deposited in bone tissue
Mineralization or Mineral Deposition
***abnormal calcification

---may occur in lungs, brain, eyes, muscles, tendons or arteries (arteriosclerosis)
--In soft organs called a calculus (ex. Renal calculi)
Ectopic ossification
Renal calculi is also known as
Kidney stones
an abnormal bony growth or projection
Bone Spur
Process of dissolving bone & releasing minerals into the blood

**performed by osteoclasts “ruffled border”
-hydrogen pumps in the cell membrane secrete hydrogen ions into the space between the osteoclast & the bone
-chloride ions follow by electrical attraction
-hydrochloric acid & a pH of 4 dissolve bone minerals
-an enzyme (acid phosphatase) digests the collagen
Mineral Resorption
Changes in phosphate concentration have little effect

Changes in calcium can be serious
Ion Imbalances
deficiency of blood calcium

causes excessive excitability of nervous system leading to muscle spasms, tremors or tetany
--laryngospasm may cause suffocation
an excess of blood calcium; makes nerves less likely to fire.
_______ homeostasis depends on calcitriol, calcitonin & parathyroid hormone
Factors Affecting Bone Growth
++20 or more hormones (growth hormone, thyroid hormone, sex hormones), vitamins (D & C), & growth factors
++Bone growth is especially rapid at puberty
--hormones stimulate growth plate
--adolescent girls grow faster than boys & reach their full height earlier (estrogen has stronger effect)
--males grow for a longer time
++Growth ceases when epiphyseal plate “closes”
--anabolic steroids may cause premature closure of growth plate producing short adult stature
a break caused by abnormal trauma to a bone
EX. car accident, fall, athletics, etc
Stress fracture
a break in a bone weakened by some other disease
EX. bone cancer or osteoporosis
Pathological fracture
Healing of Fractures
Normally healing takes 8 - 12 weeks (longer in elderly)

Lisr the stages:
1. fracture hematoma
2. granulation tissue
3. callus formation
4. remodeling
broken vessels form a blood clot
Stage 1
fibrous tissue formed by fibroblasts & infiltrated by capillaries
Stage 2
soft callus of fibrocartilage replaced by hard callus of bone in 6 weeks
Stage 3
occurs over next 6 months as spongy bone is replaced with compact bone
Stage 4
Bones lose mass & become brittle due to loss of both organic matrix & minerals
--risk of fracture of hip, wrist & vertebral column
--lead to fatal complications such as pneumonia
--widow’s (dowager’s) hump is deformed spine
Osteoporosis (porous bone)
Postmenopausal women at greatest risk because of decreased estrogen (estrogen inhibits the action of PTH)
--by age 70, average loss is 30% of bone mass

Other conditions that lower estrogen:
removal of ovaries
extreme exercise to the point menstrual flow stops
anorexia nervosa
cigarette smoking
Hypocalcemia can result from any of the following except

A. lactation.
B. a vitamin D deficiency.
C. excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone.
D. severe diarrhea.
E. excessive secretion of calcitonin.
C. excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone.
Function of joints
Binds the bones of the skeletal system together

Allows skeleton to be mobile
*Unite bones
*Help direct movement
*Prevent excessive or undesirable motion
*Disadvantage- ligaments stretch and stay stretched
Most important stabilizing factor is the tendons that cross the joint to join muscle to bone. These tendons are taught when muscles are well toned.
Muscle tone
Synovial Joints (freely movable)

???-squeezes synovial fluid from cartilages when a joint is compressed by movement
Weeping lubrication
Range of Motion varies greatly from one type of joint to another and is measured with
Factors affecting ROM and joint stability
-structure & action of the muscles
-structure of the articular surfaces
-strength and tautness of ligaments, tendons & capsule
______ keep track of joint position & muscle tone
A _____ is a rigid object that rotates around a fixed point called a fulcrum

Joints function as levers
Mechanical Advantage s calculated from the length of the effort arm divided by the length of the resistance arm
<1 = Low power, high speed
>1 = High power, low speed
**Has fulcrum in the middle between effort & resistance
**Atlantooccipital joint lies between the muscles on the back of the neck and the weight of the face
---loss of muscle tone occurs when you nod off in class
First-Class Lever
**Has resistance in the middle between fulcrum & effort
**Resistance from the muscle tone of the temporalis muscle lies between the jaw joint and the pull of the diagastric muscle on the chin as it opens the mouth quickly
--upside down example relative to wheelbarrow illustration
Second-Class Lever
**Has the effort in the middle between the resistance & the fulcrum
{most joints of the body}
**The effort applied by the biceps muscle is applied to the forearm between the elbow joint and the weight of the hand and the forearm
Third-Class Lever
1. Sprain
2. Dislocation (luxation)
Inflammatory and/or degenerative HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCES OF JOINTS
1. Bursitis (septic bursitis)
2. Tendonitis
A broad term for pain and inflammation
Both acute and chronic forms
Acute forms of arthritis:
Septic Arthritis
- caused by a bacterial invasion of a joint, resulting in inflammation of the synovial lining
chronic forms of arthritis:
> Osteoarthritis
> Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis
> Gouty Arthritis
-chronic progressive disorder causing deterioration of the articular cartilage of joints and the formation of reactive new bone at the margins and subchondral areas of the joints
- referred to as degenerative joint disease
- usually begins in middle age and becomes progressively worse
- can either be caused by
1)normal wear and tear of aging or
2) genetically inherited
- more cartilage is destroyed than replaced
- bone becomes exposed and thickens, bone spurs form
- sound of grinding or roughed bony articulating surfaces
- usually treated with aspirin; severe cases may require surgery
sound of grinding or roughed bony articulating surfaces
a chronic, systemic, inflammatory disease that is actually an auto immune disorder where the body's own immune system attacks its tissues through destructive enzymes released through the immune system
- cause is not known
- strikes females 3X more than males, most often between 30 - 40 years of age
- fatigue, joint tenderness, stiffness
- characterized by flare-ups and remissions
Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis
a metabolic disease caused by the accumulation of uric acid
- usually affects the base of the big toe
- more common in males and may be genetically linked
- if untreated bones can fuse
- alter diet and drug treatment
Gouty Arthritis
- inflammation and thickening of the synovial membrane
- swelling due to the accumulation of synovial fluid
- scar tissue forms which may fuse bones as it ossifies (ankylosis)
- administer anti-inflammatory drugs
Rheumatoid Arthritis
__________ is a degenerative joint disease that apparently results from a combination of aging, irritation of the joints, and normal wear and tear.

A. Adult rheumatoid arthritis
B. Osteoporosis
C. Tendonitis
D. Osteoarthritis
E. Luxation
D. Osteoarthritis
What do we mean by “excitable cells”?
These are cells that self-generate electrochemical impulses and transmit signals along their membrane.
_____ & _______ cells are excitable cells
muscle and nerve
All cells have a _______ that is due to an unequal distribution of ions.
resting membrane potential (RMP)
The concentration of K+ is higher inside the cell and potassium constantly “leaks out” down its concentration gradient. These helps keep the cell ________.
Because there is a “+” charge on the ECF and a “-” charge on the ICF, at rest the membrane is _____.
In nerve and muscle cells, the resting membrane potential changes when the cells receive a _______.
____is more concentrated outside of cell (ECF) and ____ more concentrated inside the cell (ICF)
Na+ - ECF

K+ - ICF
The conducting cell of the nervous system is
the neuron
Neurons are stimulated at dendrites by a number of types of stimuli such as
- the binding of a ligand (chemical messengers).
-mechanical distortion (pressure).
-light and sound.
Na+ ions diffuse rapidly from the ECF into the cell. This makes the outside of the less positive and the inside of the cell more positive. The area of cell membrane is _______.
If the stimulus is strong enough the depolarization will reach the area of the neuron called the ____ or _____.
axon hillock or trigger zone
If the sodium influx is great enough at the trigger zone, a long-distance signal that travels down the axon will be initiated. This is is an ___ or ____.
action potential or nerve impulse
--More dramatic change in membrane produced where high density of voltage-gated channels occur
-Reach threshold potential(-55mV)
-Voltage-gated Na+ channels open (Na+ enters for depolarization)
-Passes 0 mV & Na+ channels close (peaks at +35)
-K+ gates fully open (K+ leaves) produces repolarization
Action Potentials
Negative overshoot produces
-follows an all-or-none law and thus are not graded
-are nondecremental (do not get weaker with distance)
-are irreversible (once started goes to completion and can not be stopped)
Characteristics of action potential
Period of resistance to stimulation
The Refractory Period
--as long as Na+ gates are open
--no stimulus will trigger AP
Absolute refractory period
--as long as K+ gates are open
--only especially strong stimulus will trigger new AP
Relative refractory period
______ is a rest period where a neuron cannot respond to another stimulus no matter how strong the stimulus.
A. absolute refractory period
B. relative refractory period
C. synaptic cleft
A. absolute refractory period
Action potential in trigger zone begins chain reaction that travels to end of axon
Impulse Conduction in Unmyelinated Fibers
--Faster than the continuous or “chain reaction” type of conduction
--Voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels are concentrated at the Nodes of Ranvier.
--Impulse seems to “jump” from node to node.
Saltatory Conduction in Myelinated Fibers
Speed of signal transmission along nerve fibers depends on
diameter of fiber & presence of myelin

-small, unmyelinated = 2.0 m/sec
-small, myelinated = 15.0 m/sec
-large, myelinated = up to 120 m/sec
Neurons communicate with
*other neurons.
*muscle cells
The functional area of contact is the ___.
The electrical signal cannot cross it and is converted into a chemical signal.
The chemical signal is carried by ___ released by the presynaptic neuron.
Presynaptic neurons have synaptic __a__ with neurotransmitter and postsynaptic have __b___.
a. vesicles

b. receptors
Types of Neurotransmitters

What are the 3 major categories?
1. Acetylcholine
2. Amino acid neurotransmitters
3. Monoamines

Name the catecholamines.

Name the indolamines.
Gases such as ______ can also function as neurotransmitters.
nitric oxide
Modify actions of neurotransmitters
-gut-brain peptides cause
food cravings
Why are these neuropeptides used:
1. Substance-P-
2. Enkephalin-
3. B-endorphin-
4. Cholecystokinin -
Substance-P- feel pain
Enkephalin & B-endorphin- Natural opiates (analgesis pain killers)
Cholecystokinin - appetite (stomach)
Cholinergic synapse produces ionotropic effect
Ionic Synaptic Transmission
ACh receptors trigger opening of Na+ channels producing local potential
postsynaptic potential
Neurotransmitter uses 2nd messenger such as cyclic AMP to alter metabolism of postsynaptic cell
Metabotrophic Synapse Transmission
Mechanisms to turn off stimulation
2.monoamine oxidase
Cessation & Modification of Signal
1. diffusion of neurotransmitter away from synapse into ECF where astrocytes return it to the neurons
2. synaptic knob reabsorbs amino acids and monoamines by
endocytosis & breaks them down with monoamine oxidase
3. acetylcholinesterase degrades ACh in the synaptic cleft
---choline reabsorbed & recycled
Name the Postsynaptic Potentials.
* Excitatory postsynaptic potentials
* Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
* ACh & norepinephrine vary depending on cell
**positive voltage change make postsynaptic cell more likely to fire
-result from Na+ flowing into the cell
What are excitatory neurotransmitters?
glutamate & aspartate
Modify actions of neurotransmitters
-gut-brain peptides cause
food cravings
Why are these neuropeptides used:
1. Substance-P-
2. Enkephalin-
3. B-endorphin-
4. Cholecystokinin -
Substance-P- feel pain
Enkephalin & B-endorphin- Natural opiates (analgesis pain killers)
Cholecystokinin - appetite (stomach)
Cholinergic synapse produces ionotropic effect
Ionic Synaptic Transmission
ACh receptors trigger opening of Na+ channels producing local potential
postsynaptic potential
Neurotransmitter uses 2nd messenger such as cyclic AMP to alter metabolism of postsynaptic cell
Metabotrophic Synapse Transmission
Mechanisms to turn off stimulation
2.monoamine oxidase
Cessation & Modification of Signal
1. diffusion of neurotransmitter away from synapse into ECF where astrocytes return it to the neurons
2. synaptic knob reabsorbs amino acids and monoamines by
endocytosis & breaks them down with monoamine oxidase
3. acetylcholinesterase degrades ACh in the synaptic cleft
---choline reabsorbed & recycled
Name the Postsynaptic Potentials.
* Excitatory postsynaptic potentials
* Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
* ACh & norepinephrine vary depending on cell
**a positive voltage change causing postsynaptic cell to be more likely to fire
-result from Na+ flowing into the cell
What are excitatory neurotransmitters?
glutamate & aspartate
**a negative voltage change causing postsynaptic cell to be less likely to fire (hyperpolarize)
--result of Cl- flowing into the cell or K+ leaving the cell
What are the inhibitory neurotransmitters?
glycine & GABA
Epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine are classified as:
A.Indolamines B.Catecholamines
C.Acetylcholine mimics
D. neuropeptides
B. Catecholamines
In order for ____ muscle to contract, it must be excited but a motor neuron.
-Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Sarcolemma has tunnel-like infoldings or ________ that penetrate the cell.
transverse (T) tubules
bundles of parallel protein microfilaments called myofilaments
______has transverse (T) tubules that penetrate the cell

--carry electric current to cell interior
______is filled with myofibrils

--glycogen for stored energy &
myoglobin binding oxygen
________ is series of dilated, calcium
storage sacs
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
*Made of 200 to 500 myosin molecules (contractile proteins)
*Arranged in a bundle with heads directed outward in a spiral array around the bundled tails
Thick Filaments
2 entwined golf clubs
contractile proteins
*Two strands of fibrous (F) actin (contractile proteins) intertwined with subunits of globular (G) actin with an active site.
Thin Filaments
Thin filament groove holds _____ molecules blocking the active sites, with smaller, calcium-binding _____ molecules


**both are regulatory protein**
Muscle cells shorten because their ____ shorten
**Notice neither thick nor thin filaments change length during shortening,just their overlap
Synapse is region where nerve fiber makes a functional contact with its target cell ____
Neuromuscular Junctions (NMJ)
Neurotransmitter released from nerve fiber causes stimulation of muscle cell
What are the components of synapse?
--synaptic knob
--motor end plate
___ is swollen end of nerve fiber which
contains vesicles filled with ACh
synaptic knob
___is region of muscle cell surface which has ACh receptors that bind ACh released from nerve
motor end plate
____ is enzyme that breaks down ACh & causesrelaxation.
Pesticides contain cholinesterase inhibitors that bind to acetylcholinesterase & prevent it from degrading ACh
ex:Tetanus or lockjaw- caused
by toxin of Clostridium bacteria
Spastic paralysis
_____ with limp muscles unable to contract caused by curare that competes with ACh
Flaccid paralysis
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Excitation (steps 1 & 2)
Nerve signal stimulates voltage-gated calcium channels that result in exocytosis of synaptic vesicles containing ACh
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Excitation (steps 3 & 4)
Binding of ACh opens Na+ and K+ channels resulting in an end-plate potential (EPP)
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Excitation (step 5)
Voltage change in end-plate region (EPP) opens nearby voltage-gated channels in plasma membrane producing an action potential
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Excitation-Contraction Coupling
(steps 6&7)
Action potential spreading over sarcolemma reaches T tubules -- voltage-gated channels open in
T tubules causing calcium gates to open in SR
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Excitation-Contraction Coupling
(steps 8&9)
Calcium release causes binding of myosin to active sites on actin
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Contraction (steps 10 & 11)
Myosin head with an ATP molecule bound to it can form a cross-bridge. ATP is broken down.
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Contraction (steps 12 & 13)
Power stroke shows myosin head releasing the ADP & phosphate and flexing as it pulls thin filament along -- binding of more ATP releases head from the thin filament
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Relaxation (steps 14 & 15)
Stimulation ceases and acetylcholinesterase removes ACh from receptors so stimulation of the muscle cell ceases
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Relaxation (step 16)
**Active transport pumps calcium back into SR where it binds to calsequestrin
**ATP is needed for muscle relaxation as well as muscle contraction
Skeletal Muscle Contraction:

Relaxation (steps 17 & 18)
Loss of calcium from sarcoplasm results in hiding of active sites and cessation of the production or maintenance of tension
Stiffening of the body beginning 3 to 4 hours after death -- peaks at 12 hours after death & diminishes over next 48 hours is ______.
Rigor Mortis
Group of hereditary diseases in which skeletal muscles degenerate & are replaced with adipose
Muscular Dystrophy
a protein that links actin filaments to cell membrane
Autoimmune disease where antibodies attack NMJ and bind ACh receptors together in clusters
--less and less sensitive to ACh
Myasthenia Gravis
Signs & Symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis
*drooping eyelids and double vision
*difficulty swallowing
*weakness of the limbs
*respiratory failure
Treatment for Myasthenia Gravis
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Thymus removal
Immunosuppressive agents
Types of Smooth Muscle
--Multiunit smooth muscle

--Single-unit smooth muscle
--in largest arteries, iris, pulmonary air passages, arrector pili muscles

--independent contraction
Multiunit smooth muscle
-in most blood vessels & viscera as circular & longitudinal muscle layers
-electrically coupled by gap junctions
-large number of cells contract as a unit
Single-unit smooth muscle
Stimulation of Smooth Muscle
Involuntary & contracts w/o nerve stimulation
**hormones, CO2, low pH, stretch, O2 deficiency
pacemaker cells GI tract- autorhythmic
Calcium triggering contraction is __
-Ca enters cell
-calcium ion binds to calmodulin
-power stroke
Ca enters cell through channels triggered by :
stretching of the cell
What is calmodulin?
A calcium-binding protein
Explain power stroke
Calcium/calmodulin complex activates myosin light-chain kinase which activates the myosin head with ATP to bind actin
Smooth Muscle uses l0-300 times less ATP to maintain the same tension

Define muscle tone & vasomotor tone
muscle tone- latch-bridge mechanism maintains tetanus

vasomotor tone- keeps arteries in state of partial contraction
List responses to Stretch
--Muscle response
--Stress-relaxation response
Stretch opens mechanically-gated calcium channels causing
Muscle response
______ necessary for hollow organs that gradually fill (urinary bladder)
**when stretched, tissue briefly
contracts then relaxes
Stress-relaxation response
_____ is ability to adjust tension to degree of stretch such as empty bladder is not flabby
What provides the energy to power muscle contraction?

[Myoglobin provides oxygen for limited term aerobic respiration]
What happens when oxygen supply can not be maintained, as in a short, intense exercise (100 m dash)?
Most ATP demand is met by transferring Pi from other molecules
known as phosphagen system.
Phosphagen system uses what 2 enzymes to generate ATP in the absence of oxygen
myokinase & creatine kinase
____ transfers Pi groups from one ADP to another, converting the latter to ATP
___ obtains Pi groups from creatine phosphate and donates them to ADP to make ATP
creatine kinase
Short-Term Energy
Once phosphagen system is exhausted, ______ (anaerobic) produces ATP for 30-40 seconds of maximum activity
glycogen-lactic acid system

[muscles obtain glucose from blood & stored glycogen]
Note: Long-Term Energy
After 40 seconds of exercise, respiratory & cardiovascular systems begin to deliver enough oxygen for aerobic respiration
ATP production keep pace w/demand
**Limits are set by depletion of glycogen & blood glucose, loss of fluid and electrolytes through sweat
--little lactic acid buildup occurs
_____is progressive weakness & loss of contractility from prolonged use
List the causes of Fatigue
--ATP synthesis declines as glycogen is consumed
--ATP shortage causes sodium-potassium pumps to fail to maintain membrane potential & excitability
{cont'd} Causes of Fatigue
--lactic acid lowers pH of sarcoplasm
inhibiting enzyme function
--motor nerve fibers use up their
{cont'd} Causes of Fatigue
--accumulation of extracellular K+ lowers the membrane potential & excitability
Ability to maintain high-intensity exercise is determined by maximum oxygen uptake
-Depend on supply of organic nutrients
-fatty acids, amino acids & glucose
_____ is proportional to body size, peaks at age 20, is larger in trained athlete & males
VO2 max
Need to breathe heavily after strenuous exercise
-typically about 11 liters extra is
Oxygen Debt
Purposes for extra oxygen:
--replace O2 reserves (myoglobin,
hemoglobin, in lungs & in plasma)
--replenishing the phosphagen sys.
--reconverting lactic acid to glucose
--serving the elevated metabolic rate
- Linked to each other at intercalated
-Autorhythmic due to pacemaker cell
-Uses aerobic respiration almost
Cardiac Muscle
In cardiac muscle,
--________ allow cells to stimulate
their neighbors
--Ca+2 from extracellular fluid
electrical gap junctions
In cardiac muscle, large _____make it resistant to fatigue
The role of calmodulin in smooth muscle is
A. to bind calcium ions.
B. to hydrolyze ATP.
C. to form cross-bridges w/thin myofilaments.
A. to bind calcium ions.
Oxygen debt is the amount of extra oxygen needed after an exercise to do all of the following except
A) oxidize lactic acid.
B) lower the metabolic rate to a resting level.
C) replenish the reserves of creatine phosphate.
B) lower the metabolic rate to a resting level.