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50 Cards in this Set

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Ingestion - def'n
Materials entering the digestive tract
Mechanical processing - def'n
Crushing and shearing of food
Digestion - def'n
Chemical breakdowninto smaller fragments
Secretion - def'n
Release of water, acids, enzymes & buffers
Absorption - def'n
Movement of nutrients across epithelium and into the interstitial fluid of the digestive tract
Excretion - def'n
Removal of waste products
Peristalsis - def'n
waves of muscular contractions that move food along the digestive tract
Segmentation - def'n
Cycles of contractions (churn & fragment) that mix food with intestinal secretions
Mechanical digestion - desc
Mastication/chewing breaks into pieces, mixes with saliva so it forms a bolus
Chemical digestion - desc
Amylase begins starch digestion at pH 6.5/7 in mouth, but stops when reaches acidic stomach
Lingual lipase - desc
Secreted by glands in tongue
Begins breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol
Voluntary phase of swallowing - desc
Tongue pushes food to back of oral cavity
Involuntary phase of swallowing - desc
Pharyngeal phase:
Breathing stops and airways are closed
Soft palate and uvula are lifted to close off nasopharynx
vocal cords close
epiglottis is bent over airways as larynx is lifted
Travel time for food down esophagus
4-8 seconds
Travel time for liquids down esophagus
1 second
Function of stomach - desc
Storage of ingested food
Mechanical breakdown of food
checmical breakdown of food via acid and enzymes
Production of Intrinsic factor
Intrinsic factor - def'n
A glycoprotein that aids in the absorption of vitaim B12 in the small intestine
Chyme - def'n
In stomach, highly acidic mixture of partially digested food
Parietal cells - desc
Intrinsic factor
Chief Cells - desc
Pepsinogen + HCl = . . .
Pepsinogen + HCl = Pepsin
Amount released through Pyloric valve at each wave
1-2 tspns
_____ protects the stomach walls from being digested
_mucous_ protects the stomach walls from being digested
Most absorption occurs in the ________
Most absorption occurs in the _jejunum_
Bile - desc
Made by liver, stored in gallbladder
CCK - stimulus
Arrival of chyme
CCK - Origin
CCK - Targets & effects
Pancreas - Stimulates pancreatic enzymes
Gallbladder - Stimulates gallbladder
Stomach - Inhibits gastric secretion
Gastric Inhibitory Peptidase (GIP) - Stimulus
Arrival of chyme
Gastric Inhibitory Peptidase (GIP) - Origin
Gastric Inhibitory Peptidase (GIP) - Targets & efftects
Panceras - release of insulin
Stomach - Inhibits gastric secretion
Adipose tissue - Stimulates lipid synthesis
Skeletal tissue - Stimulates glucose use
Gastrin - Stimul(us/i)
Vagus nerve stimulation
Arrival of Chyme
Gastrin - Origin(s)
Gastrin - Targets & Efftects
Stomach - stimulates production of acids & enzymes
Secretin - Stimulus
Arrival of chyme
Secretin - Origin
Secretin - Targets & effects
Pancreas - Stimulates alkaline buffers
Stomach - Inhibits gastric secretion
Liver - Increases bile secretion
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) - Stimulus
Arrival of chyme
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) - Origin
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) - Targets & effects
Duodenal glands & stomach - Stimulates buffer secretion; Inhibits acid production; dilates intestinal capillaries
Brush border enzymes in small intestine act on ________
Brush border enzymes in small intestine act on _disaccharides_
Carbohydrates are digested in:
Mouth - salivary amylase
Duodenum - pancreatic amylase
Small Intestine - Brush border enzymes
Proteins are digested in:
Stomach - HCl & Pepsin
Small Intestine - digestive enzymes split peptides into amino acids
HCl in stomach ____ proteins
HCl in stomach _denatures_ proteins
Pepsin in stomach turns proteins into _____
Pepsin in stomach turns proteins into _peptides_
Lipids are digested in:
Mouth - Ligual lipase
Small Intestine - emulsification by bile; pancreatic lipase splits lipid into fatty acid and monoglyceride
Haustral Churning - desc
In large intestine, relaxed pouches are filled from below by muscular contractions
Gastroilial reflex - desc
When stomach is full, gastrin hormone relaxes iliocecal sphincter so small intestine will empty and make room
Gastrocolic reflex - desc
When stomach fills, a strong peristaltic wave moves contents of transverse colon into rectum
Bacteria produce vitamins __ & ___ in colon
Bacteria produce vitamins _K_ & _B_ in colon