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50 Cards in this Set

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Diabetes Incipidus: Nephrogenic
excessively dilute uring
decreased V2 response, defect in signaling
increased plasma volume
Conn syndrome
primary hyperaldosteronism
adrenal glomerulosa cell tumor
increased aldosterone
increased Na reabsorption
increased ECFV
increased ABP
decreased renin release
Frey's syndrome
sweating around ear when eating rather than salivates
injury to auriculotemporal nerve (parasympathetic secretomotor fibers to patotid gland and sympathetic fibers to sweat gland) never severed and crossed paths in regeneration
treatment: cutting tympanic plexus in ear
secondary hypocortisolism
insufficient ACTH release
epidural hematoma
damage to middle meningeal artery
"talking death syndrome"
will cause a midline shift compressing structures
will not cross midline because cannot go through dural fold
Adrenal Tumor
primary hypersecretion; excessive cortisol, low ATCH
Horner's syndrome
sympathetic damage as a result of surgery or tumor
ptosis, anhidrosis, miosis
Diabetes Insipidus: Neurogenic
excessively dilute urine
dysfunction of CNS, trauma, infection/inflammation, cancer
decreased plasma volume
net decrease in bone density
Cushing's disease
secondary hypersecretion of ACTH, increased cortisol
inadequate IGF-1
immediate C-section delivery
hypersecretion of GH
over secretion after puberty
increased membranous bone growth (face and skull)
excess soft tissue growth (hypertrophy of heart)
secondary hyperaldosteronism
decreased renal profusion pressure
increased renin release
increased aldosterone
increased na reabsorption
increased ECFV
increased ABP
LeFort 2 fracture
from top of nasal bone through infraorbital foramen to corners of mouth
African Pygmy
decreased IGF-1 production
cateract formation
chvostek's signs
mood change
muscle spasms
trousseau's signs
subarachnoid hemorrhage
aneurism of the ACOM area
patient will complain of severe headache
secondary hypothyroidism
pituitary dysfunction and inadequate TSH
decreased metabolic rate
Sheehan's Syndrome
pituitary dysfunction; post-partum pituitary ischemia
caused by proliferation of lactotrophs in pregnancy
osteogenesis imperfects
genetic collagen defect
poor bone structure
weak bones
frequent fractures
abnormal matrix deposition
thickening bones
decreased osteoclast activity
primary hypothyroidism
defect in ability of thyroid gland to produce T3 and T4
decreased metabolic rate
hypersecretion of GH
over secretion before puberty
extended bone growth (long bones)
delay of puberty
diabetes mellitus, arthritis, organ hypertrophy, affected mental function
pituitary dysfunction; loss of pituitary hormones
caused by tumor, trauma, ischmeia
Zone II neck Trauma
cricoid cartilage to mid mandible
LeFort 1 fracture
across maxilla from bottom of nasal opening to corners of mouth
Cushing's syndrome
includes cushing's disease, adrenal tumor and ectopic tumor
causes: buffalo hump, increased BP, osteoperosis, edema, s/s of diabetes, menstrual disturbances, kidney stones/calculi, peptic ulcers, muscle wasting/weakness, moon face, abnormal facial hair (female)
Addison Disease
primary hypoaldosteronism, adrenal glomerulosa cell dysfunction
decreased aldosterone
decreased na reabsorption and ECFV
decreased ABP
increased renin release
hypersecretion of catecholamines
usually caused by tumor of adrenal chromaffin cells
s/s: hypertension, severe headache, excessive sweating, palpitations/tachycardia, nausea, tremor, weakness/exhaustion/fatigue, anxiety/nervousness, ab pain, blurred vision
Addison's disease
primary hypocortisolism - insufficient cortisol release
orthostatic hypotension, increased skin pigmentation, weight loss, hypo - naturemia, kalemia, glycemia, lethargy, dizziness, depression
Ectopic tumor that produces ATCH
increased cortisol (plasma), decreased anterior pituitary ACTH
vitamin D deficiency
bone pain
losser's zones, thick bones
hypocalcemic features
post puberty GH/IGF-1 secretion
hypoglycemia, decreased lean body mass, increased adiposity, muscle weakness
"bones, stones, groans and psychic moans"
corneal calcifications
calcifications in organs
confusion headache convulsions
muscle weakness
Laron Dwarfism
GH mediated defect
poor receptor response or receptor defect
vitamin D deficiency
knock knees/bow legs
kyphosis, chest/back deformaties, protruding forehead
hypocalcemic features
tertiary hypothyroidism
hypothalamic dysfunction and inadequate TRH
decreased metabolic rate
infection of sebaceous glands within hair follicle of eyelid
superficial to tarsal plate
infection of mobian gland beneath tarsal plate
bell's palsy
facial nerve lesion
unilateral paralysis of the facial expression muscles
5% of first pregnancies, >140/>90
increased serum creatinine
elevated ASL/ALT
headache/visual disturbance
mother: decreased GFR, acute renal failure, intravascular coagulation, cerebral hemorrhage, adema
Zone III neck Trauma
mid mandible up
Zone I neck Trauma
below the cricoid cartilage
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
small urine volume, hyponaturemia
caused by brain tumor or malignancy
secondary hypoaldosteronism
renal insufficiency
decreased renin release
decreased aldosterone
decreased na reabsorption and ECFV
decreased ABP
Hasimoto's thyroiditisis
lymphocytes infiltrate thyroid tissue; inhibition of Na/I symporter
Early stage: Variable T3/T4 levels
Chronic: Hyopthyroidisn
LeFort 3 fracture
top of nasal bone through orbital fissures
"floating face fracture"
gestational diabetes mellitus
1-14% of pregnancies, hyperglycemia >126, excessive wt gain, polyuria, polydipsia, pruitus/vulvovaginitis
presents as type 2 insulin resistant
fetus: increased wt gain, postnatal hypoglycemia, polyhydramnois/retardation
mother: increases risk of post natal type 2 development
Grave's disease
hyperthyroidism; autoimmune
antibody stimulates TSH receptors on follicular cells
excessive production of thyrogobin, T3 and T4
causes: thyrotoxicosis, goiter
treatment: surgical removal, radioactive iodine