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81 Cards in this Set

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diffusion rate
dp to surface area
dp to concentration gradient
idp to membrane thickness
idp to diffusion distance
the most important factor for gas exchange is
concentration gradient
when gas is placed in contact with water and there is a pg then
gas molecules will move from one phase to the other
the movement of gas molecules from air into liquid is dp to 3 factors
pg of gas
solubility of gas in the liquid
temperature (which will be ignored)
what occurs at equilibrium
pressure of o2 is equal in air and in water but concentration is not necessarily the same
carbon dioxide solubility
20x more than oxygen in water
oxygen diffusion
from alveoli to peripheral tissue... normal alveoli is 100 mm in alveoli and 40 in cells
co2 diffusion
pco2 is higher in tissues than in systemic capillary blood becaues of co2 production during metabolism
cellular pco2 is 46 while arterial plasma is 40
hypoxia and hypercapnia
state of too little oxygen
state of too much co2
low arterial oxygen content problems
inadequate oxygen reaching the alveoli
-problems with oxygen exchange btw alveoli and pulmonary capillaries
-inadequate transport of oxygen in the blood
hypoxic hypoxia
low arterial po2 caused by high altitude, decreased lung diffusion capacity
anemic hypoxia
decreased total amount of o2 bound to hemoglobin caused by blood loss, carbon monoxide poisoning
ischemic hypoxia
reduced blood flow caused by heart failure
histotoxic hypoxia
failure of cells to use o2 because cells have been poisoned caused by poisons especially cyanide
what does a decrease in alveolar po2 do?
decreases oxygen uptake at the lungs
1) inspired air has abnormally low oxygen content
2)alveolar ventilation is inadequate
the main factor that affects the oxygen content of inspired air is
low alveolar ventilation is known as
normal lung has
normal po2
destruction of alveoli reduces surface area for gas exchange
po2 normal or low
po2 low
fibrotic lung disease
thickened alveolar membrane slows gas exchange
loss of lung compliance may decrease alveolar ventilation
po2 is low or normal
po2 is low
pulmonary edema
fluid in interstitial space increases diffusion distance. arterial pco2 may be normal due to higher co2 solubility in water
po2 is normal for exchange surface but low for vent?
increased airway resistance decreases airway ventilation
-bronchioles constrict
-po2 is low 2x
why is diffusion distance usually small?
becasue cells are thin and there is little or no interstitial fluid btw the two cell layers
pathological changes adversely affect gas exchange include
a decrease in the amount of alveolar surface area available for gas exchange
-an increase in teh thickness of the alveolar membrane
-an increase in the diffusion distance btw the alveoli and the blood
gas exchange btw the lungs is
rapid and blood flow thru the pulmonary capillaries is slow
in emphysema which is a degenerative lung disease there is a
there is a physical loss of alveolar surface
diffusion of gases through scar tissue is
much slower than normal
because the lungs have a built-in reserve capacity...
1/3 of the exchange epithelium must be incapacitated before arterial Po2 falls significantly
diffusion distance btween the alveoli and blood increases in this pathological condition
pulmonary edema, which is characterized by excessive interstitial fluid volume in the lungs
-normally only small amount of isf are present in the lungs which result in effective lymph drainage and low pulmonary blood pressure.
when capillary hydrostatic pressure increases
more fluid filters out of the capillary
-if too much filtration, the lymphatics are unable to remove all the fluid and excess accumulates in the pulmonary interstitial space, creating pulmonary edema
co2 is relatively soluble in body fluids so the increased diffusion distance may
not have a significant on co2
major cause of death from altitude sickness
high pulmonary arterial pressure, extreme shortness of breath, and sometimes a productive cough yielding a pink, frothy fluid
oxygen is transported in 2 ways in the blood
dissolved in plasma
bound to hemoglobin
hb + o2 <=> HbO2
plasma Po2 increases where and how
in pulmonary capillaries as oxygen diffuses in from the alveoli
plasma Po2 falls where
at the cells and hb gives up its oxygen
the majority of oxygen is bound to
hb 98% and transported inside of rbc
total arterial O2 carrying capacity =
3 mL dissolved O2/L blood +
197 mL HbO2/blood = 200
what happens if cardiac output remains at 5 L/min?
then the hemoglobin-assisted oxygen delivery to cells is almost 1000 mL/min
the amount of oxygen that binds to hemoglobin depends on 2 factors
the Po2 in the plasma surrounding the RBC
-the number of potential binding sites available in the RBC
what is the primary factor determining available hemoglobin binding sites that are occupied by oxygen?
plasma Po2
arterial Po2 is established by
composition of inspired air
alveolar ventilation rate
efficiency of gas exchange from alveoli to blood
hemoglobin adults v. fetus
adults: 2 alpha and 2 beta
fetus: 2 alpha and 2 gamma
oxygen-hemoglobin binding obeys the law of mass action
if you increase oxygen conc., then the reaction shifts to the right
what determines oxygen-hb binding?
the Po2 of plasma surrounding the red blood cells
what happens when cells increase their metabolic activity?
Po2 decreases and hb releases more oxygen to them
percent saturation of hb
the percentage of available binding sites that are bound to oxygen
oxygen-hb dissociation curve
the percent change is much greater at lower percentages than near saturation
what affects oxygen-hb binding?
increased temperature
will decrease the affinity of hb for oxygen and shift to the right
decreased pH
will decrease the affinity of hb for oxygen and shift to the right
will decrease the affinity of hb for oxygen and shift to the right
increased Pco2
what happens when you exercise?
anaerobic metabolism produces lactic acid which in turn releases H+ into cytoplasm and ecf causing an increase in H+ and decrease in pH thus decreasing the affinity of hb for oxygen, and shift to the right
bohr effect
a shift in hb saturation curve that results from a change in pH
what happens when you experience chronic hypoxia which is an extended period of low oxygen?
chronic hypoxia increases 2,3-DPG in RBC which lowers binding and shifts curve to the right
fetal hb v maternal hb
fetal hb has a higher binding affinity
Co2 transport
7% carried by venous blood is dissolved in the blood
-93% diffuses into RBC
-70% is converted to bicarbonate ion
-23% binds to hb
why is removing CO2 from the body so important?
elevated Pco2 (hypercapnia) causes the pH disturbance known as acidosis leading to denaturing of proteins and depression of CNS
why convert Co2 to HCO3?
provide an additional means by which Co2 can be transported from cells to lungs
-HCO3 is available to act as a buffer for metabolic acids thereby helping stabilize the body's pH
how does co2 turn into hco3
carbonic anhydrase
total arterial o2 content is divided into
oxygen bound to hb
oxygen dissolved in plasma (Po2 of plasma)
oxygen bound to hb
% saturation of hb
total number of binding sites
% saturation of hb
total number of binding sites
hb content per RBC
number of RBCs
oxygen dissolved in plasma
composition of inspired air
alveolar ventilation
oxygen diffusion btw alveoli and blood
adequate perfusion of alveoli
carbonic anhydrase does what to co2 and water?
forms carbonic acid h2co3 which then dissociates into H+ and hco3-
two separate mechanisms remove free H+ and HCO3
1) chloride shift- exchanges 1 hco3 for 1 cl while maintaining electrical neutrality
2)hb acts as a buffer for preventing large changes in body's pH but if pCO2 is elevated, H+ causes respiratory acidosis
Co2 and H+ ___ hemoglobin's binding affinity for oxygen
contraction of skeletal muscles
not able to contract spontaneously, must be initiated by somatic motor neurons
contraction of diaphragm and intercostals
initiated by groups of neurons in the pons and medulla of the brain stem
model for control of ventilation
respiratory neurons in the medulla control inspiration and expiration
-neurons in the pons modulate ventilation
-rhythmic pattern of breathing arises from a network of spontaneously discharging neurons
-ventilation is subject to modulation by various chemoreceptor-linked reflexes
neurons in the medulla control
ventilation pattern depends on the levels of ___ in the ecf
dorsal respiratory group of neurons contain
mostly inspiratory neurons that control the diaphragm
ventral respiratory group of neurons control
muscles used for active expiration and some inspiratory muscles
central pattern generator
medulla oblongata
somatic motor neurons for inspiration
scalene and stenocleidomastoid
external intercostals
somatic motor neurons expiration
internal intercostals
abdominal muscles
what 3 things influence ventilation?
Co2 the primary stimulus for changes in ventilation
what triggers an increase in ventilation
decrease in Po2 or pH
increase in PCO2
hering-breuer inflation reflex
prevents overexpansion of the lungs during strenuous exercise
irritant receptors
send signals thru sensory neurons to control centers in the CNS that trigger bronchoconstriction