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90 Cards in this Set

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Visceral smooth muscle cells function together as a tissue because

there are areas of membrane fusion between neighbouring cells

In the absence of anti-diuretic hormone

urine production rises

The transverse tubules in skeletal muscle fibres

are continuous with the sacrolemma, are not continuous with the sacroplasmic reticulum, conduct the action potential to the interior of the muscle fibre, are essential forCa2+ release during sacromere activation

The tetanic tension developed in a muscle is determined by

the action potential frequency

There is usually little loss of plasma proteins through the glomerular capillary wall BECAUSE

most protein molecules are too large to diffuse through the glomerular epithelium

This statement about skeletal muscle is correct

small motor unit size isconsistent with fine muscular control

During excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle

calcium is released from the terminal sacs of the sacroplasmic reticulum

Alveolar Type 1 cells

cells constitute the bulk of the alveolar lining

Recruitment of muscle fibres in skeletal muscle is due to

more neurons being excited

A fall in the concentration of plasma protein due to decreased synthesis will result in

an increase in interstitial water

11. Smooth muscle cells

are mononucleate, are frequently connected together bytight junctions, often exhibit myogenic electrical activity, can develop optimal active tension over a wide range of resting lengths

The volume of gas which diffuses across the alveolar capillary membrane per unit time is

directly proportional to the solubility of the gas in the membrane, directly proportional to the partial pressure difference across the membrane, directly proportional to the surface area of the membrane,inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane

Most of the total plasma protein is synthesised in the


Intracellular fluid has a

high potassium concentration relative to interstitialfluid

During respiration at rest, expiration is

passive due to resting surface tension and to elastic recoil

When CO2 diffuses into blood in the systemic capillaries, most of it

is converted to bicarbonate ions in the red blood cells

The rate at which the stomach empties after a meal is increased by

gastrin production

Alveolar pressure is

higher than intrapleural pressure during inspiration,higher than intrapleural pressure during expiration

Events that may be involved in initiation of labour in the human include a rise in

plasma progesterone ; oestrogen ratio, uterine sensitivity to oxytocin,circulating prostaglandis, plasma levels of oxytocin

Maintenance of normal labour involves

reflex release of oxytocin

Heat production in the body at rest is mainly due to metabolic activity in

the liver

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone

stimulates the release of both FSH and LH

Haemopoiesis is stimulated in a healthy person by

injection of erythropoietin

The liver performs the major part of the body’s

glycogen storage, deamination of amino acids, urea formation, plasma protein formation

25. Secretin

stimulates the pancreas to secrete an alkaline juice

In the absence of pancreatic secretion, the faeces contain more fat because

intestinal secretions contain no lipase activity

Most fat is absorbed as molecules of

triacylglycerol in chylomicrons in the intestinal lymphatics.

Erythropoietin is a circulating hormone which

affects red cell production mainly by regulating reticulocyte maturation

During the perception of hearing, sound waves produce an oscillation of

the basilar membrane

Sensory neurons code the intensity of a sensory stimulus by

the frequency of action potentials

The conduction velocity in a myelinated axon is reduced by

reduced diameterof the axon

During near vision

the lens becomes thicker and rounded

The retina of the eye

contains cells sensitive to red light

In the ear the stapes is in contact with

the oval window

Aldosterone secretion

increases reabsorption of sodium by cells in the distal tubule and collecting tubule

Thirst experienced on the morning following an evening of excessive alcohol intake is due to the fact that alcohol

inhibits antidiuretic hormone secretion

During the first trimester of pregnancy

human chorionic gonadotrophin(hCG) maintains the corpus luteum

38. For lactation to occur

`increased quantities of prolactin are required

A decrease in arterial blood pressure could be caused by an increase in

arterial compliance

Cardiac output is

distributed mainly to skeletal muscle during exercise

41. Intrinsic heart rate is

identified through blocking of sympathetic and parasympathetic activation of the heart

Stroke volume is decreased by

an increase in afterload

43. Pulse pressure is

decreased by an increase in arterial compliance

Blood flow is NOT controlled by vasomotion along the length of



are less stiff than arteries

A fall in the concentration of plasma protein due to a decreased synthesis will result in:
an increase in interstitial waters
Most of the total plasma protein is synthesised in the
Erythropoietin is a circulating hormone which
stimulates production of red blood cells
Moderate haemorrhage will not cause
reduced circulating levels of vasopressin
Heat loss in the body occurs by
When the blood pressure falls slightly, the kidney releases
The renal medullary countercurrent mechanism is most important for
water conservation
(What) contributes most to medullary interstitial osmomolarity in the kidney
(What) is the property of the stomach that is essentialto life
Secretion of digestive enzymes
The liver performs the major part of the body’s
breaking down of proteins
stimulates the pancreas to secrete an alkaline juice
A woman, whose last menstrual period was 5 weeks ago, wishes to know whether she is pregnant. The most appropriate parameter to measure is urinary excretion of
chronic gonadotrophin
In relation to the ovarian follicle
it consists of theca cells and granulosacells, the theca cells have receptors for LH, when stimulated by LH thecacells synthesise male hormones, when stimulated by FSH granulosa cellssynthesise oestrogen from the androgens produced by theca cells
The muscle type responsible for movement of the skeleton is known as
somatic, voluntary, striated and skeletal muscle
Cell types which secrete proteins are characterised by a high concentration of Golgi apparatus BECAUSE the Golgi apparatus is the site of cellular
protein packaging
Free fatty acids are released into the circulation in response to
injection of insulin
17. Maintenance of normal labour involves
reflex release of oxytocin
exerts a negative feedback on the hypothalamus and anteriorpituitary gland
Gonadotrophin–releasing hormone
stimulates the release of both fsh and lh
After delivery of pancreatic juice to the duodenum, trypsinogen is converted to its active form, trypsin, by
The vestibular apparatus in the ear is unable to detect
linear motion of thebody at constant velocity
The most common cells in the CNS are
Auditory action potentials are initiated in
hair cells of the organ of Corti
The myelin sheath in the CNS is produced by
The chain of ossicles in the middle ear transmits vibrations from
the tympanic membrane to the oval window
Contraction of the ciliary muscles of the eye
focuses the eye on near objects
The systemic and pulmonary circulations are (what) parallel with each other
Well oxygenated blood does (what) flow from the right atrium to the rightventricle
Cardiac output is NOT
distributed mainly to the heat and brain at rest
Poiseuille’s law for flow in tubes would NOT predict that
aortic blood flow isincreased as the internal radius of the aorta is decreased
Regional blood flow is NOT controlled by changes in
capillary volume
The Fick equation would NOT predict that the O2 consumption of the heartcan be increased by
decreasing the coronary venous O2 concentration
The skeletal muscle pump does NOT
decrease the pooling of blood in the legs when standing upright
When a skeletal muscle cell is in a relaxed state, a myosin cross–bridge will be
in a high energy form, with ADP and Pi bound to it
During a skeletal muscle contraction
the distance between the Z lines changes in length
(What?) is NOT a function of the conductive zone airways
Exchanging gases with the pulmonary circulation
The smallest airways of the conducting zone are
Surfactant is secreted by
type 2 pneumocytes
The product of tidal volume and respiratory breathing frequency is
minute ventilation
Pulmonary surfactant
prevents collapse of alveoli, prevents small alveoli from joining with large alveoli, increases lung compliance, decreases the work of breathing
At the normal resting pO2 of mixed venous blood, saturation of haemoglobin is approximately
A rise in arterial pCO2 triggers an increase in ventilation through centralchemoreceptors which respond to
H ions the cerebrospinal fluid
Haemoglobin in the blood binds to
carbon dioxide
Cardiac muscle cells are found in
ventricles of the heart
Within a whole muscle, activation of a single motor neuron results in activation of
100% of muscle fibres associated with that motor unit