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49 Cards in this Set

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Differentiation (4)
-More than 100 trillion cells in human body
-All derived from fertilized ovum
-200 different types (four general categories)
-Undergo differentiation during development
Plasma membrane
Barrier between cell and external environment
Fluid inside cell
intracellular fluid (ICF)
Fluid outside cell
extracellular fluid (ECF)
Internal compartments of cell (4)
Structure of the Plasma Membrane (4)
Fluid mosaic model
-Phospholipid bilayer
-Membrane proteins
-Membrane carbohydrates
Phospholipids (3)
-Basic structure of membrane
-Barrier to passage of water-soluble substances between ICF and ECF
-Provides fluidity to membrane
Cholesterol (4)
-Adds fluidity to membrane
-Interferes with hydrophobic interactions between phospholipids
-Prevents crystallization of phospholipid
-Decreases permeability of membrane to water
Membrane Proteins (2)
-Some are transmembrane proteins
-Carrier proteins
-Some are located on one side of membrane
-Part of cytoskeleton
Blood Type - Part of cell identity
-ABO system of blood type
-Blood Type A = sugar group shape A
-Blood Type B =sugar group shape B
-Blood type AB=sugar groups of both types
-Blood type O = no sugar group A or B
Membrane Carbohydrates (structure & function)
-Carbohydrates covalently bound to membrane lipids or proteins
-Cell recognition
Structure and Function of the Nucleus (6)
-Nuclear envelope
-Nuclear pores
-Nucleolus—site of rRNA synthesis
-Transmission and expression of genetic information
-Contains DNA—stores genetic code
-DNA transcribed to RNA—necessary to express code
Cytosol and organelles
Functions of cytosol (fluid of the cell) (3)
-Location of specific chemical reactions
-Storage of fat, carbohydrates as inclusions
-Storage of secretory vesicles
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - Rough ER, Smooth ER (5)
-Rough ER
-Flattened sacs
-Granular appearance
-Smooth ER
-Smooth appearance
-Lumens of the two ERs are continuous
Functions Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (3)
-Functions in synthesis of proteins to be packaged into vesicles
-Exported out of cell
-Incorporated into plasma membrane
Functions Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (3)
-Functions in lipid synthesis, including triglycerides and steroids
-Stores calcium
-Specialized in some cells
Example: Liver smooth ER contains detoxification enzymes
Golgi Apparatus Functions (2)
-Post-translational processing of proteins
-Packaging of proteins (and other molecules) into vesicles and directing them to target
Mitochondria (4)
-Are energy-producing organelles (ATP)
-Involved in aerobic respiration
-How we get energy from food molecules
-This is why we breathe
Lysosomes Function (4)
-Contain enzymes that degrade cellular or extracellular debris
-To degrade extracellular debris
Peroxisomes (7)
-Are vesicles containing enzymes
-More specific than Lysosomes
-Involved in some of the detoxification in liver
-Toxin breakdown may produce H2O2
-Catalase – an enzyme present in Peroxisomes
-Converts H2O2 to H2O and O2
-ALD (adrenoleukodystrophy) – lack of enzyme used to breakdown some lipids
Ribosomes (4)
-Ribosomes = rRNA and proteins
-Important in protein synthesis
-Attached to endoplasmic reticulum
-Loose in cytosol
Centrioles (3)
-Paired cylindrical structures
-Perpendicular to each other
-Function in development of mitotic spindle (mitosis)
Cytoskeleton (7)
Lattice of fibrous proteins

Functions of cytoskeleton
-Mechanical support and structure
-Intracellular transport of materials
-Suspension of organelles
-Formation of adhesions with other cells
Protein Synthesis (3)
-The role of the genetic code
Steps of Protein Synthesis (4)
-Code for proteins
-Genetic code
-transcribed in nucleus to mRNA
-mRNA moves from nucleus to cytoplasm
-mRNA translated in cytoplasm to proteins
Genetic Code (7)
-Code for 20 amino acids
-Triplet and codon
-Three base sequence
-Four bases
-43 = 64 codons
-Each codon codes for one amino acid
CCC  proline
-One amino acid can be coded by more than one codon
CCC  proline
CCG  proline
-Requires mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA (ribosomes)
-Occurs in cytoplasm at the ribosome
Cell Division
-Most cells have limited life span
-Types of cell division
-Mitosis replaces cells
Most cells of body are in interphase-
the non-dividing stage of life cycle
Interphase is subdivided into: (3)
-G1 - cell performs normal physiological roles
-S - DNA is replicated in preparation for division
-G2 - chromatin condenses prior to division
Mitosis (4)
-Is phase of life cycle when cell divides
-Chromosomes are condensed & duplicated
-Consist of 2 duplicate strands called chromatids
-Which are connected at the centromere
Mitosis Mitosis Consists of 4 stages:
-prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
-Sometimes Prometaphase as well - text
In prophase chromosomes become visible distinct structures
Chromosomes condense, become visible. Spindle apparatus forms.
In metaphase chromosomes line up single file along equator
anaphase (2)
-In anaphase centromeres split
-Spindle fibers pull each chromatid to opposite poles
Sister chromatids separate to opposite poles of cell.
In telophase chromosomes condense and with completion of

Nuclear membranes assemble around
two daughter nuclei. Chromosomes decondense.
Spindle disappears.
cytokinesis 2 daughter cells are produced
Division of the cytoplasm into two cells.
G1, early interphase
of daughter cells.
Cells resume normal functions or enter another division cycle.
G2, Late interphase
Cell checks for complete DNA replication.
Mitotic Cell Division (5)
-During Prophase, the Chromosomes Condense and the Spindle Microtubules Form and Attach to the Chromosomes
-During Metaphase, the Chromosomes Align Along the Equator of the Cell
-During Anaphase, Sister Chromatids Separate and Are Pulled to Opposite Poles of the Cell
-During Telophase, Nuclear Envelopes Form Around Both Groups of Chromosomes
-During Cytokinesis, the Cytoplasm Is Divided Between Two Daughter Cells
Are genes whose mutations are associated with cancer
Tumor suppressor genes (3)
-Tumor suppressor genes inhibit cancer development
-E.g. gene p53 inhibits cells ability to divide
-Mutations in p53 are associated with cancer
Telomeres (7)
-Are non-coding regions of DNA at ends of chromosomes
-Each time a cell divides, a length of telomere is lost
-When telomere is used up, cell becomes senescent
-Believed to represent a molecular clock for aging
-Apoptosis occurs as a normal physiological response
-Also called programmed cell death
-Cancer cells can divide indefinitely – active telomerase
Steps to cancer (5)
-Damaged DNA
Including damaged p53 gene (p53 would stop cells with abnormal DNA from dividing)
-Abnormal cells signal for more blood vessels
-Immune System fails to recognize abnormally dividing cells
-Failure of contact Inhibition in abnormal cells
-Failure of CAMs (cell adhesion molecules) - cells no longer stick together - metastasis
Steps to stopping cancer (2)
-Treatments for metastasizing cancers include high-
energy radiation and chemotherapy with toxic drugs.
-These treatments target actively dividing cells.
Possible future cancer treatments (3)
- Repair or replace p53 gene

- Control/Stop angiogenesis

- Tag abnormal cells so immune system responds
Meiosis (5)
-Type of cell division occurring in ovaries & testes to produce gametes (ova & sperm)
-Has 2 divisions-DNA is replicated once & divided twice

-In 1st division homologous chromosomes pair along equator of cell rather than singly as in mitosis
-1 member of pair is pulled to each pole
-This gives each daughter cell 23 different chromosomes, consisting of 2 chromatids

-In 2nd division each daughter divides, chromosomes split into 2 chromatids
-1 goes to each new daughter cell
-Each daughter contains 23 chromosomes
-Rather than 46 like mother cell
-Meiosis is therefore called a reduction division
Meiotic Cell Division
-Meiosis Separates Homologous Chromosomes, Producing Haploid Daughter Nuclei
-Meiotic Cell Division Followed by Fusion of Gametes Keeps the Chromosome Number Constant from Generation to Generation
-Meiosis I Separates Homologous Chromosomes into Two Haploid Daughter Nuclei
-During Prophase I, Homologous Chromosomes Pair Up and Exchange DNA