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56 Cards in this Set

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Alveoli has a Large surface area of about _____

(60–80 m2 ).

Each alveolus is 1 cell layer thick. Total air barrier is 2 cells across (2 m).

There 500,000 respiratory bronchiole. T/f


There are ~ 400 million airsac. T/f


300 million

There are 2 types of alveoli cells; namely

Alveolar type I: Structural cells. Alveolar type II: Secrete surfactant.

As alveoli radius decreases, surfactant’s ability to lower surface tension ____________.


Disorders related to the surfactants are;



The muscle of Expiration is the InternalIntercostal muscles.

The accessorymuscles of expiration are


Transversus abdominis,

Internal and external oblique mucles.

The muscles of Inspiration are


External Intercostal muscle.

Expedition occur during Contraction of diaphragm, increases thoracic volume vertically. T/f


Inspiration( Active)

During inspiration ;

Alveolar changes from ___ to ____ mm Hg.Intrapleural changes from ____ to ____ mmHg.Transpulmonary pressure = ____ mm Hg.

Alveolar changes from 0 to -3 mm Hg.Intrapleural changes from -4 to -6 mmHg.Transpulmonary pressure = +3 mm Hg.

Expiration Pressure changes during Intrapulmonary pressure changes from __ to ___ mm Hg. Intrapleural pressure changes from ___to ____ mm Hg. Transpulmonary pressure = ___ mm Hg.

Intrapulmonary pressure changes from -3 to +3mm Hg. Intrapleura pressure changes from -6 to -3 mm Hg. Transpulmonary pressure = +6 mm Hg.

Three Processes ofRespiration;

Pulmonary ventilation (breathing)

physical movement of air into and out of lungs

inspiration - active

expiration - usually passive

Pulmonary (external) respiration

gas exchange at lung

Tissue (internal) respiration

gas exchange at tissues

Decreases pressure (Boyle’s law – volume inversely related to pressure) is related to inhalation. T/f


There are 4 lung volumes, mention them


Inspiratory reserve

Expiratory reserve



_______ is the volume of gas inspired or expired in an unforced respiratory cycle.

Tidal volume

Tidal Volume =

~500 ml

_________ is themaximum volume of Gas that can be inspired during forced breathing in addition to Tidal volume

Inspiratory Reserved volume

Inspiratory reserved volume =

~3100 ml

_____ is the maximum volume of gas that can be expired during force breathing.

Expiratory Reserved volume

Expiratory reserve volume =

~1200 ml

_____ is the volume of gas remaining after maximum expiration

Residual volume

Residual volume =

~1200 ml

Lung capacities are classified into 4 type;

Vital capacity

Inspiratory capacity

Functional residual capacity

Total lung capacity


________ is the amount of gas that can be Expired after Maximum inspiration.

Vital Capacity

Vital capacity =


________ is the amount of gas that can be inspired after a normal Tidal expiration.

Inspiratory capacity

_________ is the amount of gas remaining after NTE ( normal tidal expiration )

Functional Residual Capacity

Inspiratory capacity =

~3600 ml

Functional Residual capacity =

~2400 ml

_______ is the Total amount of gas in the lungs after maximum inspiration

Total Lungs capacity

Each hemoglobin has 4 polypeptide chains and 4 hemes. In the center of each heme group is 1 atom of iron that can combine with 1 molecule of oxygen. T/f


Hemoglobin does not lose an electron when it combines with 02. T/f


________Has iron in the oxidized form (Fe3+ ). Lacks electrons and cannot bind with 02.


_________heme is combined with carbon monoxide. The bond with carbon monoxide is 210 times stronger than the bond with oxygen. Transport of 02 to tissues is impaired.


Anemia: [Hemoglobin] below normal. Polycythemia: [Hemoglobin] above normal.

What's wrong


Hemoglobin production controlled by erythropoietin Is stimulated by ____ delivery to kidneys.


Loading/unloading depends:

P02 of environment.

Affinity between hemoglobin and 02

With Decreased pH, increased temperature, andincreased 2,3 DPG: Affinity of hemoglobin for 02___________


Greater unloading of 02

Shift the curve to the right.

Effect of 2,3 DPG on 02Transport

Anemia:RBCs total blood [hemoglobin] falls, eachRBC produces greater amount of 2,3 DPG.Since RBCs lack both nuclei and mitochondria,produce ATP through anaerobic metabolism.

Fetal hemoglobin (hemoglobin f):Has 2 y-chains in place of the B-chains.Hemoglobin f cannot bind to 2,3 DPG.Has a higher affinity for 02

Control of Respiration can be divided into 2;

Neural control: This is influence of nerve cells of the central nervous system on the regulation of breathing

Chemical control:This is the regulation of breathing due to input from receptors sensitive to the chemical composition of the blood.

Neural Control Divided into

Voluntary Control : Located in the cerebral cortex Responsible for breathholding.

Involuntary Control : Located in the Pons and Medulla Responsible for the automatic control of breathing

The primary portions of the brainstem that control ventilation are the ______&_______

Medulla oblongata



What are the two respiratory nuclei in medulla oblongata

Inspiratory center (dorsal respiratory group, DRG) more frequently they fire, more deeply you inhale • longer duration they fire, breath is prolonged, slow rate

Expiratory center (ventral respiratory group, VRG) • involved in forced expiration

Dorsal Respiratory Group are also known as _______


_________Sets the basic respiratory rate & Stimulates the inspiratory muscles to contract (diaphragm)

Dorsal Respiratory Group

The signals DRG sends for inspiration start weakly and steadily increase for ~ 2 sec. This is called a ________ and produces a gradual inspiration.


The ramp then stops abruptly for ~ 3 sec and the diaphragm relaxes.

Ventral Respiratory Group are also called

E neurons

VRG is inactive during normal and quiet respiration. T/f


Activities of medullary rhythmicity center is influenced by pons. T/f


________ Promotes inspiration by stimulating the I neurons in the medulla.

Apneustic center

__________ Antagonizes the apneustic center. Inhibits inspiration

Pneumotaxic center:

Rate and depth of ventilation adjusted to maintain arterial PC02 of _____mm Hg

40 mm Hg.

_______ is More sensitive to changes in arterial PC02.

Central Chemoreceptors

H+ cannot cross the blood brain barrier. C02 can cross the blood brain barrier and will form H2C03.

Lowers pH of CSF. • Directly stimulates central chemoreceptors.

Peripheral chemoreceptors:Are not stimulated directly by changes in arterial PC02 • T/f

Stimulated by rise in [H+] of arterial blood.Increased [H+] stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors.

Peripheral chemoreceptors are stimulated by __________ while central chemoreceptors are stimulated by _______________

Peripheral = rise in [H+] of arterial blood

Central = changes in the arterial PCO2


H+ can not cross blood brain barrier, CO2 can and will form H2CO3

Lower pH of cerebrospinal fluid directly stimulates central chemoreceptor
